
2022-02-19 更新

Global and Local Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Semantic Segmentation of HR Remote Sensing Images

Authors:Haifeng Li, Yi Li, Guo Zhang, Ruoyun Liu, Haozhe Huang, Qing Zhu, Chao Tao

Supervised learning for semantic segmentation requires a large number of labeled samples, which is difficult to obtain in the field of remote sensing. Self-supervised learning (SSL), can be used to solve such problems by pre-training a general model with a large number of unlabeled images and then fine-tuning it on a downstream task with very few labeled samples. Contrastive learning is a typical method of SSL that can learn general invariant features. However, most existing contrastive learning methods are designed for classification tasks to obtain an image-level representation, which may be suboptimal for semantic segmentation tasks requiring pixel-level discrimination. Therefore, we propose a global style and local matching contrastive learning network (GLCNet) for remote sensing image semantic segmentation. Specifically, 1) the global style contrastive learning module is used to better learn an image-level representation, as we consider that style features can better represent the overall image features. 2) The local features matching contrastive learning module is designed to learn representations of local regions, which is beneficial for semantic segmentation. The experimental results show that our method mostly outperforms SOTA self-supervised methods and the ImageNet pre-training method. Specifically, with 1\% annotation from the original dataset, our approach improves Kappa by 6\% on the ISPRS Potsdam dataset relative to the existing baseline. Moreover, our method outperforms supervised learning methods when there are some differences between the datasets of upstream tasks and downstream tasks. Since SSL could directly learn the essential characteristics of data from unlabeled data, which is easy to obtain in the remote sensing field, this may be of great significance for tasks such as global mapping. The source code is available at https://github.com/GeoX-Lab/G-RSIM.
PDF 14 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables


HCSC: Hierarchical Contrastive Selective Coding

Authors:Yuanfan Guo, Minghao Xu, Jiawen Li, Bingbing Ni, Xuanyu Zhu, Zhenbang Sun, Yi Xu

Hierarchical semantic structures naturally exist in an image dataset, in which several semantically relevant image clusters can be further integrated into a larger cluster with coarser-grained semantics. Capturing such structures with image representations can greatly benefit the semantic understanding on various downstream tasks. Existing contrastive representation learning methods lack such an important model capability. In addition, the negative pairs used in these methods are not guaranteed to be semantically distinct, which could further hamper the structural correctness of learned image representations. To tackle these limitations, we propose a novel contrastive learning framework called Hierarchical Contrastive Selective Coding (HCSC). In this framework, a set of hierarchical prototypes are constructed and also dynamically updated to represent the hierarchical semantic structures underlying the data in the latent space. To make image representations better fit such semantic structures, we employ and further improve conventional instance-wise and prototypical contrastive learning via an elaborate pair selection scheme. This scheme seeks to select more diverse positive pairs with similar semantics and more precise negative pairs with truly distinct semantics. On extensive downstream tasks, we verify the superior performance of HCSC over state-of-the-art contrastive methods, and the effectiveness of major model components is proved by plentiful analytical studies. Our source code and model weights are available at https://github.com/gyfastas/HCSC
PDF Research project paper. arXiv v1: code & model weights released


CLAWS: Contrastive Learning with hard Attention and Weak Supervision

Authors:Jansel Herrera-Gerena, Ramakrishnan Sundareswaran, John Just, Matthew Darr, Ali Jannesari

Learning effective visual representations without human supervision is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Recent advances in self-supervised learning algorithms have utilized contrastive learning, with methods such as SimCLR, which applies a composition of augmentations to an image, and minimizes a contrastive loss between the two augmented images. In this paper, we present CLAWS, an annotation-efficient learning framework, addressing the problem of manually labeling large-scale agricultural datasets along with potential applications such as anomaly detection and plant growth analytics. CLAWS uses a network backbone inspired by SimCLR and weak supervision to investigate the effect of contrastive learning within class clusters. In addition, we inject a hard attention mask to the cropped input image before maximizing agreement between the image pairs using a contrastive loss function. This mask forces the network to focus on pertinent object features and ignore background features. We compare results between a supervised SimCLR and CLAWS using an agricultural dataset with 227,060 samples consisting of 11 different crop classes. Our experiments and extensive evaluations show that CLAWS achieves a competitive NMI score of 0.7325. Furthermore, CLAWS engenders the creation of low dimensional representations of very large datasets with minimal parameter tuning and forming well-defined clusters, which lends themselves to using efficient, transparent, and highly interpretable clustering methods such as Gaussian Mixture Models.


Understanding Dimensional Collapse in Contrastive Self-supervised Learning

Authors:Li Jing, Pascal Vincent, Yann LeCun, Yuandong Tian

Self-supervised visual representation learning aims to learn useful representations without relying on human annotations. Joint embedding approach bases on maximizing the agreement between embedding vectors from different views of the same image. Various methods have been proposed to solve the collapsing problem where all embedding vectors collapse to a trivial constant solution. Among these methods, contrastive learning prevents collapse via negative sample pairs. It has been shown that non-contrastive methods suffer from a lesser collapse problem of a different nature: dimensional collapse, whereby the embedding vectors end up spanning a lower-dimensional subspace instead of the entire available embedding space. Here, we show that dimensional collapse also happens in contrastive learning. In this paper, we shed light on the dynamics at play in contrastive learning that leads to dimensional collapse. Inspired by our theory, we propose a novel contrastive learning method, called DirectCLR, which directly optimizes the representation space without relying on a trainable projector. Experiments show that DirectCLR outperforms SimCLR with a trainable linear projector on ImageNet.
PDF In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022


Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning with Information Regularization

Authors:Shengyu Feng, Baoyu Jing, Yada Zhu, Hanghang Tong

Contrastive learning is an effective unsupervised method in graph representation learning. Recently, the data augmentation based contrastive learning method has been extended from images to graphs. However, most prior works are directly adapted from the models designed for images. Unlike the data augmentation on images, the data augmentation on graphs is far less intuitive and much harder to provide high-quality contrastive samples, which are the key to the performance of contrastive learning models. This leaves much space for improvement over the existing graph contrastive learning frameworks. In this work, by introducing an adversarial graph view and an information regularizer, we propose a simple but effective method, Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning (ARIEL), to extract informative contrastive samples within a reasonable constraint. It consistently outperforms the current graph contrastive learning methods in the node classification task over various real-world datasets and further improves the robustness of graph contrastive learning.
PDF WWW 2022


SuperCon: Supervised Contrastive Learning for Imbalanced Skin Lesion Classification

Authors:Keyu Chen, Di Zhuang, J. Morris Chang

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved great success in skin lesion classification. A balanced dataset is required to train a good model. However, due to the appearance of different skin lesions in practice, severe or even deadliest skin lesion types (e.g., melanoma) naturally have quite small amount represented in a dataset. In that, classification performance degradation occurs widely, it is significantly important to have CNNs that work well on class imbalanced skin lesion image dataset. In this paper, we propose SuperCon, a two-stage training strategy to overcome the class imbalance problem on skin lesion classification. It contains two stages: (i) representation training that tries to learn a feature representation that closely aligned among intra-classes and distantly apart from inter-classes, and (ii) classifier fine-tuning that aims to learn a classifier that correctly predict the label based on the learnt representations. In the experimental evaluation, extensive comparisons have been made among our approach and other existing approaches on skin lesion benchmark datasets. The results show that our two-stage training strategy effectively addresses the class imbalance classification problem, and significantly improves existing works in terms of F1-score and AUC score, resulting in state-of-the-art performance.


Dataset Condensation with Contrastive Signals

Authors:Saehyung Lee, Sanghyuk Chun, Sangwon Jung, Sangdoo Yun, Sungroh Yoon

Recent studies have demonstrated that gradient matching-based dataset synthesis, or dataset condensation (DC), methods can achieve state-of-the-art performance when applied to data-efficient learning tasks. However, in this study, we prove that the existing DC methods can perform worse than the random selection method when task-irrelevant information forms a significant part of the training dataset. We attribute this to the lack of participation of the contrastive signals between the classes resulting from the class-wise gradient matching strategy. To address this problem, we propose Dataset Condensation with Contrastive signals (DCC) by modifying the loss function to enable the DC methods to effectively capture the differences between classes. In addition, we analyze the new loss function in terms of training dynamics by tracking the kernel velocity. Furthermore, we introduce a bi-level warm-up strategy to stabilize the optimization. Our experimental results indicate that while the existing methods are ineffective for fine-grained image classification tasks, the proposed method can successfully generate informative synthetic datasets for the same tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the baselines even on benchmark datasets such as SVHN, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. Finally, we demonstrate the high applicability of the proposed method by applying it to continual learning tasks.


Multi-Task, Multi-Domain Deep Segmentation with Shared Representations and Contrastive Regularization for Sparse Pediatric Datasets

Authors:Arnaud Boutillon, Pierre-Henri Conze, Christelle Pons, Valérie Burdin, Bhushan Borotikar

Automatic segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) images is crucial for morphological evaluation of the pediatric musculoskeletal system in clinical practice. However, the accuracy and generalization performance of individual segmentation models are limited due to the restricted amount of annotated pediatric data. Hence, we propose to train a segmentation model on multiple datasets, arising from different parts of the anatomy, in a multi-task and multi-domain learning framework. This approach allows to overcome the inherent scarcity of pediatric data while benefiting from a more robust shared representation. The proposed segmentation network comprises shared convolutional filters, domain-specific batch normalization parameters that compute the respective dataset statistics and a domain-specific segmentation layer. Furthermore, a supervised contrastive regularization is integrated to further improve generalization capabilities, by promoting intra-domain similarity and impose inter-domain margins in embedded space. We evaluate our contributions on two pediatric imaging datasets of the ankle and shoulder joints for bone segmentation. Results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
PDF 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, accepted at the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021)


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