Vision Transformer

2022-08-02 更新

Learning to Prompt for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Kaiyang Zhou, Jingkang Yang, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu

Large pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP have shown great potential in learning representations that are transferable across a wide range of downstream tasks. Different from the traditional representation learning that is based mostly on discretized labels, vision-language pre-training aligns images and texts in a common feature space, which allows zero-shot transfer to a downstream task via prompting, i.e., classification weights are synthesized from natural language describing classes of interest. In this work, we show that a major challenge for deploying such models in practice is prompt engineering, which requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming — one needs to spend a significant amount of time on words tuning since a slight change in wording could have a huge impact on performance. Inspired by recent advances in prompt learning research in natural language processing (NLP), we propose Context Optimization (CoOp), a simple approach specifically for adapting CLIP-like vision-language models for downstream image recognition. Concretely, CoOp models a prompt’s context words with learnable vectors while the entire pre-trained parameters are kept fixed. To handle different image recognition tasks, we provide two implementations of CoOp: unified context and class-specific context. Through extensive experiments on 11 datasets, we demonstrate that CoOp requires as few as one or two shots to beat hand-crafted prompts with a decent margin and is able to gain significant improvements over prompt engineering with more shots, e.g., with 16 shots the average gain is around 15% (with the highest reaching over 45%). Despite being a learning-based approach, CoOp achieves superb domain generalization performance compared with the zero-shot model using hand-crafted prompts.
PDF International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2022


SdAE: Self-distillated Masked Autoencoder

Authors:Yabo Chen, Yuchen Liu, Dongsheng Jiang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wenrui Dai, Hongkai Xiong, Qi Tian

With the development of generative-based self-supervised learning (SSL) approaches like BeiT and MAE, how to learn good representations by masking random patches of the input image and reconstructing the missing information has grown in concern. However, BeiT and PeCo need a “pre-pretraining” stage to produce discrete codebooks for masked patches representing. MAE does not require a pre-training codebook process, but setting pixels as reconstruction targets may introduce an optimization gap between pre-training and downstream tasks that good reconstruction quality may not always lead to the high descriptive capability for the model. Considering the above issues, in this paper, we propose a simple Self-distillated masked AutoEncoder network, namely SdAE. SdAE consists of a student branch using an encoder-decoder structure to reconstruct the missing information, and a teacher branch producing latent representation of masked tokens. We also analyze how to build good views for the teacher branch to produce latent representation from the perspective of information bottleneck. After that, we propose a multi-fold masking strategy to provide multiple masked views with balanced information for boosting the performance, which can also reduce the computational complexity. Our approach generalizes well: with only 300 epochs pre-training, a vanilla ViT-Base model achieves an 84.1% fine-tuning accuracy on ImageNet-1k classification, 48.6 mIOU on ADE20K segmentation, and 48.9 mAP on COCO detection, which surpasses other methods by a considerable margin. Code is available at
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022


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