
2022-04-25 更新

Enhancing the Transferability via Feature-Momentum Adversarial Attack

Authors: Xianglong, Yuezun Li, Haipeng Qu, Junyu Dong

Transferable adversarial attack has drawn increasing attention due to their practical threaten to real-world applications. In particular, the feature-level adversarial attack is one recent branch that can enhance the transferability via disturbing the intermediate features. The existing methods usually create a guidance map for features, where the value indicates the importance of the corresponding feature element and then employs an iterative algorithm to disrupt the features accordingly. However, the guidance map is fixed in existing methods, which can not consistently reflect the behavior of networks as the image is changed during iteration. In this paper, we describe a new method called Feature-Momentum Adversarial Attack (FMAA) to further improve transferability. The key idea of our method is that we estimate a guidance map dynamically at each iteration using momentum to effectively disturb the category-relevant features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on different target models.


Improving the Robustness of Adversarial Attacks Using an Affine-Invariant Gradient Estimator

Authors:Wenzhao Xiang, Hang Su, Chang Liu, Yandong Guo, Shibao Zheng

As designers of artificial intelligence try to outwit hackers, both sides continue to hone in on AI’s inherent vulnerabilities. Designed and trained from certain statistical distributions of data, AI’s deep neural networks (DNNs) remain vulnerable to deceptive inputs that violate a DNN’s statistical, predictive assumptions. Before being fed into a neural network, however, most existing adversarial examples cannot maintain malicious functionality when applied to an affine transformation. For practical purposes, maintaining that malicious functionality serves as an important measure of the robustness of adversarial attacks. To help DNNs learn to defend themselves more thoroughly against attacks, we propose an affine-invariant adversarial attack, which can consistently produce more robust adversarial examples over affine transformations. For efficiency, we propose to disentangle current affine-transformation strategies from the Euclidean geometry coordinate plane with its geometric translations, rotations and dilations; we reformulate the latter two in polar coordinates. Afterwards, we construct an affine-invariant gradient estimator by convolving the gradient at the original image with derived kernels, which can be integrated with any gradient-based attack methods. Extensive experiments on ImageNet, including some experiments under physical condition, demonstrate that our method can significantly improve the affine invariance of adversarial examples and, as a byproduct, improve the transferability of adversarial examples, compared with alternative state-of-the-art methods.


文章作者: 木子已
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