
2024-08-16 更新

Curriculum learning based pre-training using Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoders

Authors:Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

In this paper, we propose a new pre-training method for image understanding tasks under Curriculum Learning (CL) paradigm which leverages RGB-D. The method utilizes Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoder and Denoising techniques. Recent approaches either use masked autoencoding (e.g., MultiMAE) or contrastive learning(e.g., Pri3D, or combine them in a single contrastive masked autoencoder architecture such as CMAE and CAV-MAE. However, none of the single contrastive masked autoencoder is applicable to RGB-D datasets. To improve the performance and efficacy of such methods, we propose a new pre-training strategy based on CL. Specifically, in the first stage, we pre-train the model using contrastive learning to learn cross-modal representations. In the second stage, we initialize the modality-specific encoders using the weights from the first stage and then pre-train the model using masked autoencoding and denoising/noise prediction used in diffusion models. Masked autoencoding focuses on reconstructing the missing patches in the input modality using local spatial correlations, while denoising learns high frequency components of the input data. Our approach is scalable, robust and suitable for pre-training with limited RGB-D datasets. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets such as ScanNet, NYUv2 and SUN RGB-D show the efficacy and superior performance of our approach. Specifically, we show an improvement of +1.0% mIoU against Mask3D on ScanNet semantic segmentation. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in low-data regime by evaluating it for semantic segmentation task against the state-of-the-art methods.


Contrastive Learning for Image Complexity Representation

Authors:Shipeng Liu, Liang Zhao, Dengfeng Chen, Zhanping Song

Quantifying and evaluating image complexity can be instrumental in enhancing the performance of various computer vision tasks. Supervised learning can effectively learn image complexity features from well-annotated datasets. However, creating such datasets requires expensive manual annotation costs. The models may learn human subjective biases from it. In this work, we introduce the MoCo v2 framework. We utilize contrastive learning to represent image complexity, named CLIC (Contrastive Learning for Image Complexity). We find that there are complexity differences between different local regions of an image, and propose Random Crop and Mix (RCM), which can produce positive samples consisting of multi-scale local crops. RCM can also expand the train set and increase data diversity without introducing additional data. We conduct extensive experiments with CLIC, comparing it with both unsupervised and supervised methods. The results demonstrate that the performance of CLIC is comparable to that of state-of-the-art supervised methods. In addition, we establish the pipelines that can apply CLIC to computer vision tasks to effectively improve their performance.


Weakly Contrastive Learning via Batch Instance Discrimination and Feature Clustering for Small Sample SAR ATR

Authors:Yikui Zhai, Wenlve Zhou, Bing Sun, Jingwen Li, Qirui Ke, Zilu Ying, Junying Gan, Chaoyun Mai, Ruggero Donida Labati, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti

In recent years, impressive performance of deep learning technology has been recognized in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR). Since a large amount of annotated data is required in this technique, it poses a trenchant challenge to the issue of obtaining a high recognition rate through less labeled data. To overcome this problem, inspired by the contrastive learning, we proposed a novel framework named Batch Instance Discrimination and Feature Clustering (BIDFC). In this framework, different from that of the objective of general contrastive learning methods, embedding distance between samples should be moderate because of the high similarity between samples in the SAR images. Consequently, our flexible framework is equipped with adjustable distance between embedding, which we term as weakly contrastive learning. Technically, instance labels are assigned to the unlabeled data in per batch and random augmentation and training are performed few times on these augmented data. Meanwhile, a novel Dynamic-Weighted Variance loss (DWV loss) function is also posed to cluster the embedding of enhanced versions for each sample. Experimental results on the moving and stationary target acquisition and recognition (MSTAR) database indicate a 91.25% classification accuracy of our method fine-tuned on only 3.13% training data. Even though a linear evaluation is performed on the same training data, the accuracy can still reach 90.13%. We also verified the effectiveness of BIDFC in OpenSarShip database, indicating that our method can be generalized to other datasets. Our code is avaliable at: https://github.com/Wenlve-Zhou/BIDFC-master.


ComKD-CLIP: Comprehensive Knowledge Distillation for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-traning Model

Authors:Yifan Chen, Xiaozhen Qiao, Zhe Sun, Xuelong Li

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model excels in integrating semantic information between images and text through contrastive learning techniques. It has achieved remarkable performance in various multimodal tasks. However, the deployment of large CLIP models is hindered in resource-limited environments, while smaller models frequently fail to meet the performance benchmarks required for practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, ComKD-CLIP: Comprehensive Knowledge Distillation for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-traning Model, which aims to comprehensively distill the knowledge from a large teacher CLIP model into a smaller student model, ensuring comparable performance with significantly reduced parameters. ComKD-CLIP is composed of two key mechanisms: Image Feature Alignment (IFAlign) and Educational Attention (EduAttention). IFAlign makes the image features extracted by the student model closely match those extracted by the teacher model, enabling the student to learn teacher’s knowledge of extracting image features. EduAttention explores the cross-relationships between text features extracted by the teacher model and image features extracted by the student model, enabling the student model to learn how the teacher model integrates text-image features. In addition, ComKD-CLIP can refine the knowledge distilled from IFAlign and EduAttention by leveraging the text-image feature fusion results of the teacher model, ensuring the student model accurately absorbs the teacher’s knowledge. Extensive experiments conducted on 11 datasets have demonstrated the superiority of the proposed method.
PDF update


Img-Diff: Contrastive Data Synthesis for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors:Qirui Jiao, Daoyuan Chen, Yilun Huang, Yaliang Li, Ying Shen

High-performance Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) rely heavily on data quality. This study introduces a novel dataset named Img-Diff, designed to enhance fine-grained image recognition in MLLMs by leveraging insights from contrastive learning and image difference captioning. By analyzing object differences between similar images, we challenge models to identify both matching and distinct components. We utilize the Stable-Diffusion-XL model and advanced image editing techniques to create pairs of similar images that highlight object replacements. Our methodology includes a Difference Area Generator for object differences identifying, followed by a Difference Captions Generator for detailed difference descriptions. The result is a relatively small but high-quality dataset of “object replacement” samples. We use the the proposed dataset to finetune state-of-the-art (SOTA) MLLMs such as MGM-7B, yielding comprehensive improvements of performance scores over SOTA models that trained with larger-scale datasets, in numerous image difference and Visual Question Answering tasks. For instance, our trained models notably surpass the SOTA models GPT-4V and Gemini on the MMVP benchmark. Besides, we investigate alternative methods for generating image difference data through “object removal” and conduct a thorough evaluation to confirm the dataset’s diversity, quality, and robustness, presenting several insights on the synthesis of such a contrastive dataset. To encourage further research and advance the field of multimodal data synthesis and enhancement of MLLMs’ fundamental capabilities for image understanding, we release our codes and dataset at https://github.com/modelscope/data-juicer/tree/ImgDiff.
PDF 14 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables


Content-decoupled Contrastive Learning-based Implicit Degradation Modeling for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Jiang Yuan, Ji Ma, Bo Wang, Weiming Hu

Implicit degradation modeling-based blind super-resolution (SR) has attracted more increasing attention in the community due to its excellent generalization to complex degradation scenarios and wide application range. How to extract more discriminative degradation representations and fully adapt them to specific image features is the key to this task. In this paper, we propose a new Content-decoupled Contrastive Learning-based blind image super-resolution (CdCL) framework following the typical blind SR pipeline. This framework introduces negative-free contrastive learning technique for the first time to model the implicit degradation representation, in which a new cyclic shift sampling strategy is designed to ensure decoupling between content features and degradation features from the data perspective, thereby improving the purity and discriminability of the learned implicit degradation space. In addition, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of implicit degradation-based blind super-resolving, we design a detail-aware implicit degradation adaption module with lower complexity, which adapts degradation information to the specific LR image from both channel and spatial perspectives. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data prove that the proposed CdCL comprehensively improves the quantitative and qualitative results of contrastive learning-based implicit blind SR paradigm, and achieves SOTA PSNR in this field. Even if the number of parameters is halved, our method still achieves very competitive results.


Contrastive masked auto-encoders based self-supervised hashing for 2D image and 3D point cloud cross-modal retrieval

Authors:Rukai Wei, Heng Cui, Yu Liu, Yufeng Hou, Yanzhao Xie, Ke Zhou

Implementing cross-modal hashing between 2D images and 3D point-cloud data is a growing concern in real-world retrieval systems. Simply applying existing cross-modal approaches to this new task fails to adequately capture latent multi-modal semantics and effectively bridge the modality gap between 2D and 3D. To address these issues without relying on hand-crafted labels, we propose contrastive masked autoencoders based self-supervised hashing (CMAH) for retrieval between images and point-cloud data. We start by contrasting 2D-3D pairs and explicitly constraining them into a joint Hamming space. This contrastive learning process ensures robust discriminability for the generated hash codes and effectively reduces the modality gap. Moreover, we utilize multi-modal auto-encoders to enhance the model’s understanding of multi-modal semantics. By completing the masked image/point-cloud data modeling task, the model is encouraged to capture more localized clues. In addition, the proposed multi-modal fusion block facilitates fine-grained interactions among different modalities. Extensive experiments on three public datasets demonstrate that the proposed CMAH significantly outperforms all baseline methods.
PDF Accepted by ICME 2024


A Simple Task-aware Contrastive Local Descriptor Selection Strategy for Few-shot Learning between inter class and intra class

Authors:Qian Qiao, Yu Xie, Shaoyao Huang, Fanzhang Li

Few-shot image classification aims to classify novel classes with few labeled samples. Recent research indicates that deep local descriptors have better representational capabilities. These studies recognize the impact of background noise on classification performance. They typically filter query descriptors using all local descriptors in the support classes or engage in bidirectional selection between local descriptors in support and query sets. However, they ignore the fact that background features may be useful for the classification performance of specific tasks. This paper proposes a novel task-aware contrastive local descriptor selection network (TCDSNet). First, we calculate the contrastive discriminative score for each local descriptor in the support class, and select discriminative local descriptors to form a support descriptor subset. Finally, we leverage support descriptor subsets to adaptively select discriminative query descriptors for specific tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both general and fine-grained datasets.
PDF Submitted to ICANN 2024


Boosting Adverse Weather Crowd Counting via Multi-queue Contrastive Learning

Authors:Tianhang Pan, Zhuoran Zheng, Xiuyi Jia

Currently, most crowd counting methods have outstanding performance under normal weather conditions. However, they often struggle to maintain their performance in extreme and adverse weather conditions due to significant differences in the domain and a lack of adverse weather images for training. To address this issue and enhance the model’s robustness in adverse weather, we propose a two-stage crowd counting method. Specifically, in the first stage, we introduce a multi-queue MoCo contrastive learning strategy to tackle the problem of weather class imbalance. This strategy facilitates the learning of weather-aware representations by the model. In the second stage, we propose to refine the representations under the guidance of contrastive learning, enabling the conversion of the weather-aware representations to the normal weather domain. While significantly improving the robustness, our method only marginally increases the weight of the model. In addition, we also create a new synthetic adverse weather dataset. Extensive experimental results show that our method achieves competitive performance.
PDF 11 pages, 7 figures


Class-aware and Augmentation-free Contrastive Learning from Label Proportion

Authors:Jialiang Wang, Ning Zhang, Shimin Di, Ruidong Wang, Lei Chen

Learning from Label Proportion (LLP) is a weakly supervised learning scenario in which training data is organized into predefined bags of instances, disclosing only the class label proportions per bag. This paradigm is essential for user modeling and personalization, where user privacy is paramount, offering insights into user preferences without revealing individual data. LLP faces a unique difficulty: the misalignment between bag-level supervision and the objective of instance-level prediction, primarily due to the inherent ambiguity in label proportion matching. Previous studies have demonstrated deep representation learning can generate auxiliary signals to promote the supervision level in the image domain. However, applying these techniques to tabular data presents significant challenges: 1) they rely heavily on label-invariant augmentation to establish multi-view, which is not feasible with the heterogeneous nature of tabular datasets, and 2) tabular datasets often lack sufficient semantics for perfect class distinction, making them prone to suboptimality caused by the inherent ambiguity of label proportion matching. To address these challenges, we propose an augmentation-free contrastive framework TabLLP-BDC that introduces class-aware supervision (explicitly aware of class differences) at the instance level. Our solution features a two-stage Bag Difference Contrastive (BDC) learning mechanism that establishes robust class-aware instance-level supervision by disassembling the nuance between bag label proportions, without relying on augmentations. Concurrently, our model presents a pioneering multi-task pretraining pipeline tailored for tabular-based LLP, capturing intrinsic tabular feature correlations in alignment with label proportion distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that TabLLP-BDC achieves state-of-the-art performance for LLP in the tabular domain.


文章作者: 木子已
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