2022-04-15 更新

Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors:Han Zhang, Jing Yu Koh, Jason Baldridge, Honglak Lee, Yinfei Yang

The output of text-to-image synthesis systems should be coherent, clear, photo-realistic scenes with high semantic fidelity to their conditioned text descriptions. Our Cross-Modal Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network (XMC-GAN) addresses this challenge by maximizing the mutual information between image and text. It does this via multiple contrastive losses which capture inter-modality and intra-modality correspondences. XMC-GAN uses an attentional self-modulation generator, which enforces strong text-image correspondence, and a contrastive discriminator, which acts as a critic as well as a feature encoder for contrastive learning. The quality of XMC-GAN’s output is a major step up from previous models, as we show on three challenging datasets. On MS-COCO, not only does XMC-GAN improve state-of-the-art FID from 24.70 to 9.33, but—more importantly—people prefer XMC-GAN by 77.3 for image quality and 74.1 for image-text alignment, compared to three other recent models. XMC-GAN also generalizes to the challenging Localized Narratives dataset (which has longer, more detailed descriptions), improving state-of-the-art FID from 48.70 to 14.12. Lastly, we train and evaluate XMC-GAN on the challenging Open Images data, establishing a strong benchmark FID score of 26.91.


Any-resolution Training for High-resolution Image Synthesis

Authors:Lucy Chai, Michael Gharbi, Eli Shechtman, Phillip Isola, Richard Zhang

Generative models operate at fixed resolution, even though natural images come in a variety of sizes. As high-resolution details are downsampled away, and low-resolution images are discarded altogether, precious supervision is lost. We argue that every pixel matters and create datasets with variable-size images, collected at their native resolutions. Taking advantage of this data is challenging; high-resolution processing is costly, and current architectures can only process fixed-resolution data. We introduce continuous-scale training, a process that samples patches at random scales to train a new generator with variable output resolutions. First, conditioning the generator on a target scale allows us to generate higher resolutions images than previously possible, without adding layers to the model. Second, by conditioning on continuous coordinates, we can sample patches that still obey a consistent global layout, which also allows for scalable training at higher resolutions. Controlled FFHQ experiments show our method takes advantage of the multi-resolution training data better than discrete multi-scale approaches, achieving better FID scores and cleaner high-frequency details. We also train on other natural image domains including churches, mountains, and birds, and demonstrate arbitrary scale synthesis with both coherent global layouts and realistic local details, going beyond 2K resolution in our experiments. Our project page is available at:


StyleGAN-V: A Continuous Video Generator with the Price, Image Quality and Perks of StyleGAN2

Authors:Ivan Skorokhodov, Sergey Tulyakov, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Videos show continuous events, yet most $-$ if not all $-$ video synthesis frameworks treat them discretely in time. In this work, we think of videos of what they should be $-$ time-continuous signals, and extend the paradigm of neural representations to build a continuous-time video generator. For this, we first design continuous motion representations through the lens of positional embeddings. Then, we explore the question of training on very sparse videos and demonstrate that a good generator can be learned by using as few as 2 frames per clip. After that, we rethink the traditional image + video discriminators pair and design a holistic discriminator that aggregates temporal information by simply concatenating frames’ features. This decreases the training cost and provides richer learning signal to the generator, making it possible to train directly on 1024$^2$ videos for the first time. We build our model on top of StyleGAN2 and it is just ${\approx}5\%$ more expensive to train at the same resolution while achieving almost the same image quality. Moreover, our latent space features similar properties, enabling spatial manipulations that our method can propagate in time. We can generate arbitrarily long videos at arbitrary high frame rate, while prior work struggles to generate even 64 frames at a fixed rate. Our model is tested on four modern 256$^2$ and one 1024$^2$-resolution video synthesis benchmarks. In terms of sheer metrics, it performs on average ${\approx}30\%$ better than the closest runner-up. Project website:


2022-04-15 更新

SVMAC: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Single-view-multi-angle Consistency

Authors:Yicheng Deng, Cheng Sun, Jiahui Zhu, Yongqi Sun

Recovering 3D human pose from 2D joints is still a challenging problem, especially without any 3D annotation, video information, or multi-view information. In this paper, we present an unsupervised GAN-based model consisting of multiple weight-sharing generators to estimate a 3D human pose from a single image without 3D annotations. In our model, we introduce single-view-multi-angle consistency (SVMAC) to significantly improve the estimation performance. With 2D joint locations as input, our model estimates a 3D pose and a camera simultaneously. During training, the estimated 3D pose is rotated by random angles and the estimated camera projects the rotated 3D poses back to 2D. The 2D reprojections will be fed into weight-sharing generators to estimate the corresponding 3D poses and cameras, which are then mixed to impose SVMAC constraints to self-supervise the training process. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised methods on Human 3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Moreover, qualitative results on MPII and LSP show that our method can generalize well to unknown data.
PDF Accpted by 3DV 2021


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