2022-03-11 更新

Conceptual Compression via Deep Structure and Texture Synthesis

Authors:Jianhui Chang, Zhenghui Zhao, Chuanmin Jia, Shiqi Wang, Lingbo Yang, Qi Mao, Jian Zhang, Siwei Ma

Existing compression methods typically focus on the removal of signal-level redundancies, while the potential and versatility of decomposing visual data into compact conceptual components still lack further study. To this end, we propose a novel conceptual compression framework that encodes visual data into compact structure and texture representations, then decodes in a deep synthesis fashion, aiming to achieve better visual reconstruction quality, flexible content manipulation, and potential support for various vision tasks. In particular, we propose to compress images by a dual-layered model consisting of two complementary visual features: 1) structure layer represented by structural maps and 2) texture layer characterized by low-dimensional deep representations. At the encoder side, the structural maps and texture representations are individually extracted and compressed, generating the compact, interpretable, inter-operable bitstreams. During the decoding stage, a hierarchical fusion GAN (HF-GAN) is proposed to learn the synthesis paradigm where the textures are rendered into the decoded structural maps, leading to high-quality reconstruction with remarkable visual realism. Extensive experiments on diverse images have demonstrated the superiority of our framework with lower bitrates, higher reconstruction quality, and increased versatility towards visual analysis and content manipulation tasks.
PDF 15 pages, 14 figures


Diffusion Autoencoders: Toward a Meaningful and Decodable Representation

Authors:Konpat Preechakul, Nattanat Chatthee, Suttisak Wizadwongsa, Supasorn Suwajanakorn

Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have achieved remarkable quality in image generation that rivals GANs’. But unlike GANs, DPMs use a set of latent variables that lack semantic meaning and cannot serve as a useful representation for other tasks. This paper explores the possibility of using DPMs for representation learning and seeks to extract a meaningful and decodable representation of an input image via autoencoding. Our key idea is to use a learnable encoder for discovering the high-level semantics, and a DPM as the decoder for modeling the remaining stochastic variations. Our method can encode any image into a two-part latent code, where the first part is semantically meaningful and linear, and the second part captures stochastic details, allowing near-exact reconstruction. This capability enables challenging applications that currently foil GAN-based methods, such as attribute manipulation on real images. We also show that this two-level encoding improves denoising efficiency and naturally facilitates various downstream tasks including few-shot conditional sampling. Please visit our project page:
PDF Please visit our project page:


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