I2I Translation

2022-06-25 更新

Test-time image-to-image translation ensembling improves out-of-distribution generalization in histopathology

Authors:Marin Scalbert, Maria Vakalopoulou, Florent Couzinié-Devy

Histopathology whole slide images (WSIs) can reveal significant inter-hospital variability such as illumination, color or optical artifacts. These variations, caused by the use of different scanning protocols across medical centers (staining, scanner), can strongly harm algorithms generalization on unseen protocols. This motivates development of new methods to limit such drop of performances. In this paper, to enhance robustness on unseen target protocols, we propose a new test-time data augmentation based on multi domain image-to-image translation. It allows to project images from unseen protocol into each source domain before classifying them and ensembling the predictions. This test-time augmentation method results in a significant boost of performances for domain generalization. To demonstrate its effectiveness, our method has been evaluated on 2 different histopathology tasks where it outperforms conventional domain generalization, standard H&E specific color augmentation/normalization and standard test-time augmentation techniques. Our code is publicly available at https://gitlab.com/vitadx/articles/test-time-i2i-translation-ensembling.
PDF MICCAI2022 conference


MultiSubs: A Large-scale Multimodal and Multilingual Dataset

Authors:Josiah Wang, Pranava Madhyastha, Josiel Figueiredo, Chiraag Lala, Lucia Specia

This paper introduces a large-scale multimodal and multilingual dataset that aims to facilitate research on grounding words to images in their contextual usage in language. The dataset consists of images selected to unambiguously illustrate concepts expressed in sentences from movie subtitles. The dataset is a valuable resource as (i) the images are aligned to text fragments rather than whole sentences; (ii) multiple images are possible for a text fragment and a sentence; (iii) the sentences are free-form and real-world like; (iv) the parallel texts are multilingual. We set up a fill-in-the-blank game for humans to evaluate the quality of the automatic image selection process of our dataset. We show the utility of the dataset on two automatic tasks: (i) fill-in-the-blank; (ii) lexical translation. Results of the human evaluation and automatic models demonstrate that images can be a useful complement to the textual context. The dataset will benefit research on visual grounding of words especially in the context of free-form sentences, and can be obtained from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5034604 under a Creative Commons licence.
PDF Added an n-gram with back-off baseline model to the lexical translation task (Section 7.2.4). Also synchronised the paper structure to the LREC2022 version of this work. This arxiv version is a longer version of the LREC2022 version including more experiments and an additional lexical translation task


Scaling Autoregressive Models for Content-Rich Text-to-Image Generation

Authors:Jiahui Yu, Yuanzhong Xu, Jing Yu Koh, Thang Luong, Gunjan Baid, Zirui Wang, Vijay Vasudevan, Alexander Ku, Yinfei Yang, Burcu Karagol Ayan, Ben Hutchinson, Wei Han, Zarana Parekh, Xin Li, Han Zhang, Jason Baldridge, Yonghui Wu

We present the Pathways Autoregressive Text-to-Image (Parti) model, which generates high-fidelity photorealistic images and supports content-rich synthesis involving complex compositions and world knowledge. Parti treats text-to-image generation as a sequence-to-sequence modeling problem, akin to machine translation, with sequences of image tokens as the target outputs rather than text tokens in another language. This strategy can naturally tap into the rich body of prior work on large language models, which have seen continued advances in capabilities and performance through scaling data and model sizes. Our approach is simple: First, Parti uses a Transformer-based image tokenizer, ViT-VQGAN, to encode images as sequences of discrete tokens. Second, we achieve consistent quality improvements by scaling the encoder-decoder Transformer model up to 20B parameters, with a new state-of-the-art zero-shot FID score of 7.23 and finetuned FID score of 3.22 on MS-COCO. Our detailed analysis on Localized Narratives as well as PartiPrompts (P2), a new holistic benchmark of over 1600 English prompts, demonstrate the effectiveness of Parti across a wide variety of categories and difficulty aspects. We also explore and highlight limitations of our models in order to define and exemplify key areas of focus for further improvements. See https://parti.research.google/ for high-resolution images.
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Learning Continuous Rotation Canonicalization with Radial Beam Sampling

Authors:Johann Schmidt, Sebastian Stober

Nearly all state of the art vision models are sensitive to image rotations. Existing methods often compensate for missing inductive biases by using augmented training data to learn pseudo-invariances. Alongside the resource demanding data inflation process, predictions often poorly generalize. The inductive biases inherent to convolutional neural networks allow for translation equivariance through kernels acting parallely to the horizontal and vertical axes of the pixel grid. This inductive bias, however, does not allow for rotation equivariance. We propose a radial beam sampling strategy along with radial kernels operating on these beams to inherently incorporate center-rotation covariance. Together with an angle distance loss, we present a radial beam-based image canonicalization model, short BIC. Our model allows for maximal continuous angle regression and canonicalizes arbitrary center-rotated input images. As a pre-processing model, this enables rotation-invariant vision pipelines with model-agnostic rotation-sensitive downstream predictions. We show that our end-to-end trained angle regressor is able to predict continuous rotation angles on several vision datasets, i.e. FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, COIL100, and LFW.


Visualizing and Understanding Self-Supervised Vision Learning

Authors:Fawaz Sammani, Boris Joukovsky, Nikos Deligiannis

Self-Supervised vision learning has revolutionized deep learning, becoming the next big challenge in the domain and rapidly closing the gap with supervised methods on large computer vision benchmarks. With current models and training data exponentially growing, explaining and understanding these models becomes pivotal. We study the problem of explainable artificial intelligence in the domain of self-supervised learning for vision tasks, and present methods to understand networks trained with self-supervision and their inner workings. Given the huge diversity of self-supervised vision pretext tasks, we narrow our focus on understanding paradigms which learn from two views of the same image, and mainly aim to understand the pretext task. Our work focuses on explaining similarity learning, and is easily extendable to all other pretext tasks. We study two popular self-supervised vision models: SimCLR and Barlow Twins. We develop a total of six methods for visualizing and understanding these models: Perturbation-based methods (conditional occlusion, context-agnostic conditional occlusion and pairwise occlusion), Interaction-CAM, Feature Visualization, Model Difference Visualization, Averaged Transforms and Pixel Invaraince. Finally, we evaluate these explanations by translating well-known evaluation metrics tailored towards supervised image classification systems involving a single image, into the domain of self-supervised learning where two images are involved. Code is at: https://github.com/fawazsammani/xai-ssl


Prototypical Contrastive Language Image Pretraining

Authors:Delong Chen, Zhao Wu, Fan Liu, Zaiquan Yang, Yixiang Huang, Yiping Bao, Erjin Zhou

Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (CLIP) received widespread attention since its learned representations can be transferred well to various downstream tasks. During CLIP training, the InfoNCE objective aims to align positive image-text pairs and separate negative ones. In this paper, we show a representation grouping effect during this process: the InfoNCE objective indirectly groups semantically similar representations together via randomly emerged within-modal anchors. We introduce Prototypical Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (ProtoCLIP) to enhance such grouping by boosting its efficiency and increasing its robustness against modality gap. Specifically, ProtoCLIP sets up prototype-level discrimination between image and text spaces, which efficiently transfers higher-level structural knowledge. We further propose Prototypical Back Translation (PBT) to decouple representation grouping from representation alignment, resulting in effective learning of meaningful representations under large modality gap. PBT also enables us to introduce additional external teachers with richer prior knowledge. ProtoCLIP is trained with an online episodic training strategy, which makes it can be scaled up to unlimited amounts of data. Combining the above novel designs, we train our ProtoCLIP on Conceptual Captions and achieved an +5.81% ImageNet linear probing improvement and an +2.01% ImageNet zero-shot classification improvement. Codes are available at https://github.com/megvii-research/protoclip.
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