I2I Translation

2022-04-12 更新

Arch-Net: Model Distillation for Architecture Agnostic Model Deployment

Authors:Weixin Xu, Zipeng Feng, Shuangkang Fang, Song Yuan, Yi Yang, Shuchang Zhou

Vast requirement of computation power of Deep Neural Networks is a major hurdle to their real world applications. Many recent Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chips feature dedicated hardware support for Neural Network Acceleration. However, as ASICs take multiple years to develop, they are inevitably out-paced by the latest development in Neural Architecture Research. For example, Transformer Networks do not have native support on many popular chips, and hence are difficult to deploy. In this paper, we propose Arch-Net, a family of Neural Networks made up of only operators efficiently supported across most architectures of ASICs. When a Arch-Net is produced, less common network constructs, like Layer Normalization and Embedding Layers, are eliminated in a progressive manner through label-free Blockwise Model Distillation, while performing sub-eight bit quantization at the same time to maximize performance. Empirical results on machine translation and image classification tasks confirm that we can transform latest developed Neural Architectures into fast running and as-accurate Arch-Net, ready for deployment on multiple mass-produced ASIC chips. The code will be available at https://github.com/megvii-research/Arch-Net.
PDF 15 pages, 6 figures


OVE6D: Object Viewpoint Encoding for Depth-based 6D Object Pose Estimation

Authors:Dingding Cai, Janne Heikkilä, Esa Rahtu

This paper proposes a universal framework, called OVE6D, for model-based 6D object pose estimation from a single depth image and a target object mask. Our model is trained using purely synthetic data rendered from ShapeNet, and, unlike most of the existing methods, it generalizes well on new real-world objects without any fine-tuning. We achieve this by decomposing the 6D pose into viewpoint, in-plane rotation around the camera optical axis and translation, and introducing novel lightweight modules for estimating each component in a cascaded manner. The resulting network contains less than 4M parameters while demonstrating excellent performance on the challenging T-LESS and Occluded LINEMOD datasets without any dataset-specific training. We show that OVE6D outperforms some contemporary deep learning-based pose estimation methods specifically trained for individual objects or datasets with real-world training data. The implementation and the pre-trained model will be made publicly available.


Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Compare

Authors:Georgy Ponimatkin, Yann Labbé, Bryan Russell, Mathieu Aubry, Josef Sivic

We introduce FocalPose, a neural render-and-compare method for jointly estimating the camera-object 6D pose and camera focal length given a single RGB input image depicting a known object. The contributions of this work are twofold. First, we derive a focal length update rule that extends an existing state-of-the-art render-and-compare 6D pose estimator to address the joint estimation task. Second, we investigate several different loss functions for jointly estimating the object pose and focal length. We find that a combination of direct focal length regression with a reprojection loss disentangling the contribution of translation, rotation, and focal length leads to improved results. We show results on three challenging benchmark datasets that depict known 3D models in uncontrolled settings. We demonstrate that our focal length and 6D pose estimates have lower error than the existing state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted to CVPR2022. Code available at http://github.com/ponimatkin/focalpose


SAR-Net: Shape Alignment and Recovery Network for Category-level 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation

Authors:Haitao Lin, Zichang Liu, Chilam Cheang, Yanwei Fu, Guodong Guo, Xiangyang Xue

Given a single scene image, this paper proposes a method of Category-level 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation (COPSE) from the point cloud of the target object, without external real pose-annotated training data. Specifically, beyond the visual cues in RGB images, we rely on the shape information predominately from the depth (D) channel. The key idea is to explore the shape alignment of each instance against its corresponding category-level template shape, and the symmetric correspondence of each object category for estimating a coarse 3D object shape. Our framework deforms the point cloud of the category-level template shape to align the observed instance point cloud for implicitly representing its 3D rotation. Then we model the symmetric correspondence by predicting symmetric point cloud from the partially observed point cloud. The concatenation of the observed point cloud and symmetric one reconstructs a coarse object shape, thus facilitating object center (3D translation) and 3D size estimation. Extensive experiments on the category-level NOCS benchmark demonstrate that our lightweight model still competes with state-of-the-art approaches that require labeled real-world images. We also deploy our approach to a physical Baxter robot to perform grasping tasks on unseen but category-known instances, and the results further validate the efficacy of our proposed model. Code and pre-trained models are available on the project webpage.
PDF accepted by CVPR2022


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