
2022-03-15 更新

Defending From Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attacks Through Internal Over-Activation Analysis

Authors:Giulio Rossolini, Federico Nesti, Fabio Brau, Alessandro Biondi, Giorgio Buttazzo

This work presents Z-Mask, a robust and effective strategy to improve the adversarial robustness of convolutional networks against physically-realizable adversarial attacks. The presented defense relies on specific Z-score analysis performed on the internal network features to detect and mask the pixels corresponding to adversarial objects in the input image. To this end, spatially contiguous activations are examined in shallow and deep layers to suggest potential adversarial regions. Such proposals are then aggregated through a multi-thresholding mechanism. The effectiveness of Z-Mask is evaluated with an extensive set of experiments carried out on models for both semantic segmentation and object detection. The evaluation is performed with both digital patches added to the input images and printed patches positioned in the real world. The obtained results confirm that Z-Mask outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both detection accuracy and overall performance of the networks under attack. Additional experiments showed that Z-Mask is also robust against possible defense-aware attacks.


Beyond ImageNet Attack: Towards Crafting Adversarial Examples for Black-box Domains

Authors:Qilong Zhang, Xiaodan Li, Yuefeng Chen, Jingkuan Song, Lianli Gao, Yuan He, Hui Xue

Adversarial examples have posed a severe threat to deep neural networks due to their transferable nature. Currently, various works have paid great efforts to enhance the cross-model transferability, which mostly assume the substitute model is trained in the same domain as the target model. However, in reality, the relevant information of the deployed model is unlikely to leak. Hence, it is vital to build a more practical black-box threat model to overcome this limitation and evaluate the vulnerability of deployed models. In this paper, with only the knowledge of the ImageNet domain, we propose a Beyond ImageNet Attack (BIA) to investigate the transferability towards black-box domains (unknown classification tasks). Specifically, we leverage a generative model to learn the adversarial function for disrupting low-level features of input images. Based on this framework, we further propose two variants to narrow the gap between the source and target domains from the data and model perspectives, respectively. Extensive experiments on coarse-grained and fine-grained domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods. Notably, our methods outperform state-of-the-art approaches by up to 7.71\% (towards coarse-grained domains) and 25.91\% (towards fine-grained domains) on average. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/qilong-zhang/Beyond-ImageNet-Attack}.
PDF Accepted by ICLR 2022


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