Face Swapping

2024-08-16 更新

Style and Pose Control for Image Synthesis of Humans from a Single Monocular View

Authors:Kripasindhu Sarkar, Vladislav Golyanik, Lingjie Liu, Christian Theobalt

Photo-realistic re-rendering of a human from a single image with explicit control over body pose, shape and appearance enables a wide range of applications, such as human appearance transfer, virtual try-on, motion imitation, and novel view synthesis. While significant progress has been made in this direction using learning-based image generation tools, such as GANs, existing approaches yield noticeable artefacts such as blurring of fine details, unrealistic distortions of the body parts and garments as well as severe changes of the textures. We, therefore, propose a new method for synthesising photo-realistic human images with explicit control over pose and part-based appearance, i.e., StylePoseGAN, where we extend a non-controllable generator to accept conditioning of pose and appearance separately. Our network can be trained in a fully supervised way with human images to disentangle pose, appearance and body parts, and it significantly outperforms existing single image re-rendering methods. Our disentangled representation opens up further applications such as garment transfer, motion transfer, virtual try-on, head (identity) swap and appearance interpolation. StylePoseGAN achieves state-of-the-art image generation fidelity on common perceptual metrics compared to the current best-performing methods and convinces in a comprehensive user study.


DeepFake Detection with Inconsistent Head Poses: Reproducibility and Analysis

Authors:Kevin Lutz, Robert Bassett

Applications of deep learning to synthetic media generation allow the creation of convincing forgeries, called DeepFakes, with limited technical expertise. DeepFake detection is an increasingly active research area. In this paper, we analyze an existing DeepFake detection technique based on head pose estimation, which can be applied when fake images are generated with an autoencoder-based face swap. Existing literature suggests that this method is an effective DeepFake detector, and its motivating principles are attractively simple. With an eye towards using these principles to develop new DeepFake detectors, we conduct a reproducibility study of the existing method. We conclude that its merits are dramatically overstated, despite its celebrated status. By investigating this discrepancy we uncover a number of important and generalizable insights related to facial landmark detection, identity-agnostic head pose estimation, and algorithmic bias in DeepFake detectors. Our results correct the current literature’s perception of state of the art performance for DeepFake detection.


FaceDancer: Pose- and Occlusion-Aware High Fidelity Face Swapping

Authors:Felix Rosberg, Eren Erdal Aksoy, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Cristofer Englund

In this work, we present a new single-stage method for subject agnostic face swapping and identity transfer, named FaceDancer. We have two major contributions: Adaptive Feature Fusion Attention (AFFA) and Interpreted Feature Similarity Regularization (IFSR). The AFFA module is embedded in the decoder and adaptively learns to fuse attribute features and features conditioned on identity information without requiring any additional facial segmentation process. In IFSR, we leverage the intermediate features in an identity encoder to preserve important attributes such as head pose, facial expression, lighting, and occlusion in the target face, while still transferring the identity of the source face with high fidelity. We conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments on various datasets and show that the proposed FaceDancer outperforms other state-of-the-art networks in terms of identityn transfer, while having significantly better pose preservation than most of the previous methods.
PDF Fixed the supplementary material layout in the end (past references). Added link to video results, which is mentioned in Results but was missing in the supplementary material


HS-Diffusion: Semantic-Mixing Diffusion for Head Swapping

Authors:Qinghe Wang, Lijie Liu, Miao Hua, Pengfei Zhu, Wangmeng Zuo, Qinghua Hu, Huchuan Lu, Bing Cao

Image-based head swapping task aims to stitch a source head to another source body flawlessly. This seldom-studied task faces two major challenges: 1) Preserving the head and body from various sources while generating a seamless transition region. 2) No paired head swapping dataset and benchmark so far. In this paper, we propose a semantic-mixing diffusion model for head swapping (HS-Diffusion) which consists of a latent diffusion model (LDM) and a semantic layout generator. We blend the semantic layouts of source head and source body, and then inpaint the transition region by the semantic layout generator, achieving a coarse-grained head swapping. Semantic-mixing LDM can further implement a fine-grained head swapping with the inpainted layout as condition by a progressive fusion process, while preserving head and body with high-quality reconstruction. To this end, we propose a semantic calibration strategy for natural inpainting and a neck alignment for geometric realism. Importantly, we construct a new image-based head swapping benchmark and design two tailor-designed metrics (Mask-FID and Focal-FID). Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework. The code will be available: https://github.com/qinghew/HS-Diffusion.


MetaPortrait: Identity-Preserving Talking Head Generation with Fast Personalized Adaptation

Authors:Bowen Zhang, Chenyang Qi, Pan Zhang, Bo Zhang, HsiangTao Wu, Dong Chen, Qifeng Chen, Yong Wang, Fang Wen

In this work, we propose an ID-preserving talking head generation framework, which advances previous methods in two aspects. First, as opposed to interpolating from sparse flow, we claim that dense landmarks are crucial to achieving accurate geometry-aware flow fields. Second, inspired by face-swapping methods, we adaptively fuse the source identity during synthesis, so that the network better preserves the key characteristics of the image portrait. Although the proposed model surpasses prior generation fidelity on established benchmarks, to further make the talking head generation qualified for real usage, personalized fine-tuning is usually needed. However, this process is rather computationally demanding that is unaffordable to standard users. To solve this, we propose a fast adaptation model using a meta-learning approach. The learned model can be adapted to a high-quality personalized model as fast as 30 seconds. Last but not the least, a spatial-temporal enhancement module is proposed to improve the fine details while ensuring temporal coherency. Extensive experiments prove the significant superiority of our approach over the state of the arts in both one-shot and personalized settings.
PDF CVPR 2023, project page: https://meta-portrait.github.io


FlowFace++: Explicit Semantic Flow-supervised End-to-End Face Swapping

Authors:Yu Zhang, Hao Zeng, Bowen Ma, Wei Zhang, Zhimeng Zhang, Yu Ding, Tangjie Lv, Changjie Fan

This work proposes a novel face-swapping framework FlowFace++, utilizing explicit semantic flow supervision and end-to-end architecture to facilitate shape-aware face-swapping. Specifically, our work pretrains a facial shape discriminator to supervise the face swapping network. The discriminator is shape-aware and relies on a semantic flow-guided operation to explicitly calculate the shape discrepancies between the target and source faces, thus optimizing the face swapping network to generate highly realistic results. The face swapping network is a stack of a pre-trained face-masked autoencoder (MAE), a cross-attention fusion module, and a convolutional decoder. The MAE provides a fine-grained facial image representation space, which is unified for the target and source faces and thus facilitates final realistic results. The cross-attention fusion module carries out the source-to-target face swapping in a fine-grained latent space while preserving other attributes of the target image (e.g. expression, head pose, hair, background, illumination, etc). Lastly, the convolutional decoder further synthesizes the swapping results according to the face-swapping latent embedding from the cross-attention fusion module. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments on in-the-wild faces demonstrate that our FlowFace++ outperforms the state-of-the-art significantly, particularly while the source face is obstructed by uneven lighting or angle offset.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2212.02797


Reinforced Disentanglement for Face Swapping without Skip Connection

Authors:Xiaohang Ren, Xingyu Chen, Pengfei Yao, Heung-Yeung Shum, Baoyuan Wang

The SOTA face swap models still suffer the problem of either target identity (i.e., shape) being leaked or the target non-identity attributes (i.e., background, hair) failing to be fully preserved in the final results. We show that this insufficient disentanglement is caused by two flawed designs that were commonly adopted in prior models: (1) counting on only one compressed encoder to represent both the semantic-level non-identity facial attributes(i.e., pose) and the pixel-level non-facial region details, which is contradictory to satisfy at the same time; (2) highly relying on long skip-connections between the encoder and the final generator, leaking a certain amount of target face identity into the result. To fix them, we introduce a new face swap framework called ‘WSC-swap’ that gets rid of skip connections and uses two target encoders to respectively capture the pixel-level non-facial region attributes and the semantic non-identity attributes in the face region. To further reinforce the disentanglement learning for the target encoder, we employ both identity removal loss via adversarial training (i.e., GAN) and the non-identity preservation loss via prior 3DMM models like [11]. Extensive experiments on both FaceForensics++ and CelebA-HQ show that our results significantly outperform previous works on a rich set of metrics, including one novel metric for measuring identity consistency that was completely neglected before.
PDF Accepted by ICCV 2023


ExtSwap: Leveraging Extended Latent Mapper for Generating High Quality Face Swapping

Authors:Aravinda Reddy PN, K. Sreenivasa Rao, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Pabitra mitra

We present a novel face swapping method using the progressively growing structure of a pre-trained StyleGAN. Previous methods use different encoder decoder structures, embedding integration networks to produce high-quality results, but their quality suffers from entangled representation. We disentangle semantics by deriving identity and attribute features separately. By learning to map the concatenated features into the extended latent space, we leverage the state-of-the-art quality and its rich semantic extended latent space. Extensive experiments suggest that the proposed method successfully disentangles identity and attribute features and outperforms many state-of-the-art face swapping methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively.


E4S: Fine-grained Face Swapping via Editing With Regional GAN Inversion

Authors:Maomao Li, Ge Yuan, Cairong Wang, Zhian Liu, Yong Zhang, Yongwei Nie, Jue Wang, Dong Xu

This paper proposes a novel approach to face swapping from the perspective of fine-grained facial editing, dubbed “editing for swapping” (E4S). The traditional face swapping methods rely on global feature extraction and fail to preserve the detailed source identity. In contrast, we propose a Regional GAN Inversion (RGI) method, which allows the explicit disentanglement of shape and texture. Specifically, our E4S performs face swapping in the latent space of a pretrained StyleGAN, where a multi-scale mask-guided encoder is applied to project the texture of each facial component into regional style codes and a mask-guided injection module manipulating feature maps with the style codes. Based on this disentanglement, face swapping can be simplified as style and mask swapping. Besides, due to the large lighting condition gap, transferring the source skin into the target image may lead to disharmony lighting. We propose a re-coloring network to make the swapped face maintain the target lighting condition while preserving the source skin. Further, to deal with the potential mismatch areas during mask exchange, we design a face inpainting module to refine the face shape. The extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that our E4S outperforms existing methods in preserving texture, shape, and lighting. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/e4s2024/E4S2024.
PDF Project Page: https://e4s2024.github.io/ ;. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.14068


Robust Identity Perceptual Watermark Against Deepfake Face Swapping

Authors:Tianyi Wang, Mengxiao Huang, Harry Cheng, Bin Ma, Yinglong Wang

Notwithstanding offering convenience and entertainment to society, Deepfake face swapping has caused critical privacy issues with the rapid development of deep generative models. Due to imperceptible artifacts in high-quality synthetic images, passive detection models against face swapping in recent years usually suffer performance damping regarding the generalizability issue. Therefore, several studies have been attempted to proactively protect the original images against malicious manipulations by inserting invisible signals in advance. However, the existing proactive defense approaches demonstrate unsatisfactory results with respect to visual quality, detection accuracy, and source tracing ability. In this study, to fulfill the research gap, we propose the first robust identity perceptual watermarking framework that concurrently performs detection and source tracing against Deepfake face swapping proactively. We assign identity semantics regarding the image contents to the watermarks and devise an unpredictable and nonreversible chaotic encryption system to ensure watermark confidentiality. The watermarks are encoded and recovered by jointly training an encoder-decoder framework along with adversarial image manipulations. Falsification and source tracing are accomplished by justifying the consistency between the content-matched identity perceptual watermark and the recovered robust watermark from the image. Extensive experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art detection performance on Deepfake face swapping under both cross-dataset and cross-manipulation settings.
PDF In peer review


High-Fidelity Face Swapping with Style Blending

Authors:Xinyu Yang, Hongbo Bo

Face swapping has gained significant traction, driven by the plethora of human face synthesis facilitated by deep learning methods. However, previous face swapping methods that used generative adversarial networks (GANs) as backbones have faced challenges such as inconsistency in blending, distortions, artifacts, and issues with training stability. To address these limitations, we propose an innovative end-to-end framework for high-fidelity face swapping. First, we introduce a StyleGAN-based facial attributes encoder that extracts essential features from faces and inverts them into a latent style code, encapsulating indispensable facial attributes for successful face swapping. Second, we introduce an attention-based style blending module to effectively transfer Face IDs from source to target. To ensure accurate and quality transferring, a series of constraint measures including contrastive face ID learning, facial landmark alignment, and dual swap consistency is implemented. Finally, the blended style code is translated back to the image space via the style decoder, which is of high training stability and generative capability. Extensive experiments on the CelebA-HQ dataset highlight the superior visual quality of generated images from our face-swapping methodology when compared to other state-of-the-art methods, and the effectiveness of each proposed module. Source code and weights will be publicly available.
PDF 4 pages


Lips Are Lying: Spotting the Temporal Inconsistency between Audio and Visual in Lip-Syncing DeepFakes

Authors:Weifeng Liu, Tianyi She, Jiawei Liu, Run Wang, Dongyu Yao, Ziyou Liang

In recent years, DeepFake technology has achieved unprecedented success in high-quality video synthesis, whereas these methods also pose potential and severe security threats to humanity. DeepFake can be bifurcated into entertainment applications like face swapping and illicit uses such as lip-syncing fraud. However, lip-forgery videos, which neither change identity nor have discernible visual artifacts, present a formidable challenge to existing DeepFake detection methods. Our preliminary experiments have shown that the effectiveness of the existing methods often drastically decreases or even fails when tackling lip-syncing videos. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a novel approach dedicated to lip-forgery identification that exploits the inconsistency between lip movements and audio signals. We also mimic human natural cognition by capturing subtle biological links between lips and head regions to boost accuracy. To better illustrate the effectiveness and advances of our proposed method, we curate a high-quality LipSync dataset by employing the SOTA lip generator. We hope this high-quality and diverse dataset could be well served the further research on this challenging and interesting field. Experimental results show that our approach gives an average accuracy of more than 95.3% in spotting lip-syncing videos, significantly outperforming the baselines. Extensive experiments demonstrate the capability to tackle deepfakes and the robustness in surviving diverse input transformations. Our method achieves an accuracy of up to 90.2% in real-world scenarios (e.g., WeChat video call) and shows its powerful capabilities in real scenario deployment. To facilitate the progress of this research community, we release all resources at https://github.com/AaronComo/LipFD.
PDF The first two authors contributed equally to this work


SelfSwapper: Self-Supervised Face Swapping via Shape Agnostic Masked AutoEncoder

Authors:Jaeseong Lee, Junha Hyung, Sohyun Jeong, Jaegul Choo

Face swapping has gained significant attention for its varied applications. Most previous face swapping approaches have relied on the seesaw game training scheme, also known as the target-oriented approach. However, this often leads to instability in model training and results in undesired samples with blended identities due to the target identity leakage problem. Source-oriented methods achieve more stable training with self-reconstruction objective but often fail to accurately reflect target image’s skin color and illumination. This paper introduces the Shape Agnostic Masked AutoEncoder (SAMAE) training scheme, a novel self-supervised approach that combines the strengths of both target-oriented and source-oriented approaches. Our training scheme addresses the limitations of traditional training methods by circumventing the conventional seesaw game and introducing clear ground truth through its self-reconstruction training regime. Our model effectively mitigates identity leakage and reflects target albedo and illumination through learned disentangled identity and non-identity features. Additionally, we closely tackle the shape misalignment and volume discrepancy problems with new techniques, including perforation confusion and random mesh scaling. SAMAE establishes a new state-of-the-art, surpassing other baseline methods, preserving both identity and non-identity attributes without sacrificing on either aspect.


Visual Style Prompting with Swapping Self-Attention

Authors:Jaeseok Jeong, Junho Kim, Yunjey Choi, Gayoung Lee, Youngjung Uh

In the evolving domain of text-to-image generation, diffusion models have emerged as powerful tools in content creation. Despite their remarkable capability, existing models still face challenges in achieving controlled generation with a consistent style, requiring costly fine-tuning or often inadequately transferring the visual elements due to content leakage. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach, \ours, to produce a diverse range of images while maintaining specific style elements and nuances. During the denoising process, we keep the query from original features while swapping the key and value with those from reference features in the late self-attention layers. This approach allows for the visual style prompting without any fine-tuning, ensuring that generated images maintain a faithful style. Through extensive evaluation across various styles and text prompts, our method demonstrates superiority over existing approaches, best reflecting the style of the references and ensuring that resulting images match the text prompts most accurately. Our project page is available https://curryjung.github.io/VisualStylePrompt/.


LatentSwap: An Efficient Latent Code Mapping Framework for Face Swapping

Authors:Changho Choi, Minho Kim, Junhyeok Lee, Hyoung-Kyu Song, Younggeun Kim, Seungryong Kim

We propose LatentSwap, a simple face swapping framework generating a face swap latent code of a given generator. Utilizing randomly sampled latent codes, our framework is light and does not require datasets besides employing the pre-trained models, with the training procedure also being fast and straightforward. The loss objective consists of only three terms, and can effectively control the face swap results between source and target images. By attaching a pre-trained GAN inversion model independent to the model and using the StyleGAN2 generator, our model produces photorealistic and high-resolution images comparable to other competitive face swap models. We show that our framework is applicable to other generators such as StyleNeRF, paving a way to 3D-aware face swapping and is also compatible with other downstream StyleGAN2 generator tasks. The source code and models can be found at \url{https://github.com/usingcolor/LatentSwap}.
PDF 9 pages, 11 figures


Face Swap via Diffusion Model

Authors:Feifei Wang

This technical report presents a diffusion model based framework for face swapping between two portrait images. The basic framework consists of three components, i.e., IP-Adapter, ControlNet, and Stable Diffusion’s inpainting pipeline, for face feature encoding, multi-conditional generation, and face inpainting respectively. Besides, I introduce facial guidance optimization and CodeFormer based blending to further improve the generation quality. Specifically, we engage a recent light-weighted customization method (i.e., DreamBooth-LoRA), to guarantee the identity consistency by 1) using a rare identifier “sks” to represent the source identity, and 2) injecting the image features of source portrait into each cross-attention layer like the text features. Then I resort to the strong inpainting ability of Stable Diffusion, and utilize canny image and face detection annotation of the target portrait as the conditions, to guide ContorlNet’s generation and align source portrait with the target portrait. To further correct face alignment, we add the facial guidance loss to optimize the text embedding during the sample generation. The code is available at: https://github.com/somuchtome/Faceswap


Deepfake Generation and Detection: A Benchmark and Survey

Authors:Gan Pei, Jiangning Zhang, Menghan Hu, Zhenyu Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Yunsheng Wu, Guangtao Zhai, Jian Yang, Chunhua Shen, Dacheng Tao

Deepfake is a technology dedicated to creating highly realistic facial images and videos under specific conditions, which has significant application potential in fields such as entertainment, movie production, digital human creation, to name a few. With the advancements in deep learning, techniques primarily represented by Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks have achieved impressive generation results. More recently, the emergence of diffusion models with powerful generation capabilities has sparked a renewed wave of research. In addition to deepfake generation, corresponding detection technologies continuously evolve to regulate the potential misuse of deepfakes, such as for privacy invasion and phishing attacks. This survey comprehensively reviews the latest developments in deepfake generation and detection, summarizing and analyzing current state-of-the-arts in this rapidly evolving field. We first unify task definitions, comprehensively introduce datasets and metrics, and discuss developing technologies. Then, we discuss the development of several related sub-fields and focus on researching four representative deepfake fields: face swapping, face reenactment, talking face generation, and facial attribute editing, as well as forgery detection. Subsequently, we comprehensively benchmark representative methods on popular datasets for each field, fully evaluating the latest and influential published works. Finally, we analyze challenges and future research directions of the discussed fields.
PDF We closely follow the latest developments in https://github.com/flyingby/Awesome-Deepfake-Generation-and-Detection


Monocular Identity-Conditioned Facial Reflectance Reconstruction

Authors:Xingyu Ren, Jiankang Deng, Yuhao Cheng, Jia Guo, Chao Ma, Yichao Yan, Wenhan Zhu, Xiaokang Yang

Recent 3D face reconstruction methods have made remarkable advancements, yet there remain huge challenges in monocular high-quality facial reflectance reconstruction. Existing methods rely on a large amount of light-stage captured data to learn facial reflectance models. However, the lack of subject diversity poses challenges in achieving good generalization and widespread applicability. In this paper, we learn the reflectance prior in image space rather than UV space and present a framework named ID2Reflectance. Our framework can directly estimate the reflectance maps of a single image while using limited reflectance data for training. Our key insight is that reflectance data shares facial structures with RGB faces, which enables obtaining expressive facial prior from inexpensive RGB data thus reducing the dependency on reflectance data. We first learn a high-quality prior for facial reflectance. Specifically, we pretrain multi-domain facial feature codebooks and design a codebook fusion method to align the reflectance and RGB domains. Then, we propose an identity-conditioned swapping module that injects facial identity from the target image into the pre-trained autoencoder to modify the identity of the source reflectance image. Finally, we stitch multi-view swapped reflectance images to obtain renderable assets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits excellent generalization capability and achieves state-of-the-art facial reflectance reconstruction results for in-the-wild faces. Our project page is https://xingyuren.github.io/id2reflectance/.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2024


SwapTalk: Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation with One-Shot Customization in Latent Space

Authors:Zeren Zhang, Haibo Qin, Jiayu Huang, Yixin Li, Hui Lin, Yitao Duan, Jinwen Ma

Combining face swapping with lip synchronization technology offers a cost-effective solution for customized talking face generation. However, directly cascading existing models together tends to introduce significant interference between tasks and reduce video clarity because the interaction space is limited to the low-level semantic RGB space. To address this issue, we propose an innovative unified framework, SwapTalk, which accomplishes both face swapping and lip synchronization tasks in the same latent space. Referring to recent work on face generation, we choose the VQ-embedding space due to its excellent editability and fidelity performance. To enhance the framework’s generalization capabilities for unseen identities, we incorporate identity loss during the training of the face swapping module. Additionally, we introduce expert discriminator supervision within the latent space during the training of the lip synchronization module to elevate synchronization quality. In the evaluation phase, previous studies primarily focused on the self-reconstruction of lip movements in synchronous audio-visual videos. To better approximate real-world applications, we expand the evaluation scope to asynchronous audio-video scenarios. Furthermore, we introduce a novel identity consistency metric to more comprehensively assess the identity consistency over time series in generated facial videos. Experimental results on the HDTF demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses existing techniques in video quality, lip synchronization accuracy, face swapping fidelity, and identity consistency. Our demo is available at http://swaptalk.cc.


Rank-based No-reference Quality Assessment for Face Swapping

Authors:Xinghui Zhou, Wenbo Zhou, Tianyi Wei, Shen Chen, Taiping Yao, Shouhong Ding, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

Face swapping has become a prominent research area in computer vision and image processing due to rapid technological advancements. The metric of measuring the quality in most face swapping methods relies on several distances between the manipulated images and the source image, or the target image, i.e., there are suitable known reference face images. Therefore, there is still a gap in accurately assessing the quality of face interchange in reference-free scenarios. In this study, we present a novel no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) method specifically designed for face swapping, addressing this issue by constructing a comprehensive large-scale dataset, implementing a method for ranking image quality based on multiple facial attributes, and incorporating a Siamese network based on interpretable qualitative comparisons. Our model demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance in the quality assessment of swapped faces, providing coarse- and fine-grained. Enhanced by this metric, an improved face-swapping model achieved a more advanced level with respect to expressions and poses. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our method over existing general no-reference image quality assessment metrics and the latest metric of facial image quality assessment, making it well suited for evaluating face swapping images in real-world scenarios.
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures


Flash Diffusion: Accelerating Any Conditional Diffusion Model for Few Steps Image Generation

Authors:Clement Chadebec, Onur Tasar, Eyal Benaroche, Benjamin Aubin

In this paper, we propose an efficient, fast, and versatile distillation method to accelerate the generation of pre-trained diffusion models: Flash Diffusion. The method reaches state-of-the-art performances in terms of FID and CLIP-Score for few steps image generation on the COCO2014 and COCO2017 datasets, while requiring only several GPU hours of training and fewer trainable parameters than existing methods. In addition to its efficiency, the versatility of the method is also exposed across several tasks such as text-to-image, inpainting, face-swapping, super-resolution and using different backbones such as UNet-based denoisers (SD1.5, SDXL) or DiT (Pixart-$\alpha$), as well as adapters. In all cases, the method allowed to reduce drastically the number of sampling steps while maintaining very high-quality image generation. The official implementation is available at https://github.com/gojasper/flash-diffusion.
PDF 16 pages + 16 pages appendices


DF40: Toward Next-Generation Deepfake Detection

Authors:Zhiyuan Yan, Taiping Yao, Shen Chen, Yandan Zhao, Xinghe Fu, Junwei Zhu, Donghao Luo, Li Yuan, Chengjie Wang, Shouhong Ding, Yunsheng Wu

We propose a new comprehensive benchmark to revolutionize the current deepfake detection field to the next generation. Predominantly, existing works identify top-notch detection algorithms and models by adhering to the common practice: training detectors on one specific dataset (e.g., FF++) and testing them on other prevalent deepfake datasets. This protocol is often regarded as a “golden compass” for navigating SoTA detectors. But can these stand-out “winners” be truly applied to tackle the myriad of realistic and diverse deepfakes lurking in the real world? If not, what underlying factors contribute to this gap? In this work, we found the dataset (both train and test) can be the “primary culprit” due to: (1) forgery diversity: Deepfake techniques are commonly referred to as both face forgery (face-swapping and face-reenactment) and entire image synthesis (AIGC). Most existing datasets only contain partial types, with limited forgery methods implemented; (2) forgery realism: The dominant training dataset, FF++, contains old forgery techniques from the past five years. “Honing skills” on these forgeries makes it difficult to guarantee effective detection of nowadays’ SoTA deepfakes; (3) evaluation protocol: Most detection works perform evaluations on one type, e.g., train and test on face-swapping only, which hinders the development of universal deepfake detectors. To address this dilemma, we construct a highly diverse and large-scale deepfake dataset called DF40, which comprises 40 distinct deepfake techniques. We then conduct comprehensive evaluations using 4 standard evaluation protocols and 7 representative detectors, resulting in over 2,000 evaluations. Through these evaluations, we analyze from various perspectives, leading to 12 new insightful findings contributing to the field. We also open up 5 valuable yet previously underexplored research questions to inspire future works.


Head360: Learning a Parametric 3D Full-Head for Free-View Synthesis in 360°

Authors:Yuxiao He, Yiyu Zhuang, Yanwen Wang, Yao Yao, Siyu Zhu, Xiaoyu Li, Qi Zhang, Xun Cao, Hao Zhu

Creating a 360{\deg} parametric model of a human head is a very challenging task. While recent advancements have demonstrated the efficacy of leveraging synthetic data for building such parametric head models, their performance remains inadequate in crucial areas such as expression-driven animation, hairstyle editing, and text-based modifications. In this paper, we build a dataset of artist-designed high-fidelity human heads and propose to create a novel parametric 360{\deg} renderable parametric head model from it. Our scheme decouples the facial motion/shape and facial appearance, which are represented by a classic parametric 3D mesh model and an attached neural texture, respectively. We further propose a training method for decompositing hairstyle and facial appearance, allowing free-swapping of the hairstyle. A novel inversion fitting method is presented based on single image input with high generalization and fidelity. To the best of our knowledge, our model is the first parametric 3D full-head that achieves 360{\deg} free-view synthesis, image-based fitting, appearance editing, and animation within a single model. Experiments show that facial motions and appearances are well disentangled in the parametric space, leading to SOTA performance in rendering and animating quality. The code and SynHead100 dataset are released at https://nju-3dv.github.io/projects/Head360.


LDFaceNet: Latent Diffusion-based Network for High-Fidelity Deepfake Generation

Authors:Dwij Mehta, Aditya Mehta, Pratik Narang

Over the past decade, there has been tremendous progress in the domain of synthetic media generation. This is mainly due to the powerful methods based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Very recently, diffusion probabilistic models, which are inspired by non-equilibrium thermodynamics, have taken the spotlight. In the realm of image generation, diffusion models (DMs) have exhibited remarkable proficiency in producing both realistic and heterogeneous imagery through their stochastic sampling procedure. This paper proposes a novel facial swapping module, termed as LDFaceNet (Latent Diffusion based Face Swapping Network), which is based on a guided latent diffusion model that utilizes facial segmentation and facial recognition modules for a conditioned denoising process. The model employs a unique loss function to offer directional guidance to the diffusion process. Notably, LDFaceNet can incorporate supplementary facial guidance for desired outcomes without any retraining. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first application of the latent diffusion model in the face-swapping task without prior training. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed method can generate extremely realistic and coherent images by leveraging the potential of the diffusion model for facial swapping, thereby yielding superior visual outcomes and greater diversity.


IPAdapter-Instruct: Resolving Ambiguity in Image-based Conditioning using Instruct Prompts

Authors:Ciara Rowles, Shimon Vainer, Dante De Nigris, Slava Elizarov, Konstantin Kutsy, Simon Donné

Diffusion models continuously push the boundary of state-of-the-art image generation, but the process is hard to control with any nuance: practice proves that textual prompts are inadequate for accurately describing image style or fine structural details (such as faces). ControlNet and IPAdapter address this shortcoming by conditioning the generative process on imagery instead, but each individual instance is limited to modeling a single conditional posterior: for practical use-cases, where multiple different posteriors are desired within the same workflow, training and using multiple adapters is cumbersome. We propose IPAdapter-Instruct, which combines natural-image conditioning with ``Instruct’’ prompts to swap between interpretations for the same conditioning image: style transfer, object extraction, both, or something else still? IPAdapterInstruct efficiently learns multiple tasks with minimal loss in quality compared to dedicated per-task models.
PDF 17 pages, 10 figures, Project page: https://unity-research.github.io/IP-Adapter-Instruct.github.io/


ReSyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-Visually Synced Facial Performer

Authors:Jiazhi Guan, Zhiliang Xu, Hang Zhou, Kaisiyuan Wang, Shengyi He, Zhanwang Zhang, Borong Liang, Haocheng Feng, Errui Ding, Jingtuo Liu, Jingdong Wang, Youjian Zhao, Ziwei Liu

Lip-syncing videos with given audio is the foundation for various applications including the creation of virtual presenters or performers. While recent studies explore high-fidelity lip-sync with different techniques, their task-orientated models either require long-term videos for clip-specific training or retain visible artifacts. In this paper, we propose a unified and effective framework ReSyncer, that synchronizes generalized audio-visual facial information. The key design is revisiting and rewiring the Style-based generator to efficiently adopt 3D facial dynamics predicted by a principled style-injected Transformer. By simply re-configuring the information insertion mechanisms within the noise and style space, our framework fuses motion and appearance with unified training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ReSyncer not only produces high-fidelity lip-synced videos according to audio, but also supports multiple appealing properties that are suitable for creating virtual presenters and performers, including fast personalized fine-tuning, video-driven lip-syncing, the transfer of speaking styles, and even face swapping. Resources can be found at https://guanjz20.github.io/projects/ReSyncer.
PDF Accepted to European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024. Project page: https://guanjz20.github.io/projects/ReSyncer


DeepSpeak Dataset v1.0

Authors:Sarah Barrington, Matyas Bohacek, Hany Farid

We describe a large-scale dataset—{\em DeepSpeak}—of real and deepfake footage of people talking and gesturing in front of their webcams. The real videos in this first version of the dataset consist of $9$ hours of footage from $220$ diverse individuals. Constituting more than 25 hours of footage, the fake videos consist of a range of different state-of-the-art face-swap and lip-sync deepfakes with natural and AI-generated voices. We expect to release future versions of this dataset with different and updated deepfake technologies. This dataset is made freely available for research and non-commercial uses; requests for commercial use will be considered.


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