2022-04-07 更新
Towards Robust Adaptive Object Detection under Noisy Annotations
Authors:Xinyu Liu, Wuyang Li, Qiushi Yang, Baopu Li, Yixuan Yuan
Domain Adaptive Object Detection (DAOD) models a joint distribution of images and labels from an annotated source domain and learns a domain-invariant transformation to estimate the target labels with the given target domain images. Existing methods assume that the source domain labels are completely clean, yet large-scale datasets often contain error-prone annotations due to instance ambiguity, which may lead to a biased source distribution and severely degrade the performance of the domain adaptive detector de facto. In this paper, we represent the first effort to formulate noisy DAOD and propose a Noise Latent Transferability Exploration (NLTE) framework to address this issue. It is featured with 1) Potential Instance Mining (PIM), which leverages eligible proposals to recapture the miss-annotated instances from the background; 2) Morphable Graph Relation Module (MGRM), which models the adaptation feasibility and transition probability of noisy samples with relation matrices; 3) Entropy-Aware Gradient Reconcilement (EAGR), which incorporates the semantic information into the discrimination process and enforces the gradients provided by noisy and clean samples to be consistent towards learning domain-invariant representations. A thorough evaluation on benchmark DAOD datasets with noisy source annotations validates the effectiveness of NLTE. In particular, NLTE improves the mAP by 8.4\% under 60\% corrupted annotations and even approaches the ideal upper bound of training on a clean source dataset.
PDF CVPR-2022 Version
Learning Calibrated-Guidance for Object Detection in Aerial Images
Authors:Zongqi Wei, Dong Liang, Dong Zhang, Liyan Zhang, Qixiang Geng, Mingqiang Wei, Huiyu Zhou
Object detection is one of the most fundamental yet challenging research topics in the domain of computer vision. Recently, the study on this topic in aerial images has made tremendous progress. However, complex background and worse imaging quality are obvious problems in aerial object detection. Most state-of-the-art approaches tend to develop elaborate attention mechanisms for the space-time feature calibrations with arduous computational complexity, while surprisingly ignoring the importance of feature calibrations in channel-wise. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective Calibrated-Guidance (CG) scheme to enhance channel communications in a feature transformer fashion, which can adaptively determine the calibration weights for each channel based on the global feature affinity correlations. Specifically, for a given set of feature maps, CG first computes the feature similarity between each channel and the remaining channels as the intermediary calibration guidance. Then, re-representing each channel by aggregating all the channels weighted together via the guidance operation. Our CG is a general module that can be plugged into any deep neural networks, which is named as CG-Net. To demonstrate its effectiveness and efficiency, extensive experiments are carried out on both oriented object detection task and horizontal object detection task in aerial images. Experimental results on two challenging benchmarks (DOTA and HRSC2016) demonstrate that our CG-Net can achieve the new state-of-the-art performance in accuracy with a fair computational overhead. The source code has been open sourced at https://github.com/WeiZongqi/CG-Net
Unleashing Vanilla Vision Transformer with Masked Image Modeling for Object Detection
Authors:Yuxin Fang, Shusheng Yang, Shijie Wang, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan, Xinggang Wang
We present an approach to efficiently and effectively adapt a masked image modeling (MIM) pre-trained vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) for object detection, which is based on our two novel observations: (i) A MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT can work surprisingly well in the challenging object-level recognition scenario even with random sampled partial observations, e.g., only 25% ~ 50% of the input sequence. (ii) In order to construct multi-scale representations for object detection, a random initialized compact convolutional stem supplants the pre-trained large kernel patchify stem, and its intermediate features can naturally serve as the higher resolution inputs of a feature pyramid without upsampling. While the pre-trained ViT is only regarded as the third-stage of our detector’s backbone instead of the whole feature extractor, resulting in a ConvNet-ViT hybrid architecture. The proposed detector, named MIMDet, enables a MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT to outperform hierarchical Swin Transformer by 2.3 box AP and 2.5 mask AP on COCO, and achieve even better results compared with other adapted vanilla ViT using a more modest fine-tuning recipe while converging 2.8x faster. Code and pre-trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/hustvl/MIMDet}.
PDF Preprint. Work in progress. Code and pre-trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/hustvl/MIMDet}