
2022-05-20 更新

Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning

Authors:Yuxin Zhang, Fan Tang, Weiming Dong, Haibin Huang, Chongyang Ma, Tong-Yee Lee, Changsheng Xu

In this work, we tackle the challenging problem of arbitrary image style transfer using a novel style feature representation learning method. A suitable style representation, as a key component in image stylization tasks, is essential to achieve satisfactory results. Existing deep neural network based approaches achieve reasonable results with the guidance from second-order statistics such as Gram matrix of content features. However, they do not leverage sufficient style information, which results in artifacts such as local distortions and style inconsistency. To address these issues, we propose to learn style representation directly from image features instead of their second-order statistics, by analyzing the similarities and differences between multiple styles and considering the style distribution. Specifically, we present Contrastive Arbitrary Style Transfer (CAST), which is a new style representation learning and style transfer method via contrastive learning. Our framework consists of three key components, i.e., a multi-layer style projector for style code encoding, a domain enhancement module for effective learning of style distribution, and a generative network for image style transfer. We conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluations comprehensively to demonstrate that our approach achieves significantly better results compared to those obtained via state-of-the-art methods. Code and models are available at https://github.com/zyxElsa/CAST_pytorch
PDF Accepted by SIGGRAPH 2022


Masked Image Modeling with Denoising Contrast

Authors:Kun Yi, Yixiao Ge, Xiaotong Li, Shusheng Yang, Dian Li, Jianping Wu, Ying Shan, Xiaohu Qie

Since the development of self-supervised visual representation learning from contrastive learning to masked image modeling, there is no significant difference in essence, that is, how to design proper pretext tasks for vision dictionary look-up. Masked image modeling recently dominates this line of research with state-of-the-art performance on vision Transformers, where the core is to enhance the patch-level visual context capturing of the network via denoising auto-encoding mechanism. Rather than tailoring image tokenizers with extra training stages as in previous works, we unleash the great potential of contrastive learning on denoising auto-encoding and introduce a new pre-training method, ConMIM, to produce simple intra-image inter-patch contrastive constraints as the learning objectives for masked patch prediction. We further strengthen the denoising mechanism with asymmetric designs, including image perturbations and model progress rates, to improve the network pre-training. ConMIM-pretrained vision Transformers with various scales achieve promising results on downstream image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks.


Achieving Domain Generalization in Underwater Object Detection by Domain Mixup and Contrastive Learning

Authors:Pinhao Song, Linhui Dai, Peipei Yuan, Hong Liu, Runwei Ding

The performance of existing underwater object detection methods degrades seriously when facing domain shift caused by complicated underwater environments. Due to the limitation of the number of domains in the dataset, deep detectors easily memorize a few seen domains, which leads to low generalization ability. There are two common ideas to improve the domain generalization performance. First, it can be inferred that the detector trained on as many domains as possible is domain-invariant. Second, for the images with the same semantic content in different domains, their hidden features should be equivalent. This paper further excavates these two ideas and proposes a domain generalization framework (named DMC) that learns how to generalize across domains from Domain Mixup and Contrastive Learning. First, based on the formation of underwater images, an image in an underwater environment is the linear transformation of another underwater environment. Thus, a style transfer model, which outputs a linear transformation matrix instead of the whole image, is proposed to transform images from one source domain to another, enriching the domain diversity of the training data. Second, mixup operation interpolates different domains on the feature level, sampling new domains on the domain manifold. Third, contrastive loss is selectively applied to features from different domains to force the model to learn domain invariant features but retain the discriminative capacity. With our method, detectors will be robust to domain shift. Also, a domain generalization benchmark S-UODAC2020 for detection is set up to measure the performance of our method. Comprehensive experiments on S-UODAC2020 and two object recognition benchmarks (PACS and VLCS) demonstrate that the proposed method is able to learn domain-invariant representations, and outperforms other domain generalization methods.


文章作者: 木子已
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