
2022-03-11 更新

Learning Contrastive Representation for Semantic Correspondence

Authors:Taihong Xiao, Sifei Liu, Shalini De Mello, Zhiding Yu, Jan Kautz, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Dense correspondence across semantically related images has been extensively studied, but still faces two challenges: 1) large variations in appearance, scale and pose exist even for objects from the same category, and 2) labeling pixel-level dense correspondences is labor intensive and infeasible to scale. Most existing approaches focus on designing various matching approaches with fully-supervised ImageNet pretrained networks. On the other hand, while a variety of self-supervised approaches are proposed to explicitly measure image-level similarities, correspondence matching the pixel level remains under-explored. In this work, we propose a multi-level contrastive learning approach for semantic matching, which does not rely on any ImageNet pretrained model. We show that image-level contrastive learning is a key component to encourage the convolutional features to find correspondence between similar objects, while the performance can be further enhanced by regularizing cross-instance cycle-consistency at intermediate feature levels. Experimental results on the PF-PASCAL, PF-WILLOW, and SPair-71k benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches. The source code and trained models will be made available to the public.


Efficient Non-Local Contrastive Attention for Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Bin Xia, Yucheng Hang, Yapeng Tian, Wenming Yang, Qingmin Liao, Jie Zhou

Non-Local Attention (NLA) brings significant improvement for Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) by leveraging intrinsic feature correlation in natural images. However, NLA gives noisy information large weights and consumes quadratic computation resources with respect to the input size, limiting its performance and application. In this paper, we propose a novel Efficient Non-Local Contrastive Attention (ENLCA) to perform long-range visual modeling and leverage more relevant non-local features. Specifically, ENLCA consists of two parts, Efficient Non-Local Attention (ENLA) and Sparse Aggregation. ENLA adopts the kernel method to approximate exponential function and obtains linear computation complexity. For Sparse Aggregation, we multiply inputs by an amplification factor to focus on informative features, yet the variance of approximation increases exponentially. Therefore, contrastive learning is applied to further separate relevant and irrelevant features. To demonstrate the effectiveness of ENLCA, we build an architecture called Efficient Non-Local Contrastive Network (ENLCN) by adding a few of our modules in a simple backbone. Extensive experimental results show that ENLCN reaches superior performance over state-of-the-art approaches on both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
PDF Code is available at https://github.com/Zj-BinXia/ENLCA


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