Vision Transformer

2022-03-11 更新

MVP: Multimodality-guided Visual Pre-training

Authors:Longhui Wei, Lingxi Xie, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li, Qi Tian

Recently, masked image modeling (MIM) has become a promising direction for visual pre-training. In the context of vision transformers, MIM learns effective visual representation by aligning the token-level features with a pre-defined space (e.g., BEIT used a d-VAE trained on a large image corpus as the tokenizer). In this paper, we go one step further by introducing guidance from other modalities and validating that such additional knowledge leads to impressive gains for visual pre-training. The proposed approach is named Multimodality-guided Visual Pre-training (MVP), in which we replace the tokenizer with the vision branch of CLIP, a vision-language model pre-trained on 400 million image-text pairs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MVP by performing standard experiments, i.e., pre-training the ViT models on ImageNet and fine-tuning them on a series of downstream visual recognition tasks. In particular, pre-training ViT-Base/16 for 300 epochs, MVP reports a 52.4% mIoU on ADE20K, surpassing BEIT (the baseline and previous state-of-the-art) with an impressive margin of 6.8%.
PDF 14 pages


Conditional Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Kaiyang Zhou, Jingkang Yang, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu

With the rise of powerful pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP, it becomes essential to investigate ways to adapt these models to downstream datasets. A recently proposed method named Context Optimization (CoOp) introduces the concept of prompt learning — a recent trend in NLP — to the vision domain for adapting pre-trained vision-language models. Specifically, CoOp turns context words in a prompt into a set of learnable vectors and, with only a few labeled images for learning, can achieve huge improvements over intensively-tuned manual prompts. In our study we identify a critical problem of CoOp: the learned context is not generalizable to wider unseen classes within the same dataset, suggesting that CoOp overfits base classes observed during training. To address the problem, we propose Conditional Context Optimization (CoCoOp), which extends CoOp by further learning a lightweight neural network to generate for each image an input-conditional token (vector). Compared to CoOp’s static prompts, our dynamic prompts adapt to each instance and are thus less sensitive to class shift. Extensive experiments show that CoCoOp generalizes much better than CoOp to unseen classes, even showing promising transferability beyond a single dataset; and yields stronger domain generalization performance as well. Code is available at
PDF CVPR 2022. TL;DR: We propose a conditional prompt learning approach to solve the generalizability issue of static prompts


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