2022-04-06 更新

IRON: Inverse Rendering by Optimizing Neural SDFs and Materials from Photometric Images

Authors:Kai Zhang, Fujun Luan, Zhengqi Li, Noah Snavely

We propose a neural inverse rendering pipeline called IRON that operates on photometric images and outputs high-quality 3D content in the format of triangle meshes and material textures readily deployable in existing graphics pipelines. Our method adopts neural representations for geometry as signed distance fields (SDFs) and materials during optimization to enjoy their flexibility and compactness, and features a hybrid optimization scheme for neural SDFs: first, optimize using a volumetric radiance field approach to recover correct topology, then optimize further using edgeaware physics-based surface rendering for geometry refinement and disentanglement of materials and lighting. In the second stage, we also draw inspiration from mesh-based differentiable rendering, and design a novel edge sampling algorithm for neural SDFs to further improve performance. We show that our IRON achieves significantly better inverse rendering quality compared to prior works. Our project page is here:
PDF CVPR 2022; Project page is:


Unified Implicit Neural Stylization

Authors:Zhiwen Fan, Yifan Jiang, Peihao Wang, Xinyu Gong, Dejia Xu, Zhangyang Wang

Representing visual signals by implicit representation (e.g., a coordinate based deep network) has prevailed among many vision tasks. This work explores a new intriguing direction: training a stylized implicit representation, using a generalized approach that can apply to various 2D and 3D scenarios. We conduct a pilot study on a variety of implicit functions, including 2D coordinate-based representation, neural radiance field, and signed distance function. Our solution is a Unified Implicit Neural Stylization framework, dubbed INS. In contrary to vanilla implicit representation, INS decouples the ordinary implicit function into a style implicit module and a content implicit module, in order to separately encode the representations from the style image and input scenes. An amalgamation module is then applied to aggregate these information and synthesize the stylized output. To regularize the geometry in 3D scenes, we propose a novel self-distillation geometry consistency loss which preserves the geometry fidelity of the stylized scenes. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on multiple task settings, including novel view synthesis of complex scenes, stylization for implicit surfaces, and fitting images using MLPs. We further demonstrate that the learned representation is continuous not only spatially but also style-wise, leading to effortlessly interpolating between different styles and generating images with new mixed styles. Please refer to the video on our project page for more view synthesis results:


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