
2022-04-18 更新

Large-scale Bilingual Language-Image Contrastive Learning

Authors:Byungsoo Ko, Geonmo Gu

This paper is a technical report to share our experience and findings building a Korean and English bilingual multimodal model. While many of the multimodal datasets focus on English and multilingual multimodal research uses machine-translated texts, employing such machine-translated texts is limited to describing unique expressions, cultural information, and proper noun in languages other than English. In this work, we collect 1.1 billion image-text pairs (708 million Korean and 476 million English) and train a bilingual multimodal model named KELIP. We introduce simple yet effective training schemes, including MAE pre-training and multi-crop augmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that a model trained with such training schemes shows competitive performance in both languages. Moreover, we discuss multimodal-related research questions: 1) strong augmentation-based methods can distract the model from learning proper multimodal relations; 2) training multimodal model without cross-lingual relation can learn the relation via visual semantics; 3) our bilingual KELIP can capture cultural differences of visual semantics for the same meaning of words; 4) a large-scale multimodal model can be used for multimodal feature analogy. We hope that this work will provide helpful experience and findings for future research. We provide an open-source pre-trained KELIP.
PDF Accepted by ICLRW2022


Patch-wise Contrastive Style Learning for Instagram Filter Removal

Authors:Furkan Kınlı, Barış Özcan, Furkan Kıraç

Image-level corruptions and perturbations degrade the performance of CNNs on different downstream vision tasks. Social media filters are one of the most common resources of various corruptions and perturbations for real-world visual analysis applications. The negative effects of these distractive factors can be alleviated by recovering the original images with their pure style for the inference of the downstream vision tasks. Assuming these filters substantially inject a piece of additional style information to the social media images, we can formulate the problem of recovering the original versions as a reverse style transfer problem. We introduce Contrastive Instagram Filter Removal Network (CIFR), which enhances this idea for Instagram filter removal by employing a novel multi-layer patch-wise contrastive style learning mechanism. Experiments show our proposed strategy produces better qualitative and quantitative results than the previous studies. Moreover, we present the results of our additional experiments for proposed architecture within different settings. Finally, we present the inference outputs and quantitative comparison of filtered and recovered images on localization and segmentation tasks to encourage the main motivation for this problem.
PDF Accepted to NTIRE: New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement workshop and challenges at CVPR 2022


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