2023-04-12 更新

Generating Continual Human Motion in Diverse 3D Scenes

Authors:Aymen Mir, Xavier Puig, Angjoo Kanazawa, Gerard Pons-Moll

We introduce a method to synthesize animator guided human motion across 3D scenes. Given a set of sparse (3 or 4) joint locations (such as the location of a person’s hand and two feet) and a seed motion sequence in a 3D scene, our method generates a plausible motion sequence starting from the seed motion while satisfying the constraints imposed by the provided keypoints. We decompose the continual motion synthesis problem into walking along paths and transitioning in and out of the actions specified by the keypoints, which enables long generation of motions that satisfy scene constraints without explicitly incorporating scene information. Our method is trained only using scene agnostic mocap data. As a result, our approach is deployable across 3D scenes with various geometries. For achieving plausible continual motion synthesis without drift, our key contribution is to generate motion in a goal-centric canonical coordinate frame where the next immediate target is situated at the origin. Our model can generate long sequences of diverse actions such as grabbing, sitting and leaning chained together in arbitrary order, demonstrated on scenes of varying geometry: HPS, Replica, Matterport, ScanNet and scenes represented using NeRFs. Several experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing methods that navigate paths in 3D scenes.


NeRF applied to satellite imagery for surface reconstruction

Authors:Federico Semeraro, Yi Zhang, Wenying Wu, Patrick Carroll

We present Sat-NeRF, a modified implementation of the recently introduced Shadow Neural Radiance Field (S-NeRF) model. This method is able to synthesize novel views from a sparse set of satellite images of a scene, while accounting for the variation in lighting present in the pictures. The trained model can also be used to accurately estimate the surface elevation of the scene, which is often a desirable quantity for satellite observation applications. S-NeRF improves on the standard Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) method by considering the radiance as a function of the albedo and the irradiance. Both these quantities are output by fully connected neural network branches of the model, and the latter is considered as a function of the direct light from the sun and the diffuse color from the sky. The implementations were run on a dataset of satellite images, augmented using a zoom-and-crop technique. A hyperparameter study for NeRF was carried out, leading to intriguing observations on the model’s convergence. Finally, both NeRF and S-NeRF were run until 100k epochs in order to fully fit the data and produce their best possible predictions. The code related to this article can be found at $\text{}$.


Neural Lens Modeling

Authors:Wenqi Xian, Aljaž Božič, Noah Snavely, Christoph Lassner

Recent methods for 3D reconstruction and rendering increasingly benefit from end-to-end optimization of the entire image formation process. However, this approach is currently limited: effects of the optical hardware stack and in particular lenses are hard to model in a unified way. This limits the quality that can be achieved for camera calibration and the fidelity of the results of 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we propose NeuroLens, a neural lens model for distortion and vignetting that can be used for point projection and ray casting and can be optimized through both operations. This means that it can (optionally) be used to perform pre-capture calibration using classical calibration targets, and can later be used to perform calibration or refinement during 3D reconstruction, e.g., while optimizing a radiance field. To evaluate the performance of our proposed model, we create a comprehensive dataset assembled from the Lensfun database with a multitude of lenses. Using this and other real-world datasets, we show that the quality of our proposed lens model outperforms standard packages as well as recent approaches while being much easier to use and extend. The model generalizes across many lens types and is trivial to integrate into existing 3D reconstruction and rendering systems.
PDF To be presented at CVPR 2023, Project webpage:


Neural Image-based Avatars: Generalizable Radiance Fields for Human Avatar Modeling

Authors:Youngjoong Kwon, Dahun Kim, Duygu Ceylan, Henry Fuchs

We present a method that enables synthesizing novel views and novel poses of arbitrary human performers from sparse multi-view images. A key ingredient of our method is a hybrid appearance blending module that combines the advantages of the implicit body NeRF representation and image-based rendering. Existing generalizable human NeRF methods that are conditioned on the body model have shown robustness against the geometric variation of arbitrary human performers. Yet they often exhibit blurry results when generalized onto unseen identities. Meanwhile, image-based rendering shows high-quality results when sufficient observations are available, whereas it suffers artifacts in sparse-view settings. We propose Neural Image-based Avatars (NIA) that exploits the best of those two methods: to maintain robustness under new articulations and self-occlusions while directly leveraging the available (sparse) source view colors to preserve appearance details of new subject identities. Our hybrid design outperforms recent methods on both in-domain identity generalization as well as challenging cross-dataset generalization settings. Also, in terms of the pose generalization, our method outperforms even the per-subject optimized animatable NeRF methods. The video results are available at


MRVM-NeRF: Mask-Based Pretraining for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Ganlin Yang, Guoqiang Wei, Zhizheng Zhang, Yan Lu, Dong Liu

Most Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have poor generalization ability, limiting their application when representing multiple scenes by a single model. To ameliorate this problem, existing methods simply condition NeRF models on image features, lacking the global understanding and modeling of the entire 3D scene. Inspired by the significant success of mask-based modeling in other research fields, we propose a masked ray and view modeling method for generalizable NeRF (MRVM-NeRF), the first attempt to incorporate mask-based pretraining into 3D implicit representations. Specifically, considering that the core of NeRFs lies in modeling 3D representations along the rays and across the views, we randomly mask a proportion of sampled points along the ray at fine stage by discarding partial information obtained from multi-viewpoints, targeting at predicting the corresponding features produced in the coarse branch. In this way, the learned prior knowledge of 3D scenes during pretraining helps the model generalize better to novel scenarios after finetuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed MRVM-NeRF under various synthetic and real-world settings, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our empirical studies reveal the effectiveness of our proposed innovative MRVM which is specifically designed for NeRF models.


One-Shot High-Fidelity Talking-Head Synthesis with Deformable Neural Radiance Field

Authors:Weichuang Li, Longhao Zhang, Dong Wang, Bin Zhao, Zhigang Wang, Mulin Chen, Bang Zhang, Zhongjian Wang, Liefeng Bo, Xuelong Li

Talking head generation aims to generate faces that maintain the identity information of the source image and imitate the motion of the driving image. Most pioneering methods rely primarily on 2D representations and thus will inevitably suffer from face distortion when large head rotations are encountered. Recent works instead employ explicit 3D structural representations or implicit neural rendering to improve performance under large pose changes. Nevertheless, the fidelity of identity and expression is not so desirable, especially for novel-view synthesis. In this paper, we propose HiDe-NeRF, which achieves high-fidelity and free-view talking-head synthesis. Drawing on the recently proposed Deformable Neural Radiance Fields, HiDe-NeRF represents the 3D dynamic scene into a canonical appearance field and an implicit deformation field, where the former comprises the canonical source face and the latter models the driving pose and expression. In particular, we improve fidelity from two aspects: (i) to enhance identity expressiveness, we design a generalized appearance module that leverages multi-scale volume features to preserve face shape and details; (ii) to improve expression preciseness, we propose a lightweight deformation module that explicitly decouples the pose and expression to enable precise expression modeling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed approach can generate better results than previous works. Project page:
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Depth-aware Optimization for Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Shu Chen, Junyao Li, Yang Zhang, Beiji Zou

With dense inputs, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is able to render photo-realistic novel views under static conditions. Although the synthesis quality is excellent, existing NeRF-based methods fail to obtain moderate three-dimensional (3D) structures. The novel view synthesis quality drops dramatically given sparse input due to the implicitly reconstructed inaccurate 3D-scene structure. We propose SfMNeRF, a method to better synthesize novel views as well as reconstruct the 3D-scene geometry. SfMNeRF leverages the knowledge from the self-supervised depth estimation methods to constrain the 3D-scene geometry during view synthesis training. Specifically, SfMNeRF employs the epipolar, photometric consistency, depth smoothness, and position-of-matches constraints to explicitly reconstruct the 3D-scene structure. Through these explicit constraints and the implicit constraint from NeRF, our method improves the view synthesis as well as the 3D-scene geometry performance of NeRF at the same time. In addition, SfMNeRF synthesizes novel sub-pixels in which the ground truth is obtained by image interpolation. This strategy enables SfMNeRF to include more samples to improve generalization performance. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate that SfMNeRF surpasses state-of-the-art approaches. Code is available at


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