
2022-07-06 更新

Embedding contrastive unsupervised features to cluster in- and out-of-distribution noise in corrupted image datasets

Authors:Paul Albert, Eric Arazo, Noel E. O’Connor, Kevin McGuinness

Using search engines for web image retrieval is a tempting alternative to manual curation when creating an image dataset, but their main drawback remains the proportion of incorrect (noisy) samples retrieved. These noisy samples have been evidenced by previous works to be a mixture of in-distribution (ID) samples, assigned to the incorrect category but presenting similar visual semantics to other classes in the dataset, and out-of-distribution (OOD) images, which share no semantic correlation with any category from the dataset. The latter are, in practice, the dominant type of noisy images retrieved. To tackle this noise duality, we propose a two stage algorithm starting with a detection step where we use unsupervised contrastive feature learning to represent images in a feature space. We find that the alignment and uniformity principles of contrastive learning allow OOD samples to be linearly separated from ID samples on the unit hypersphere. We then spectrally embed the unsupervised representations using a fixed neighborhood size and apply an outlier sensitive clustering at the class level to detect the clean and OOD clusters as well as ID noisy outliers. We finally train a noise robust neural network that corrects ID noise to the correct category and utilizes OOD samples in a guided contrastive objective, clustering them to improve low-level features. Our algorithm improves the state-of-the-art results on synthetic noise image datasets as well as real-world web-crawled data. Our work is fully reproducible [github].
PDF Accepted at ECCV 2022


DUET: Cross-modal Semantic Grounding for Contrastive Zero-shot Learning

Authors:Zhuo Chen, Yufeng Huang, Jiaoyan Chen, Yuxia Geng, Wen Zhang, Yin Fang, Jeff Z. Pan, Wenting Song, Huajun Chen

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to predict unseen classes whose samples have never appeared during training, often utilizing additional semantic information (a.k.a. side information) to bridge the training (seen) classes and the unseen classes. One of the most effective and widely used semantic information for zero-shot image classification are attributes which are annotations for class-level visual characteristics. However, due to the shortage of fine-grained annotations, the attribute imbalance and co-occurrence, the current methods often fail to discriminate those subtle visual distinctions between images, which limits their performances. In this paper, we present a transformer-based end-to-end ZSL method named DUET, which integrates latent semantic knowledge from the pretrained language models (PLMs) via a self-supervised multi-modal learning paradigm. Specifically, we (1) developed a cross-modal semantic grounding network to investigate the model’s capability of disentangling semantic attributes from the images, (2) applied an attribute-level contrastive learning strategy to further enhance the model’s discrimination on fine-grained visual characteristics against the attribute co-occurrence and imbalance, and (3) proposed a multi-task learning policy for considering multi-model objectives. With extensive experiments on three standard ZSL benchmarks and a knowledge graph equipped ZSL benchmark, we find that DUET can often achieve state-of-the-art performance, its components are effective and its predictions are interpretable.
PDF Work in progress


Explicit Boundary Guided Semi-Push-Pull Contrastive Learning for Better Anomaly Detection

Authors:Xincheng Yao, Chongyang Zhang, Ruoqi Li

Most of anomaly detection algorithms are mainly focused on modeling the distribution of normal samples and treating anomalies as outliers. However, the discriminative performance of the model may be insufficient due to the lack of knowledge about anomalies. Thus, anomalies should be exploited as possible. However, utilizing a few known anomalies during training may cause another issue that model may be biased by those known anomalies and fail to generalize to unseen anomalies. In this paper, we aim to exploit a few existing anomalies with a carefully designed explicit boundary guided semi-push-pull learning strategy, which can enhance discriminability while mitigating bias problem caused by insufficient known anomalies. Our model is based on two core designs: First, finding one explicit separating boundary as the guidance for further contrastive learning. Specifically, we employ normalizing flow to learn normal feature distribution, then find an explicit separating boundary close to the distribution edge. The obtained explicit and compact separating boundary only relies on the normal feature distribution, thus the bias problem caused by a few known anomalies can be mitigated. Second, learning more discriminative features under the guidance of the explicit separating boundary. A boundary guided semi-push-pull loss is developed to only pull the normal features together while pushing the abnormal features apart from the separating boundary beyond a certain margin region. In this way, our model can form a more explicit and discriminative decision boundary to achieve better results for known and also unseen anomalies, while also maintaining high training efficiency. Extensive experiments on the widely-used MVTecAD benchmark show that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results, with the performance of 98.8% image-level AUROC and 99.4% pixel-level AUROC.
PDF 18 pages


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