2022-03-31 更新
Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification
Authors:Sungho Park, Jewook Lee, Pilhyeon Lee, Sunhee Hwang, Dohyung Kim, Hyeran Byun
Learning visual representation of high quality is essential for image classification. Recently, a series of contrastive representation learning methods have achieved preeminent success. Particularly, SupCon outperformed the dominant methods based on cross-entropy loss in representation learning. However, we notice that there could be potential ethical risks in supervised contrastive learning. In this paper, we for the first time analyze unfairness caused by supervised contrastive learning and propose a new Fair Supervised Contrastive Loss (FSCL) for fair visual representation learning. Inheriting the philosophy of supervised contrastive learning, it encourages representation of the same class to be closer to each other than that of different classes, while ensuring fairness by penalizing the inclusion of sensitive attribute information in representation. In addition, we introduce a group-wise normalization to diminish the disparities of intra-group compactness and inter-class separability between demographic groups that arouse unfair classification. Through extensive experiments on CelebA and UTK Face, we validate that the proposed method significantly outperforms SupCon and existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of the trade-off between top-1 accuracy and fairness. Moreover, our method is robust to the intensity of data bias and effectively works in incomplete supervised settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/sungho-CoolG/FSCL.
TCLR: Temporal Contrastive Learning for Video Representation
Authors:Ishan Dave, Rohit Gupta, Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Mubarak Shah
Contrastive learning has nearly closed the gap between supervised and self-supervised learning of image representations, and has also been explored for videos. However, prior work on contrastive learning for video data has not explored the effect of explicitly encouraging the features to be distinct across the temporal dimension. We develop a new temporal contrastive learning framework consisting of two novel losses to improve upon existing contrastive self-supervised video representation learning methods. The local-local temporal contrastive loss adds the task of discriminating between non-overlapping clips from the same video, whereas the global-local temporal contrastive aims to discriminate between timesteps of the feature map of an input clip in order to increase the temporal diversity of the learned features. Our proposed temporal contrastive learning framework achieves significant improvement over the state-of-the-art results in various downstream video understanding tasks such as action recognition, limited-label action classification, and nearest-neighbor video retrieval on multiple video datasets and backbones. We also demonstrate significant improvement in fine-grained action classification for visually similar classes. With the commonly used 3D ResNet-18 architecture with UCF101 pretraining, we achieve 82.4\% (+5.1\% increase over the previous best) top-1 accuracy on UCF101 and 52.9\% (+5.4\% increase) on HMDB51 action classification, and 56.2\% (+11.7\% increase) Top-1 Recall on UCF101 nearest neighbor video retrieval. Code released at github.com/DAVEISHAN/TCLR.
PDF Accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) Journal