
2024-08-16 更新

Face Parsing via Recurrent Propagation

Authors:Sifei Liu, Jianping Shi, Ji Liang, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Face parsing is an important problem in computer vision that finds numerous applications including recognition and editing. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to image parsing and segmentation with the state-of-the-art performance. In this paper, we propose a face parsing algorithm that combines hierarchical representations learned by a CNN, and accurate label propagations achieved by a spatially variant recurrent neural network (RNN). The RNN-based propagation approach enables efficient inference over a global space with the guidance of semantic edges generated by a local convolutional model. Since the convolutional architecture can be shallow and the spatial RNN can have few parameters, the framework is much faster and more light-weighted than the state-of-the-art CNNs for the same task. We apply the proposed model to coarse-grained and fine-grained face parsing. For fine-grained face parsing, we develop a two-stage approach by first identifying the main regions and then segmenting the detail components, which achieves better performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. With a single GPU, the proposed algorithm parses face images accurately at 300 frames per second, which facilitates real-time applications.
PDF 10 pages, 5 figures, BMVC 2017


Interlinked Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Parsing

Authors:Yisu Zhou, Xiaolin Hu, Bo Zhang

Face parsing is a basic task in face image analysis. It amounts to labeling each pixel with appropriate facial parts such as eyes and nose. In the paper, we present a interlinked convolutional neural network (iCNN) for solving this problem in an end-to-end fashion. It consists of multiple convolutional neural networks (CNNs) taking input in different scales. A special interlinking layer is designed to allow the CNNs to exchange information, enabling them to integrate local and contextual information efficiently. The hallmark of iCNN is the extensive use of downsampling and upsampling in the interlinking layers, while traditional CNNs usually uses downsampling only. A two-stage pipeline is proposed for face parsing and both stages use iCNN. The first stage localizes facial parts in the size-reduced image and the second stage labels the pixels in the identified facial parts in the original image. On a benchmark dataset we have obtained better results than the state-of-the-art methods.
PDF 11 pages, 4 figures, ISNN2015 Conference


A High-Efficiency Framework for Constructing Large-Scale Face Parsing Benchmark

Authors:Yinglu Liu, Hailin Shi, Yue Si, Hao Shen, Xiaobo Wang, Tao Mei

Face parsing, which is to assign a semantic label to each pixel in face images, has recently attracted increasing interest due to its huge application potentials. Although many face related fields (e.g., face recognition and face detection) have been well studied for many years, the existing datasets for face parsing are still severely limited in terms of the scale and quality, e.g., the widely used Helen dataset only contains 2,330 images. This is mainly because pixel-level annotation is a high cost and time-consuming work, especially for the facial parts without clear boundaries. The lack of accurate annotated datasets becomes a major obstacle in the progress of face parsing task. It is a feasible way to utilize dense facial landmarks to guide the parsing annotation. However, annotating dense landmarks on human face encounters the same issues as the parsing annotation. To overcome the above problems, in this paper, we develop a high-efficiency framework for face parsing annotation, which considerably simplifies and speeds up the parsing annotation by two consecutive modules. Benefit from the proposed framework, we construct a new Dense Landmark Guided Face Parsing (LaPa) benchmark. It consists of 22,000 face images with large variations in expression, pose, occlusion, etc. Each image is provided with accurate annotation of a 11-category pixel-level label map along with coordinates of 106-point landmarks. To the best of our knowledge, it is currently the largest public dataset for face parsing. To make full use of our LaPa dataset with abundant face shape and boundary priors, we propose a simple yet effective Boundary-Sensitive Parsing Network (BSPNet). Our network is taken as a baseline model on the proposed LaPa dataset, and meanwhile, it achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the Helen dataset without resorting to extra face alignment.


Face Parsing with RoI Tanh-Warping

Authors:Jinpeng Lin, Hao Yang, Dong Chen, Ming Zeng, Fang Wen, Lu Yuan

Face parsing computes pixel-wise label maps for different semantic components (e.g., hair, mouth, eyes) from face images. Existing face parsing literature have illustrated significant advantages by focusing on individual regions of interest (RoIs) for faces and facial components. However, the traditional crop-and-resize focusing mechanism ignores all contextual area outside the RoIs, and thus is not suitable when the component area is unpredictable, e.g. hair. Inspired by the physiological vision system of human, we propose a novel RoI Tanh-warping operator that combines the central vision and the peripheral vision together. It addresses the dilemma between a limited sized RoI for focusing and an unpredictable area of surrounding context for peripheral information. To this end, we propose a novel hybrid convolutional neural network for face parsing. It uses hierarchical local based method for inner facial components and global methods for outer facial components. The whole framework is simple and principled, and can be trained end-to-end. To facilitate future research of face parsing, we also manually relabel the training data of the HELEN dataset and will make it public. Experiments on both HELEN and LFW-PL benchmarks demonstrate that our method surpasses state-of-the-art methods.


Edge-aware Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing

Authors:Gusi Te, Yinglu Liu, Wei Hu, Hailin Shi, Tao Mei

Face parsing infers a pixel-wise label to each facial component, which has drawn much attention recently. Previous methods have shown their efficiency in face parsing, which however overlook the correlation among different face regions. The correlation is a critical clue about the facial appearance, pose, expression etc., and should be taken into account for face parsing. To this end, we propose to model and reason the region-wise relations by learning graph representations, and leverage the edge information between regions for optimized abstraction. Specifically, we encode a facial image onto a global graph representation where a collection of pixels (“regions”) with similar features are projected to each vertex. Our model learns and reasons over relations between the regions by propagating information across vertices on the graph. Furthermore, we incorporate the edge information to aggregate the pixel-wise features onto vertices, which emphasizes on the features around edges for fine segmentation along edges. The finally learned graph representation is projected back to pixel grids for parsing. Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the widely used Helen dataset, and also exhibits the superior performance on the large-scale CelebAMask-HQ and LaPa dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/tegusi/EAGRNet.


RoI Tanh-polar Transformer Network for Face Parsing in the Wild

Authors:Yiming Lin, Jie Shen, Yujiang Wang, Maja Pantic

Face parsing aims to predict pixel-wise labels for facial components of a target face in an image. Existing approaches usually crop the target face from the input image with respect to a bounding box calculated during pre-processing, and thus can only parse inner facial Regions of Interest~(RoIs). Peripheral regions like hair are ignored and nearby faces that are partially included in the bounding box can cause distractions. Moreover, these methods are only trained and evaluated on near-frontal portrait images and thus their performance for in-the-wild cases has been unexplored. To address these issues, this paper makes three contributions. First, we introduce iBugMask dataset for face parsing in the wild, which consists of 21,866 training images and 1,000 testing images. The training images are obtained by augmenting an existing dataset with large face poses. The testing images are manually annotated with $11$ facial regions and there are large variations in sizes, poses, expressions and background. Second, we propose RoI Tanh-polar transform that warps the whole image to a Tanh-polar representation with a fixed ratio between the face area and the context, guided by the target bounding box. The new representation contains all information in the original image, and allows for rotation equivariance in the convolutional neural networks~(CNNs). Third, we propose a hybrid residual representation learning block, coined HybridBlock, that contains convolutional layers in both the Tanh-polar space and the Tanh-Cartesian space, allowing for receptive fields of different shapes in CNNs. Through extensive experiments, we show that the proposed method improves the state-of-the-art for face parsing in the wild and does not require facial landmarks for alignment.
PDF Accepted at Image and Vision Computing. Code is available on https://github.com/hhj1897/face_parsing


FP-Age: Leveraging Face Parsing Attention for Facial Age Estimation in the Wild

Authors:Yiming Lin, Jie Shen, Yujiang Wang, Maja Pantic

Image-based age estimation aims to predict a person’s age from facial images. It is used in a variety of real-world applications. Although end-to-end deep models have achieved impressive results for age estimation on benchmark datasets, their performance in-the-wild still leaves much room for improvement due to the challenges caused by large variations in head pose, facial expressions, and occlusions. To address this issue, we propose a simple yet effective method to explicitly incorporate facial semantics into age estimation, so that the model would learn to correctly focus on the most informative facial components from unaligned facial images regardless of head pose and non-rigid deformation. To this end, we design a face parsing-based network to learn semantic information at different scales and a novel face parsing attention module to leverage these semantic features for age estimation. To evaluate our method on in-the-wild data, we also introduce a new challenging large-scale benchmark called IMDB-Clean. This dataset is created by semi-automatically cleaning the noisy IMDB-WIKI dataset using a constrained clustering method. Through comprehensive experiment on IMDB-Clean and other benchmark datasets, under both intra-dataset and cross-dataset evaluation protocols, we show that our method consistently outperforms all existing age estimation methods and achieves a new state-of-the-art performance. To the best of our knowledge, our work presents the first attempt of leveraging face parsing attention to achieve semantic-aware age estimation, which may be inspiring to other high level facial analysis tasks. Code and data are available on \url{https://github.com/ibug-group/fpage}.
PDF Accepted by Transactions of Image Processing. Code and data are available on https://github.com/ibug-group/fpage


3D Face Parsing via Surface Parameterization and 2D Semantic Segmentation Network

Authors:Wenyuan Sun, Ping Zhou, Yangang Wang, Zongpu Yu, Jing Jin, Guangquan Zhou

Face parsing assigns pixel-wise semantic labels as the face representation for computers, which is the fundamental part of many advanced face technologies. Compared with 2D face parsing, 3D face parsing shows more potential to achieve better performance and further application, but it is still challenging due to 3D mesh data computation. Recent works introduced different methods for 3D surface segmentation, while the performance is still limited. In this paper, we propose a method based on the “3D-2D-3D” strategy to accomplish 3D face parsing. The topological disk-like 2D face image containing spatial and textural information is transformed from the sampled 3D face data through the face parameterization algorithm, and a specific 2D network called CPFNet is proposed to achieve the semantic segmentation of the 2D parameterized face data with multi-scale technologies and feature aggregation. The 2D semantic result is then inversely re-mapped to 3D face data, which finally achieves the 3D face parsing. Experimental results show that both CPFNet and the “3D-2D-3D” strategy accomplish high-quality 3D face parsing and outperform state-of-the-art 2D networks as well as 3D methods in both qualitative and quantitative comparisons.


Super-Resolving Face Image by Facial Parsing Information

Authors:Chenyang Wang, Junjun Jiang, Zhiwei Zhong, Deming Zhai, Xianming Liu

Face super-resolution is a technology that transforms a low-resolution face image into the corresponding high-resolution one. In this paper, we build a novel parsing map guided face super-resolution network which extracts the face prior (i.e., parsing map) directly from low-resolution face image for the following utilization. To exploit the extracted prior fully, a parsing map attention fusion block is carefully designed, which can not only effectively explore the information of parsing map, but also combines powerful attention mechanism. Moreover, in light of that high-resolution features contain more precise spatial information while low-resolution features provide strong contextual information, we hope to maintain and utilize these complementary information. To achieve this goal, we develop a multi-scale refine block to maintain spatial and contextual information and take advantage of multi-scale features to refine the feature representations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts in terms of quantitative metrics and visual quality. The source codes will be available at https://github.com/wcy-cs/FishFSRNet.


Occlusion-Aware Deep Convolutional Neural Network via Homogeneous Tanh-transforms for Face Parsing

Authors:Jianhua Qiua, Weihua Liu, Chaochao Lin, Jiaojiao Li, Haoping Yu, Said Boumaraf

Face parsing infers a pixel-wise label map for each semantic facial component. Previous methods generally work well for uncovered faces, however, they overlook facial occlusion and ignore some contextual areas outside a single face, especially when facial occlusion has become a common situation during the COVID-19 epidemic. Inspired by the lighting phenomena in everyday life, where illumination from four distinct lamps provides a more uniform distribution than a single central light source, we propose a novel homogeneous tanh-transform for image preprocessing, which is made up of four tanh-transforms. These transforms fuse the central vision and the peripheral vision together. Our proposed method addresses the dilemma of face parsing under occlusion and compresses more information from the surrounding context. Based on homogeneous tanh-transforms, we propose an occlusion-aware convolutional neural network for occluded face parsing. It combines information in both Tanh-polar space and Tanh-Cartesian space, capable of enhancing receptive fields. Furthermore, we introduce an occlusion-aware loss to focus on the boundaries of occluded regions. The network is simple, flexible, and can be trained end-to-end. To facilitate future research of occluded face parsing, we also contribute a new cleaned face parsing dataset. This dataset is manually purified from several academic or industrial datasets, including CelebAMask-HQ, Short-video Face Parsing, and the Helen dataset, and will be made public. Experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses state-of-the-art methods in face parsing under occlusion.


AdvGen: Physical Adversarial Attack on Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems

Authors:Sai Amrit Patnaik, Shivali Chansoriya, Anil K. Jain, Anoop M. Namboodiri

Evaluating the risk level of adversarial images is essential for safely deploying face authentication models in the real world. Popular approaches for physical-world attacks, such as print or replay attacks, suffer from some limitations, like including physical and geometrical artifacts. Recently, adversarial attacks have gained attraction, which try to digitally deceive the learning strategy of a recognition system using slight modifications to the captured image. While most previous research assumes that the adversarial image could be digitally fed into the authentication systems, this is not always the case for systems deployed in the real world. This paper demonstrates the vulnerability of face authentication systems to adversarial images in physical world scenarios. We propose AdvGen, an automated Generative Adversarial Network, to simulate print and replay attacks and generate adversarial images that can fool state-of-the-art PADs in a physical domain attack setting. Using this attack strategy, the attack success rate goes up to 82.01%. We test AdvGen extensively on four datasets and ten state-of-the-art PADs. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack by conducting experiments in a realistic, physical environment.
PDF 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023)


Multi-Channel Cross Modal Detection of Synthetic Face Images

Authors:M. Ibsen, C. Rathgeb, S. Marcel, C. Busch

Synthetically generated face images have shown to be indistinguishable from real images by humans and as such can lead to a lack of trust in digital content as they can, for instance, be used to spread misinformation. Therefore, the need to develop algorithms for detecting entirely synthetic face images is apparent. Of interest are images generated by state-of-the-art deep learning-based models, as these exhibit a high level of visual realism. Recent works have demonstrated that detecting such synthetic face images under realistic circumstances remains difficult as new and improved generative models are proposed with rapid speed and arbitrary image post-processing can be applied. In this work, we propose a multi-channel architecture for detecting entirely synthetic face images which analyses information both in the frequency and visible spectra using Cross Modal Focal Loss. We compare the proposed architecture with several related architectures trained using Binary Cross Entropy and show in cross-model experiments that the proposed architecture supervised using Cross Modal Focal Loss, in general, achieves most competitive performance.


Data-Agnostic Face Image Synthesis Detection Using Bayesian CNNs

Authors:Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis detection is considerably gaining attention because of the potential negative impact on society that this type of synthetic data brings. In this paper, we propose a data-agnostic solution to detect the face image synthesis process. Specifically, our solution is based on an anomaly detection framework that requires only real data to learn the inference process. It is therefore data-agnostic in the sense that it requires no synthetic face images. The solution uses the posterior probability with respect to the reference data to determine if new samples are synthetic or not. Our evaluation results using different synthesizers show that our solution is very competitive against the state-of-the-art, which requires synthetic data for training.


Detecting Face Synthesis Using a Concealed Fusion Model

Authors:Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis is gaining more attention in computer security due to concerns about its potential negative impacts, including those related to fake biometrics. Hence, building models that can detect the synthesized face images is an important challenge to tackle. In this paper, we propose a fusion-based strategy to detect face image synthesis while providing resiliency to several attacks. The proposed strategy uses a late fusion of the outputs computed by several undisclosed models by relying on random polynomial coefficients and exponents to conceal a new feature space. Unlike existing concealing solutions, our strategy requires no quantization, which helps to preserve the feature space. Our experiments reveal that our strategy achieves state-of-the-art performance while providing protection against poisoning, perturbation, backdoor, and reverse model attacks.


Towards Multi-domain Face Landmark Detection with Synthetic Data from Diffusion model

Authors:Yuanming Li, Gwantae Kim, Jeong-gi Kwak, Bon-hwa Ku, Hanseok Ko

Recently, deep learning-based facial landmark detection for in-the-wild faces has achieved significant improvement. However, there are still challenges in face landmark detection in other domains (e.g. cartoon, caricature, etc). This is due to the scarcity of extensively annotated training data. To tackle this concern, we design a two-stage training approach that effectively leverages limited datasets and the pre-trained diffusion model to obtain aligned pairs of landmarks and face in multiple domains. In the first stage, we train a landmark-conditioned face generation model on a large dataset of real faces. In the second stage, we fine-tune the above model on a small dataset of image-landmark pairs with text prompts for controlling the domain. Our new designs enable our method to generate high-quality synthetic paired datasets from multiple domains while preserving the alignment between landmarks and facial features. Finally, we fine-tuned a pre-trained face landmark detection model on the synthetic dataset to achieve multi-domain face landmark detection. Our qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing methods on multi-domain face landmark detection.
PDF 6 pages, ICASSP 2024 accepted


SHIELD : An Evaluation Benchmark for Face Spoofing and Forgery Detection with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors:Yichen Shi, Yuhao Gao, Yingxin Lai, Hongyang Wang, Jun Feng, Lei He, Jun Wan, Changsheng Chen, Zitong Yu, Xiaochun Cao

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable problem-solving capabilities in various vision fields (e.g., generic object recognition and grounding) based on strong visual semantic representation and language reasoning ability. However, whether MLLMs are sensitive to subtle visual spoof/forged clues and how they perform in the domain of face attack detection (e.g., face spoofing and forgery detection) is still unexplored. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, namely SHIELD, to evaluate the ability of MLLMs on face spoofing and forgery detection. Specifically, we design true/false and multiple-choice questions to evaluate multimodal face data in these two face security tasks. For the face anti-spoofing task, we evaluate three different modalities (i.e., RGB, infrared, depth) under four types of presentation attacks (i.e., print attack, replay attack, rigid mask, paper mask). For the face forgery detection task, we evaluate GAN-based and diffusion-based data with both visual and acoustic modalities. Each question is subjected to both zero-shot and few-shot tests under standard and chain of thought (COT) settings. The results indicate that MLLMs hold substantial potential in the face security domain, offering advantages over traditional specific models in terms of interpretability, multimodal flexible reasoning, and joint face spoof and forgery detection. Additionally, we develop a novel Multi-Attribute Chain of Thought (MA-COT) paradigm for describing and judging various task-specific and task-irrelevant attributes of face images, which provides rich task-related knowledge for subtle spoof/forged clue mining. Extensive experiments in separate face anti-spoofing, separate face forgery detection, and joint detection tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MA-COT. The project is available at https$:$//github.com/laiyingxin2/SHIELD


Towards the Detection of AI-Synthesized Human Face Images

Authors:Yuhang Lu, Touradj Ebrahimi

Over the past years, image generation and manipulation have achieved remarkable progress due to the rapid development of generative AI based on deep learning. Recent studies have devoted significant efforts to address the problem of face image manipulation caused by deepfake techniques. However, the problem of detecting purely synthesized face images has been explored to a lesser extent. In particular, the recent popular Diffusion Models (DMs) have shown remarkable success in image synthesis. Existing detectors struggle to generalize between synthesized images created by different generative models. In this work, a comprehensive benchmark including human face images produced by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and a variety of DMs has been established to evaluate both the generalization ability and robustness of state-of-the-art detectors. Then, the forgery traces introduced by different generative models have been analyzed in the frequency domain to draw various insights. The paper further demonstrates that a detector trained with frequency representation can generalize well to other unseen generative models.


Learning Spatiotemporal Inconsistency via Thumbnail Layout for Face Deepfake Detection

Authors:Yuting Xu, Jian Liang, Lijun Sheng, Xiao-Yu Zhang

The deepfake threats to society and cybersecurity have provoked significant public apprehension, driving intensified efforts within the realm of deepfake video detection. Current video-level methods are mostly based on {3D CNNs} resulting in high computational demands, although have achieved good performance. This paper introduces an elegantly simple yet effective strategy named Thumbnail Layout (TALL), which transforms a video clip into a pre-defined layout to realize the preservation of spatial and temporal dependencies. This transformation process involves sequentially masking frames at the same positions within each frame. These frames are then resized into sub-frames and reorganized into the predetermined layout, forming thumbnails. TALL is model-agnostic and has remarkable simplicity, necessitating only minimal code modifications. Furthermore, we introduce a graph reasoning block (GRB) and semantic consistency (SC) loss to strengthen TALL, culminating in TALL++. GRB enhances interactions between different semantic regions to capture semantic-level inconsistency clues. The semantic consistency loss imposes consistency constraints on semantic features to improve model generalization ability. Extensive experiments on intra-dataset, cross-dataset, diffusion-generated image detection, and deepfake generation method recognition show that TALL++ achieves results surpassing or comparable to the state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approaches for various deepfake detection problems. The code is available at https://github.com/rainy-xu/TALL4Deepfake.
PDF Accepted by IJCV


From Modalities to Styles: Rethinking the Domain Gap in Heterogeneous Face Recognition

Authors:Anjith George, Sebastien Marcel

Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR) focuses on matching faces from different domains, for instance, thermal to visible images, making Face Recognition (FR) systems more versatile for challenging scenarios. However, the domain gap between these domains and the limited large-scale datasets in the target HFR modalities make it challenging to develop robust HFR models from scratch. In our work, we view different modalities as distinct styles and propose a method to modulate feature maps of the target modality to address the domain gap. We present a new Conditional Adaptive Instance Modulation (CAIM ) module that seamlessly fits into existing FR networks, turning them into HFR-ready systems. The CAIM block modulates intermediate feature maps, efficiently adapting to the style of the source modality and bridging the domain gap. Our method enables end-to-end training using a small set of paired samples. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach on various challenging HFR benchmarks, showing that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The source code and protocols for reproducing the findings will be made publicly available
PDF Accepted for publication in IEEE TBIOM


Heterogeneous Face Recognition Using Domain Invariant Units

Authors:Anjith George, Sebastien Marcel

Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR) aims to expand the applicability of Face Recognition (FR) systems to challenging scenarios, enabling the matching of face images across different domains, such as matching thermal images to visible spectra. However, the development of HFR systems is challenging because of the significant domain gap between modalities and the lack of availability of large-scale paired multi-channel data. In this work, we leverage a pretrained face recognition model as a teacher network to learn domaininvariant network layers called Domain-Invariant Units (DIU) to reduce the domain gap. The proposed DIU can be trained effectively even with a limited amount of paired training data, in a contrastive distillation framework. This proposed approach has the potential to enhance pretrained models, making them more adaptable to a wider range of variations in data. We extensively evaluate our approach on multiple challenging benchmarks, demonstrating superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.
PDF 6 pages, Accepted ICASSP 2024


Hide and Seek: How Does Watermarking Impact Face Recognition?

Authors:Yuguang Yao, Steven Grosz, Sijia Liu, Anil Jain

The recent progress in generative models has revolutionized the synthesis of highly realistic images, including face images. This technological development has undoubtedly helped face recognition, such as training data augmentation for higher recognition accuracy and data privacy. However, it has also introduced novel challenges concerning the responsible use and proper attribution of computer generated images. We investigate the impact of digital watermarking, a technique for embedding ownership signatures into images, on the effectiveness of face recognition models. We propose a comprehensive pipeline that integrates face image generation, watermarking, and face recognition to systematically examine this question. The proposed watermarking scheme, based on an encoder-decoder architecture, successfully embeds and recovers signatures from both real and synthetic face images while preserving their visual fidelity. Through extensive experiments, we unveil that while watermarking enables robust image attribution, it results in a slight decline in face recognition accuracy, particularly evident for face images with challenging poses and expressions. Additionally, we find that directly training face recognition models on watermarked images offers only a limited alleviation of this performance decline. Our findings underscore the intricate trade off between watermarking and face recognition accuracy. This work represents a pivotal step towards the responsible utilization of generative models in face recognition and serves to initiate discussions regarding the broader implications of watermarking in biometrics.


Semantic Contextualization of Face Forgery: A New Definition, Dataset, and Detection Method

Authors:Mian Zou, Baosheng Yu, Yibing Zhan, Siwei Lyu, Kede Ma

In recent years, deep learning has greatly streamlined the process of generating realistic fake face images. Aware of the dangers, researchers have developed various tools to spot these counterfeits. Yet none asked the fundamental question: What digital manipulations make a real photographic face image fake, while others do not? In this paper, we put face forgery in a semantic context and define that computational methods that alter semantic face attributes to exceed human discrimination thresholds are sources of face forgery. Guided by our new definition, we construct a large face forgery image dataset, where each image is associated with a set of labels organized in a hierarchical graph. Our dataset enables two new testing protocols to probe the generalization of face forgery detectors. Moreover, we propose a semantics-oriented face forgery detection method that captures label relations and prioritizes the primary task (\ie, real or fake face detection). We show that the proposed dataset successfully exposes the weaknesses of current detectors as the test set and consistently improves their generalizability as the training set. Additionally, we demonstrate the superiority of our semantics-oriented method over traditional binary and multi-class classification-based detectors.


Adversarial Attacks on Both Face Recognition and Face Anti-spoofing Models

Authors:Fengfan Zhou, Qianyu Zhou, Xiangtai Li, Xuequan Lu, Lizhuang Ma, Hefei Ling

Adversarial attacks on Face Recognition (FR) systems have proven highly effective in compromising pure FR models, yet adversarial examples may be ineffective to the complete FR systems as Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) models are often incorporated and can detect a significant number of them. To address this under-explored and essential problem, we propose a novel setting of adversarially attacking both FR and FAS models simultaneously, aiming to enhance the practicability of adversarial attacks on FR systems. In particular, we introduce a new attack method, namely Style-aligned Distribution Biasing (SDB), to improve the capacity of black-box attacks on both FR and FAS models. Specifically, our SDB framework consists of three key components. Firstly, to enhance the transferability of FAS models, we design a Distribution-aware Score Biasing module to optimize adversarial face examples away from the distribution of spoof images utilizing scores. Secondly, to mitigate the substantial style differences between live images and adversarial examples initialized with spoof images, we introduce an Instance Style Alignment module that aligns the style of adversarial examples with live images. In addition, to alleviate the conflicts between the gradients of FR and FAS models, we propose a Gradient Consistency Maintenance module to minimize disparities between the gradients using Hessian approximation. Extensive experiments showcase the superiority of our proposed attack method to state-of-the-art adversarial attacks.


Analyzing the Effect of Combined Degradations on Face Recognition

Authors:Erdi Sarıtaş, Hazım Kemal Ekenel

A face recognition model is typically trained on large datasets of images that may be collected from controlled environments. This results in performance discrepancies when applied to real-world scenarios due to the domain gap between clean and in-the-wild images. Therefore, some researchers have investigated the robustness of these models by analyzing synthetic degradations. Yet, existing studies have mostly focused on single degradation factors, which may not fully capture the complexity of real-world degradations. This work addresses this problem by analyzing the impact of both single and combined degradations using a real-world degradation pipeline extended with under/over-exposure conditions. We use the LFW dataset for our experiments and assess the model’s performance based on verification accuracy. Results reveal that single and combined degradations show dissimilar model behavior. The combined effect of degradation significantly lowers performance even if its single effect is negligible. This work emphasizes the importance of accounting for real-world complexity to assess the robustness of face recognition models in real-world settings. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/ThEnded32/AnalyzingCombinedDegradations.
PDF Accepted at 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) on 2nd PrivAAL Workshop 2024


Synthetic Face Ageing: Evaluation, Analysis and Facilitation of Age-Robust Facial Recognition Algorithms

Authors:Wang Yao, Muhammad Ali Farooq, Joseph Lemley, Peter Corcoran

The ability to accurately recognize an individual’s face with respect to human aging factor holds significant importance for various private as well as government sectors such as customs and public security bureaus, passport office, and national database systems. Therefore, developing a robust age-invariant face recognition system is of crucial importance to address the challenges posed by ageing and maintain the reliability and accuracy of facial recognition technology. In this research work, the focus is to explore the feasibility of utilizing synthetic ageing data to improve the robustness of face recognition models that can eventually help in recognizing people at broader age intervals. To achieve this, we first design set of experiments to evaluate state-of-the-art synthetic ageing methods. In the next stage we explore the effect of age intervals on a current deep learning-based face recognition algorithm by using synthetic ageing data as well as real ageing data to perform rigorous training and validation. Moreover, these synthetic age data have been used in facilitating face recognition algorithms. Experimental results show that the recognition rate of the model trained on synthetic ageing images is 3.33% higher than the results of the baseline model when tested on images with an age gap of 40 years, which prove the potential of synthetic age data which has been quantified to enhance the performance of age-invariant face recognition systems.
PDF This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible


A Large-scale Universal Evaluation Benchmark For Face Forgery Detection

Authors:Yijun Bei, Hengrui Lou, Jinsong Geng, Erteng Liu, Lechao Cheng, Jie Song, Mingli Song, Zunlei Feng

With the rapid development of AI-generated content (AIGC) technology, the production of realistic fake facial images and videos that deceive human visual perception has become possible. Consequently, various face forgery detection techniques have been proposed to identify such fake facial content. However, evaluating the effectiveness and generalizability of these detection techniques remains a significant challenge. To address this, we have constructed a large-scale evaluation benchmark called DeepFaceGen, aimed at quantitatively assessing the effectiveness of face forgery detection and facilitating the iterative development of forgery detection technology. DeepFaceGen consists of 776,990 real face image/video samples and 773,812 face forgery image/video samples, generated using 34 mainstream face generation techniques. During the construction process, we carefully consider important factors such as content diversity, fairness across ethnicities, and availability of comprehensive labels, in order to ensure the versatility and convenience of DeepFaceGen. Subsequently, DeepFaceGen is employed in this study to evaluate and analyze the performance of 13 mainstream face forgery detection techniques from various perspectives. Through extensive experimental analysis, we derive significant findings and propose potential directions for future research. The code and dataset for DeepFaceGen are available at https://github.com/HengruiLou/DeepFaceGen.
PDF This is a paper about constructing a large-scale universal evaluation benchmark for face forgery detection.The full text is 30 pages


Detection of Synthetic Face Images: Accuracy, Robustness, Generalization

Authors:Nela Petrzelkova, Jan Cech

An experimental study on detecting synthetic face images is presented. We collected a dataset, called FF5, of five fake face image generators, including recent diffusion models. We find that a simple model trained on a specific image generator can achieve near-perfect accuracy in separating synthetic and real images. The model handles common image distortions (reduced resolution, compression) by using data augmentation. Moreover, partial manipulations, where synthetic images are blended into real ones by inpainting, are identified and the area of the manipulation is localized by a simple model of YOLO architecture. However, the model turned out to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks and does not generalize to unseen generators. Failure to generalize to detect images produced by a newer generator also occurs for recent state-of-the-art methods, which we tested on Realistic Vision, a fine-tuned version of StabilityAI’s Stable Diffusion image generator.


Robust Skin Color Driven Privacy Preserving Face Recognition via Function Secret Sharing

Authors:Dong Han, Yufan Jiang, Yong Li, Ricardo Mendes, Joachim Denzler

In this work, we leverage the pure skin color patch from the face image as the additional information to train an auxiliary skin color feature extractor and face recognition model in parallel to improve performance of state-of-the-art (SOTA) privacy-preserving face recognition (PPFR) systems. Our solution is robust against black-box attacking and well-established generative adversarial network (GAN) based image restoration. We analyze the potential risk in previous work, where the proposed cosine similarity computation might directly leak the protected precomputed embedding stored on the server side. We propose a Function Secret Sharing (FSS) based face embedding comparison protocol without any intermediate result leakage. In addition, we show in experiments that the proposed protocol is more efficient compared to the Secret Sharing (SS) based protocol.
PDF Accepted at ICIP2024


Towards A Comprehensive Visual Saliency Explanation Framework for AI-based Face Recognition Systems

Authors:Yuhang Lu, Zewei Xu, Touradj Ebrahimi

Over recent years, deep convolutional neural networks have significantly advanced the field of face recognition techniques for both verification and identification purposes. Despite the impressive accuracy, these neural networks are often criticized for lacking explainability. There is a growing demand for understanding the decision-making process of AI-based face recognition systems. Some studies have investigated the use of visual saliency maps as explanations, but they have predominantly focused on the specific face verification case. The discussion on more general face recognition scenarios and the corresponding evaluation methodology for these explanations have long been absent in current research. Therefore, this manuscript conceives a comprehensive explanation framework for face recognition tasks. Firstly, an exhaustive definition of visual saliency map-based explanations for AI-based face recognition systems is provided, taking into account the two most common recognition situations individually, i.e., face verification and identification. Secondly, a new model-agnostic explanation method named CorrRISE is proposed to produce saliency maps, which reveal both the similar and dissimilar regions between any given face images. Subsequently, the explanation framework conceives a new evaluation methodology that offers quantitative measurement and comparison of the performance of general visual saliency explanation methods in face recognition. Consequently, extensive experiments are carried out on multiple verification and identification scenarios. The results showcase that CorrRISE generates insightful saliency maps and demonstrates superior performance, particularly in similarity maps in comparison with the state-of-the-art explanation approaches.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.08546


Emotion Detection through Body Gesture and Face

Authors:Haoyang Liu

The project leverages advanced machine and deep learning techniques to address the challenge of emotion recognition by focusing on non-facial cues, specifically hands, body gestures, and gestures. Traditional emotion recognition systems mainly rely on facial expression analysis and often ignore the rich emotional information conveyed through body language. To bridge this gap, this method leverages the Aff-Wild2 and DFEW databases to train and evaluate a model capable of recognizing seven basic emotions (angry, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral) and estimating valence and continuous scales wakeup descriptor. Leverage OpenPose for pose estimation to extract detailed body posture and posture features from images and videos. These features serve as input to state-of-the-art neural network architectures, including ResNet, and ANN for emotion classification, and fully connected layers for valence arousal regression analysis. This bifurcation strategy can solve classification and regression problems in the field of emotion recognition. The project aims to contribute to the field of affective computing by enhancing the ability of machines to interpret and respond to human emotions in a more comprehensive and nuanced way. By integrating multimodal data and cutting-edge computational models, I aspire to develop a system that not only enriches human-computer interaction but also has potential applications in areas as diverse as mental health support, educational technology, and autonomous vehicle systems.
PDF 25 pages, 4 figures


ARoFace: Alignment Robustness to Improve Low-Quality Face Recognition

Authors:Mohammad Saeed Ebrahimi Saadabadi, Sahar Rahimi Malakshan, Ali Dabouei, Nasser M. Nasrabadi

Aiming to enhance Face Recognition (FR) on Low-Quality (LQ) inputs, recent studies suggest incorporating synthetic LQ samples into training. Although promising, the quality factors that are considered in these works are general rather than FR-specific, \eg, atmospheric turbulence, resolution, \etc. Motivated by the observation of the vulnerability of current FR models to even small Face Alignment Errors (FAE) in LQ images, we present a simple yet effective method that considers FAE as another quality factor that is tailored to FR. We seek to improve LQ FR by enhancing FR models’ robustness to FAE. To this aim, we formalize the problem as a combination of differentiable spatial transformations and adversarial data augmentation in FR. We perturb the alignment of the training samples using a controllable spatial transformation and enrich the training with samples expressing FAE. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method by conducting evaluations on IJB-B, IJB-C, IJB-S (+4.3\% Rank1), and TinyFace (+2.63\%). \href{https://github.com/msed-Ebrahimi/ARoFace}{https://github.com/msed-Ebrahimi/ARoFace}
PDF European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024)


Non-Negative Reduced Biquaternion Matrix Factorization with Applications in Color Face Recognition

Authors:Jifei Miao, Junjun Pan, Michael K. Ng

Reduced biquaternion (RB), as a four-dimensional algebra highly suitable for representing color pixels, has recently garnered significant attention from numerous scholars. In this paper, for color image processing problems, we introduce a concept of the non-negative RB matrix and then use the multiplication properties of RB to propose a non-negative RB matrix factorization (NRBMF) model. The NRBMF model is introduced to address the challenge of reasonably establishing a non-negative quaternion matrix factorization model, which is primarily hindered by the multiplication properties of traditional quaternions. Furthermore, this paper transforms the problem of solving the NRBMF model into an RB alternating non-negative least squares (RB-ANNLS) problem. Then, by introducing a method to compute the gradient of the real function with RB matrix variables, we solve the RB-ANNLS optimization problem using the RB projected gradient algorithm and conduct a convergence analysis of the algorithm. Finally, we validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed NRBMF model in color face recognition.


Unmasking the Uniqueness: A Glimpse into Age-Invariant Face Recognition of Indigenous African Faces

Authors:Fakunle Ajewole, Joseph Damilola Akinyemi, Khadijat Tope Ladoja, Olufade Falade Williams Onifade

The task of recognizing the age-separated faces of an individual, Age-Invariant Face Recognition (AIFR), has received considerable research efforts in Europe, America, and Asia, compared to Africa. Thus, AIFR research efforts have often under-represented/misrepresented the African ethnicity with non-indigenous Africans. This work developed an AIFR system for indigenous African faces to reduce the misrepresentation of African ethnicity in facial image analysis research. We adopted a pre-trained deep learning model (VGGFace) for AIFR on a dataset of 5,000 indigenous African faces (FAGE_v2) collected for this study. FAGE_v2 was curated via Internet image searches of 500 individuals evenly distributed across 10 African countries. VGGFace was trained on FAGE_v2 to obtain the best accuracy of 81.80\%. We also performed experiments on an African-American subset of the CACD dataset and obtained the best accuracy of 91.5\%. The results show a significant difference in the recognition accuracies of indigenous versus non-indigenous Africans.
PDF Keywords: Age-Invariant Face Recognition, CACD, FAGE_v2, VGGFace


Detecting Near-Duplicate Face Images

Authors:Sudipta Banerjee, Arun Ross

Near-duplicate images are often generated when applying repeated photometric and geometric transformations that produce imperceptible variants of the original image. Consequently, a deluge of near-duplicates can be circulated online posing copyright infringement concerns. The concerns are more severe when biometric data is altered through such nuanced transformations. In this work, we address the challenge of near-duplicate detection in face images by, firstly, identifying the original image from a set of near-duplicates and, secondly, deducing the relationship between the original image and the near-duplicates. We construct a tree-like structure, called an Image Phylogeny Tree (IPT) using a graph-theoretic approach to estimate the relationship, i.e., determine the sequence in which they have been generated. We further extend our method to create an ensemble of IPTs known as Image Phylogeny Forests (IPFs). We rigorously evaluate our method to demonstrate robustness across other modalities, unseen transformations by latest generative models and IPT configurations, thereby significantly advancing the state-of-the-art performance by 42% on IPF reconstruction accuracy.
PDF Under review


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