
2022-07-19 更新

Watermark Vaccine: Adversarial Attacks to Prevent Watermark Removal

Authors:Xinwei Liu, Jian Liu, Yang Bai, Jindong Gu, Tao Chen, Xiaojun Jia, Xiaochun Cao

As a common security tool, visible watermarking has been widely applied to protect copyrights of digital images. However, recent works have shown that visible watermarks can be removed by DNNs without damaging their host images. Such watermark-removal techniques pose a great threat to the ownership of images. Inspired by the vulnerability of DNNs on adversarial perturbations, we propose a novel defence mechanism by adversarial machine learning for good. From the perspective of the adversary, blind watermark-removal networks can be posed as our target models; then we actually optimize an imperceptible adversarial perturbation on the host images to proactively attack against watermark-removal networks, dubbed Watermark Vaccine. Specifically, two types of vaccines are proposed. Disrupting Watermark Vaccine (DWV) induces to ruin the host image along with watermark after passing through watermark-removal networks. In contrast, Inerasable Watermark Vaccine (IWV) works in another fashion of trying to keep the watermark not removed and still noticeable. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our DWV/IWV in preventing watermark removal, especially on various watermark removal networks.


DIMBA: Discretely Masked Black-Box Attack in Single Object Tracking

Authors:Xiangyu Yin, Wenjie Ruan, Jonathan Fieldsend

The adversarial attack can force a CNN-based model to produce an incorrect output by craftily manipulating human-imperceptible input. Exploring such perturbations can help us gain a deeper understanding of the vulnerability of neural networks, and provide robustness to deep learning against miscellaneous adversaries. Despite extensive studies focusing on the robustness of image, audio, and NLP, works on adversarial examples of visual object tracking — especially in a black-box manner — are quite lacking. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial attack method to generate noises for single object tracking under black-box settings, where perturbations are merely added on initial frames of tracking sequences, which is difficult to be noticed from the perspective of a whole video clip. Specifically, we divide our algorithm into three components and exploit reinforcement learning for localizing important frame patches precisely while reducing unnecessary computational queries overhead. Compared to existing techniques, our method requires fewer queries on initialized frames of a video to manipulate competitive or even better attack performance. We test our algorithm in both long-term and short-term datasets, including OTB100, VOT2018, UAV123, and LaSOT. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three mainstream types of trackers: discrimination, Siamese-based, and reinforcement learning-based trackers.


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