2022-06-09 更新

ObPose: Leveraging Canonical Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference in 3D

Authors:Yizhe Wu, Oiwi Parker Jones, Ingmar Posner

We present ObPose, an unsupervised object-centric generative model that learns to segment 3D objects from RGB-D video in an unsupervised manner. Inspired by prior art in 2D representation learning, ObPose considers a factorised latent space, separately encoding object-wise location (where) and appearance (what) information. In particular, ObPose leverages an object’s canonical pose, defined via a minimum volume principle, as a novel inductive bias for learning the where component. To achieve this, we propose an efficient, voxelised approximation approach to recover the object shape directly from a neural radiance field (NeRF). As a consequence, ObPose models scenes as compositions of NeRFs representing individual objects. When evaluated on the YCB dataset for unsupervised scene segmentation, ObPose outperforms the current state-of-the-art in 3D scene inference (ObSuRF) by a significant margin in terms of segmentation quality for both video inputs as well as for multi-view static scenes. In addition, the design choices made in the ObPose encoder are validated with relevant ablations.
PDF 16 pages, 6 figures


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