
2022-08-02 更新

Backdoor Attack is a Devil in Federated GAN-based Medical Image Synthesis

Authors:Ruinan Jin, Xiaoxiao Li

Deep Learning-based image synthesis techniques have been applied in healthcare research for generating medical images to support open research. Training generative adversarial neural networks (GAN) usually requires large amounts of training data. Federated learning (FL) provides a way of training a central model using distributed data from different medical institutions while keeping raw data locally. However, FL is vulnerable to backdoor attack, an adversarial by poisoning training data, given the central server cannot access the original data directly. Most backdoor attack strategies focus on classification models and centralized domains. In this study, we propose a way of attacking federated GAN (FedGAN) by treating the discriminator with a commonly used data poisoning strategy in backdoor attack classification models. We demonstrate that adding a small trigger with size less than 0.5 percent of the original image size can corrupt the FL-GAN model. Based on the proposed attack, we provide two effective defense strategies: global malicious detection and local training regularization. We show that combining the two defense strategies yields a robust medical image generation.
PDF 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by MICCAI 2022 SASHIMI Workshop


Robust Real-World Image Super-Resolution against Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Jiutao Yue, Haofeng Li, Pengxu Wei, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin

Recently deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in real-world image super-resolution (SR). However, adversarial image samples with quasi-imperceptible noises could threaten deep learning SR models. In this paper, we propose a robust deep learning framework for real-world SR that randomly erases potential adversarial noises in the frequency domain of input images or features. The rationale is that on the SR task clean images or features have a different pattern from the attacked ones in the frequency domain. Observing that existing adversarial attacks usually add high-frequency noises to input images, we introduce a novel random frequency mask module that blocks out high-frequency components possibly containing the harmful perturbations in a stochastic manner. Since the frequency masking may not only destroys the adversarial perturbations but also affects the sharp details in a clean image, we further develop an adversarial sample classifier based on the frequency domain of images to determine if applying the proposed mask module. Based on the above ideas, we devise a novel real-world image SR framework that combines the proposed frequency mask modules and the proposed adversarial classifier with an existing super-resolution backbone network. Experiments show that our proposed method is more insensitive to adversarial attacks and presents more stable SR results than existing models and defenses.
PDF ACM-MM 2021, Code: https://github.com/lhaof/Robust-SR-against-Adversarial-Attacks


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