I2I Translation

2022-04-26 更新

Exploring Negatives in Contrastive Learning for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Yupei Lin, Sen Zhang, Tianshui Chen, Yongyi Lu, Guangping Li, Yukai Shi

Unpaired image-to-image translation aims to find a mapping between the source domain and the target domain. To alleviate the problem of the lack of supervised labels for the source images, cycle-consistency based methods have been proposed for image structure preservation by assuming a reversible relationship between unpaired images. However, this assumption only uses limited correspondence between image pairs. Recently, contrastive learning (CL) has been used to further investigate the image correspondence in unpaired image translation by using patch-based positive/negative learning. Patch-based contrastive routines obtain the positives by self-similarity computation and recognize the rest patches as negatives. This flexible learning paradigm obtains auxiliary contextualized information at a low cost. As the negatives own an impressive sample number, with curiosity, we make an investigation based on a question: are all negatives necessary for feature contrastive learning? Unlike previous CL approaches that use negatives as much as possible, in this paper, we study the negatives from an information-theoretic perspective and introduce a new negative Pruning technology for Unpaired image-to-image Translation (PUT) by sparsifying and ranking the patches. The proposed algorithm is efficient, flexible and enables the model to learn essential information between corresponding patches stably. By putting quality over quantity, only a few negative patches are required to achieve better results. Lastly, we validate the superiority, stability, and versatility of our model through comparative experiments.
PDF We found that negatives show better effects in contrastive learning by adopting a sample pruning constraint


Real-Time Neural Character Rendering with Pose-Guided Multiplane Images

Authors:Hao Ouyang, Bo Zhang, Pan Zhang, Hao Yang, Jiaolong Yang, Dong Chen, Qifeng Chen, Fang Wen

We propose pose-guided multiplane image (MPI) synthesis which can render an animatable character in real scenes with photorealistic quality. We use a portable camera rig to capture the multi-view images along with the driving signal for the moving subject. Our method generalizes the image-to-image translation paradigm, which translates the human pose to a 3D scene representation — MPIs that can be rendered in free viewpoints, using the multi-views captures as supervision. To fully cultivate the potential of MPI, we propose depth-adaptive MPI which can be learned using variable exposure images while being robust to inaccurate camera registration. Our method demonstrates advantageous novel-view synthesis quality over the state-of-the-art approaches for characters with challenging motions. Moreover, the proposed method is generalizable to novel combinations of training poses and can be explicitly controlled. Our method achieves such expressive and animatable character rendering all in real time, serving as a promising solution for practical applications.
PDF Project website: https://ken-ouyang.github.io/cmpi/index.html


2022-04-26 更新

SE-GAN: Skeleton Enhanced GAN-based Model for Brush Handwriting Font Generation

Authors:Shaozu Yuan, Ruixue Liu, Meng Chen, Baoyang Chen, Zhijie Qiu, Xiaodong He

Previous works on font generation mainly focus on the standard print fonts where character’s shape is stable and strokes are clearly separated. There is rare research on brush handwriting font generation, which involves holistic structure changes and complex strokes transfer. To address this issue, we propose a novel GAN-based image translation model by integrating the skeleton information. We first extract the skeleton from training images, then design an image encoder and a skeleton encoder to extract corresponding features. A self-attentive refined attention module is devised to guide the model to learn distinctive features between different domains. A skeleton discriminator is involved to first synthesize the skeleton image from the generated image with a pre-trained generator, then to judge its realness to the target one. We also contribute a large-scale brush handwriting font image dataset with six styles and 15,000 high-resolution images. Both quantitative and qualitative experimental results demonstrate the competitiveness of our proposed model.
PDF Accepted by ICME 2022


Improving the Robustness of Adversarial Attacks Using an Affine-Invariant Gradient Estimator

Authors:Wenzhao Xiang, Hang Su, Chang Liu, Yandong Guo, Shibao Zheng

As designers of artificial intelligence try to outwit hackers, both sides continue to hone in on AI’s inherent vulnerabilities. Designed and trained from certain statistical distributions of data, AI’s deep neural networks (DNNs) remain vulnerable to deceptive inputs that violate a DNN’s statistical, predictive assumptions. Before being fed into a neural network, however, most existing adversarial examples cannot maintain malicious functionality when applied to an affine transformation. For practical purposes, maintaining that malicious functionality serves as an important measure of the robustness of adversarial attacks. To help DNNs learn to defend themselves more thoroughly against attacks, we propose an affine-invariant adversarial attack, which can consistently produce more robust adversarial examples over affine transformations. For efficiency, we propose to disentangle current affine-transformation strategies from the Euclidean geometry coordinate plane with its geometric translations, rotations and dilations; we reformulate the latter two in polar coordinates. Afterwards, we construct an affine-invariant gradient estimator by convolving the gradient at the original image with derived kernels, which can be integrated with any gradient-based attack methods. Extensive experiments on ImageNet, including some experiments under physical condition, demonstrate that our method can significantly improve the affine invariance of adversarial examples and, as a byproduct, improve the transferability of adversarial examples, compared with alternative state-of-the-art methods.


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