2022-04-12 更新

PetroGAN: A novel GAN-based approach to generate realistic, label-free petrographic datasets

Authors:I. Ferreira, L. Ochoa, A. Koeshidayatullah

Deep learning architectures have enriched data analytics in the geosciences, complementing traditional approaches to geological problems. Although deep learning applications in geosciences show encouraging signs, the actual potential remains untapped. This is primarily because geological datasets, particularly petrography, are limited, time-consuming, and expensive to obtain, requiring in-depth knowledge to provide a high-quality labeled dataset. We approached these issues by developing a novel deep learning framework based on generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create the first realistic synthetic petrographic dataset. The StyleGAN2 architecture is selected to allow robust replication of statistical and esthetical characteristics, and improving the internal variance of petrographic data. The training dataset consists of 10070 images of rock thin sections both in plane- and cross-polarized light. The algorithm trained for 264 GPU hours and reached a state-of-the-art Fr\’echet Inception Distance (FID) score of 12.49 for petrographic images. We further observed the FID values vary with lithology type and image resolution. Our survey established that subject matter experts found the generated images were indistinguishable from real images. This study highlights that GANs are a powerful method for generating realistic synthetic data, experimenting with the latent space, and as a future tool for self-labelling, reducing the effort of creating geological datasets.


Dancing under the stars: video denoising in starlight

Authors:Kristina Monakhova, Stephan R. Richter, Laura Waller, Vladlen Koltun

Imaging in low light is extremely challenging due to low photon counts. Using sensitive CMOS cameras, it is currently possible to take videos at night under moonlight (0.05-0.3 lux illumination). In this paper, we demonstrate photorealistic video under starlight (no moon present, $<$0.001 lux) for the first time. To enable this, we develop a GAN-tuned physics-based noise model to more accurately represent camera noise at the lowest light levels. Using this noise model, we train a video denoiser using a combination of simulated noisy video clips and real noisy still images. We capture a 5-10 fps video dataset with significant motion at approximately 0.6-0.7 millilux with no active illumination. Comparing against alternative methods, we achieve improved video quality at the lowest light levels, demonstrating photorealistic video denoising in starlight for the first time.
PDF CVPR 2022. Project page:


On the Exploitation of Deepfake Model Recognition

Authors:Luca Guarnera, Oliver Giudice, Matthias Niessner, Sebastiano Battiato

Despite recent advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), with special focus to the Deepfake phenomenon there is no a clear understanding neither in terms of explainability nor of recognition of the involved models. In particular, the recognition of a specific GAN model that generated the deepfake image compared to many other possible models created by the same generative architecture (e.g. StyleGAN) is a task not yet completely addressed in the state-of-the-art. In this work, a robust processing pipeline to evaluate the possibility to point-out analytic fingerprints for Deepfake model recognition is presented. After exploiting the latent space of 50 slightly different models through an in-depth analysis on the generated images, a proper encoder was trained to discriminate among these models obtaining a classification accuracy of over 96%. Once demonstrated the possibility to discriminate extremely similar images, a dedicated metric exploiting the insights discovered in the latent space was introduced. By achieving a final accuracy of more than 94% for the Model Recognition task on images generated by models not employed in the training phase, this study takes an important step in countering the Deepfake phenomenon introducing a sort of signature in some sense similar to those employed in the multimedia forensics field (e.g. for camera source identification task, image ballistics task, etc).


Commonality in Natural Images Rescues GANs: Pretraining GANs with Generic and Privacy-free Synthetic Data

Authors:Kyungjune Baek, Hyunjung Shim

Transfer learning for GANs successfully improves generation performance under low-shot regimes. However, existing studies show that the pretrained model using a single benchmark dataset is not generalized to various target datasets. More importantly, the pretrained model can be vulnerable to copyright or privacy risks as membership inference attack advances. To resolve both issues, we propose an effective and unbiased data synthesizer, namely Primitives-PS, inspired by the generic characteristics of natural images. Specifically, we utilize 1) the generic statistics on the frequency magnitude spectrum, 2) the elementary shape (i.e., image composition via elementary shapes) for representing the structure information, and 3) the existence of saliency as prior. Since our synthesizer only considers the generic properties of natural images, the single model pretrained on our dataset can be consistently transferred to various target datasets, and even outperforms the previous methods pretrained with the natural images in terms of Fr’echet inception distance. Extensive analysis, ablation study, and evaluations demonstrate that each component of our data synthesizer is effective, and provide insights on the desirable nature of the pretrained model for the transferability of GANs.
PDF CVPR 2022 accepted


Towards Homogeneous Modality Learning and Multi-Granularity Information Exploration for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Authors:Haojie Liu, Daoxun Xia, Wei Jiang, Chao Xu

Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) is a challenging and essential task, which aims to retrieve a set of person images over visible and infrared camera views. In order to mitigate the impact of large modality discrepancy existing in heterogeneous images, previous methods attempt to apply generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate the modality-consisitent data. However, due to severe color variations between the visible domain and infrared domain, the generated fake cross-modality samples often fail to possess good qualities to fill the modality gap between synthesized scenarios and target real ones, which leads to sub-optimal feature representations. In this work, we address cross-modality matching problem with Aligned Grayscale Modality (AGM), an unified dark-line spectrum that reformulates visible-infrared dual-mode learning as a gray-gray single-mode learning problem. Specifically, we generate the grasycale modality from the homogeneous visible images. Then, we train a style tranfer model to transfer infrared images into homogeneous grayscale images. In this way, the modality discrepancy is significantly reduced in the image space. In order to reduce the remaining appearance discrepancy, we further introduce a multi-granularity feature extraction network to conduct feature-level alignment. Rather than relying on the global information, we propose to exploit local (head-shoulder) features to assist person Re-ID, which complements each other to form a stronger feature descriptor. Comprehensive experiments implemented on the mainstream evaluation datasets include SYSU-MM01 and RegDB indicate that our method can significantly boost cross-modality retrieval performance against the state of the art methods.
PDF 15 pages, 9figures


Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Augmentation in Agriculture: A Systematic Review

Authors:Ebenezer Olaniyi, Dong Chen, Yuzhen Lu, Yanbo Huang

In agricultural image analysis, optimal model performance is keenly pursued for better fulfilling visual recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, segmentation, object detection and localization), in the presence of challenges with biological variability and unstructured environments. Large-scale, balanced and ground-truthed image datasets, however, are often difficult to obtain to fuel the development of advanced, high-performance models. As artificial intelligence through deep learning is impacting analysis and modeling of agricultural images, data augmentation plays a crucial role in boosting model performance while reducing manual efforts for data preparation, by algorithmically expanding training datasets. Beyond traditional data augmentation techniques, generative adversarial network (GAN) invented in 2014 in the computer vision community, provides a suite of novel approaches that can learn good data representations and generate highly realistic samples. Since 2017, there has been a growth of research into GANs for image augmentation or synthesis in agriculture for improved model performance. This paper presents an overview of the evolution of GAN architectures followed by a systematic review of their application to agriculture (, involving various vision tasks for plant health, weeds, fruits, aquaculture, animal farming, plant phenotyping as well as postharvest detection of fruit defects. Challenges and opportunities of GANs are discussed for future research.
PDF 32 pages, 15 figures


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