
2022-03-14 更新

PseudoProp: Robust Pseudo-Label Generation for Semi-Supervised Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems

Authors:Shu Hu, Chun-Hao Liu, Jayanta Dutta, Ming-Ching Chang, Siwei Lyu, Naveen Ramakrishnan

Semi-supervised object detection methods are widely used in autonomous driving systems, where only a fraction of objects are labeled. To propagate information from the labeled objects to the unlabeled ones, pseudo-labels for unlabeled objects must be generated. Although pseudo-labels have proven to improve the performance of semi-supervised object detection significantly, the applications of image-based methods to video frames result in numerous miss or false detections using such generated pseudo-labels. In this paper, we propose a new approach, PseudoProp, to generate robust pseudo-labels by leveraging motion continuity in video frames. Specifically, PseudoProp uses a novel bidirectional pseudo-label propagation approach to compensate for misdetection. A feature-based fusion technique is also used to suppress inference noise. Extensive experiments on the large-scale Cityscapes dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art semi-supervised object detection methods by 7.4% on mAP75.
PDF 16 pages


Peng Cheng Object Detection Benchmark for Smart City

Authors:Yaowei Wang, Zhouxin Yang, Rui Liu, Deng Li, Yuandu Lai, Leyuan Fang, Yahong Han

Object detection is an algorithm that recognizes and locates the objects in the image and has a wide range of applications in the visual understanding of complex urban scenes. Existing object detection benchmarks mainly focus on a single specific scenario and their annotation attributes are not rich enough, these make the object detection model is not generalized for the smart city scenes. Considering the diversity and complexity of scenes in intelligent city governance, we build a large-scale object detection benchmark for the smart city. Our benchmark contains about 500K images and includes three scenarios: intelligent transportation, intelligent security, and drones. For the complexity of the real scene in the smart city, the diversity of weather, occlusion, and other complex environment diversity attributes of the images in the three scenes are annotated. The characteristics of the benchmark are analyzed and extensive experiments of the current state-of-the-art target detection algorithm are conducted based on our benchmark to show their performance.


Democracy Does Matter: Comprehensive Feature Mining for Co-Salient Object Detection

Authors:Siyue Yu, Jimin Xiao, Bingfeng Zhang, Eng Gee Lim

Co-salient object detection, with the target of detecting co-existed salient objects among a group of images, is gaining popularity. Recent works use the attention mechanism or extra information to aggregate common co-salient features, leading to incomplete even incorrect responses for target objects. In this paper, we aim to mine comprehensive co-salient features with democracy and reduce background interference without introducing any extra information. To achieve this, we design a democratic prototype generation module to generate democratic response maps, covering sufficient co-salient regions and thereby involving more shared attributes of co-salient objects. Then a comprehensive prototype based on the response maps can be generated as a guide for final prediction. To suppress the noisy background information in the prototype, we propose a self-contrastive learning module, where both positive and negative pairs are formed without relying on additional classification information. Besides, we also design a democratic feature enhancement module to further strengthen the co-salient features by readjusting attention values. Extensive experiments show that our model obtains better performance than previous state-of-the-art methods, especially on challenging real-world cases (e.g., for CoCA, we obtain a gain of 2.0% for MAE, 5.4% for maximum F-measure, 2.3% for maximum E-measure, and 3.7% for S-measure) under the same settings. Code will be released soon.
PDF accepted by cvpr2022


Polar Transformation Based Multiple Instance Learning Assisting Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation With Loose Bounding Box Annotations

Authors:Juan Wang, Bin Xia

This study investigates weakly supervised image segmentation using loose bounding box supervision. It presents a multiple instance learning strategy based on polar transformation to assist image segmentation when loose bounding boxes are employed as supervision. In this strategy, weighted smooth maximum approximation is introduced to incorporate the observation that pixels closer to the origin of the polar transformation are more likely to belong to the object in the bounding box. The proposed approach was evaluated on a public medical dataset using Dice coefficient. The results demonstrate its superior performance. The codes are available at \url{https://github.com/wangjuan313/wsis-polartransform}.
PDF under review


Saliency-Driven Versatile Video Coding for Neural Object Detection

Authors:Kristian Fischer, Felix Fleckenstein, Christian Herglotz, André Kaup

Saliency-driven image and video coding for humans has gained importance in the recent past. In this paper, we propose such a saliency-driven coding framework for the video coding for machines task using the latest video coding standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC). To determine the salient regions before encoding, we employ the real-time-capable object detection network You Only Look Once~(YOLO) in combination with a novel decision criterion. To measure the coding quality for a machine, the state-of-the-art object segmentation network Mask R-CNN was applied to the decoded frame. From extensive simulations we find that, compared to the reference VVC with a constant quality, up to 29 % of bitrate can be saved with the same detection accuracy at the decoder side by applying the proposed saliency-driven framework. Besides, we compare YOLO against other, more traditional saliency detection methods.
PDF 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; Originally submitted at IEEE ICASSP 2021


A Unified Transformer Framework for Group-based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object Detection

Authors:Yukun Su, Jingliang Deng, Ruizhou Sun, Guosheng Lin, Qingyao Wu

Humans tend to mine objects by learning from a group of images or several frames of video since we live in a dynamic world. In the computer vision area, many researches focus on co-segmentation (CoS), co-saliency detection (CoSD) and video salient object detection (VSOD) to discover the co-occurrent objects. However, previous approaches design different networks on these similar tasks separately, and they are difficult to apply to each other, which lowers the upper bound of the transferability of deep learning frameworks. Besides, they fail to take full advantage of the cues among inter- and intra-feature within a group of images. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework to tackle these issues, term as UFO (Unified Framework for Co-Object Segmentation). Specifically, we first introduce a transformer block, which views the image feature as a patch token and then captures their long-range dependencies through the self-attention mechanism. This can help the network to excavate the patch structured similarities among the relevant objects. Furthermore, we propose an intra-MLP learning module to produce self-mask to enhance the network to avoid partial activation. Extensive experiments on four CoS benchmarks (PASCAL, iCoseg, Internet and MSRC), three CoSD benchmarks (Cosal2015, CoSOD3k, and CocA) and four VSOD benchmarks (DAVIS16, FBMS, ViSal and SegV2) show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-arts on three different tasks in both accuracy and speed by using the same network architecture , which can reach 140 FPS in real-time.
PDF Code: https://github.com/suyukun666/UFO


PETR: Position Embedding Transformation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yingfei Liu, Tiancai Wang, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun

In this paper, we develop position embedding transformation (PETR) for multi-view 3D object detection. PETR encodes the position information of 3D coordinates into image features, producing the 3D position-aware features. Object query can perceive the 3D position-aware features and perform end-to-end object detection. PETR achieves state-of-the-art performance (50.4% NDS and 44.1% mAP) on standard nuScenes dataset and ranks 1st place on the benchmark. It can serve as a simple yet strong baseline for future research.
PDF Tech Report


DAFNe: A One-Stage Anchor-Free Approach for Oriented Object Detection

Authors:Steven Lang, Fabrizio Ventola, Kristian Kersting

We present DAFNe, a Dense one-stage Anchor-Free deep Network for oriented object detection. As a one-stage model, it performs bounding box predictions on a dense grid over the input image, being architecturally simpler in design, as well as easier to optimize than its two-stage counterparts. Furthermore, as an anchor-free model, it reduces the prediction complexity by refraining from employing bounding box anchors. With DAFNe we introduce an orientation-aware generalization of the center-ness function for arbitrarily oriented bounding boxes to down-weight low-quality predictions and a center-to-corner bounding box prediction strategy that improves object localization performance. Our experiments show that DAFNe outperforms all previous one-stage anchor-free models on DOTA 1.0, DOTA 1.5, and UCAS-AOD and is on par with the best models on HRSC2016.
PDF Main paper: 14 pages, References: 4 pages, Appendix: 8 pages; Main paper: 6 figures, Appendix: 6 figures


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