Domain Adaptation

2023-03-31 更新

T-FFTRadNet: Object Detection with Swin Vision Transformers from Raw ADC Radar Signals

Authors:James Giroux, Martin Bouchard, Robert Laganiere

Object detection utilizing Frequency Modulated Continous Wave radar is becoming increasingly popular in the field of autonomous systems. Radar does not possess the same drawbacks seen by other emission-based sensors such as LiDAR, primarily the degradation or loss of return signals due to weather conditions such as rain or snow. However, radar does possess traits that make it unsuitable for standard emission-based deep learning representations such as point clouds. Radar point clouds tend to be sparse and therefore information extraction is not efficient. To overcome this, more traditional digital signal processing pipelines were adapted to form inputs residing directly in the frequency domain via Fast Fourier Transforms. Commonly, three transformations were used to form Range-Azimuth-Doppler cubes in which deep learning algorithms could perform object detection. This too has drawbacks, namely the pre-processing costs associated with performing multiple Fourier Transforms and normalization. We explore the possibility of operating on raw radar inputs from analog to digital converters via the utilization of complex transformation layers. Moreover, we introduce hierarchical Swin Vision transformers to the field of radar object detection and show their capability to operate on inputs varying in pre-processing, along with different radar configurations, i.e. relatively low and high numbers of transmitters and receivers, while obtaining on par or better results than the state-of-the-art.


BEVFusion4D: Learning LiDAR-Camera Fusion Under Bird’s-Eye-View via Cross-Modality Guidance and Temporal Aggregation

Authors:Hongxiang Cai, Zeyuan Zhang, Zhenyu Zhou, Ziyin Li, Wenbo Ding, Jiuhua Zhao

Integrating LiDAR and Camera information into Bird’s-Eye-View (BEV) has become an essential topic for 3D object detection in autonomous driving. Existing methods mostly adopt an independent dual-branch framework to generate LiDAR and camera BEV, then perform an adaptive modality fusion. Since point clouds provide more accurate localization and geometry information, they could serve as a reliable spatial prior to acquiring relevant semantic information from the images. Therefore, we design a LiDAR-Guided View Transformer (LGVT) to effectively obtain the camera representation in BEV space and thus benefit the whole dual-branch fusion system. LGVT takes camera BEV as the primitive semantic query, repeatedly leveraging the spatial cue of LiDAR BEV for extracting image features across multiple camera views. Moreover, we extend our framework into the temporal domain with our proposed Temporal Deformable Alignment (TDA) module, which aims to aggregate BEV features from multiple historical frames. Including these two modules, our framework dubbed BEVFusion4D achieves state-of-the-art results in 3D object detection, with 72.0% mAP and 73.5% NDS on the nuScenes validation set, and 73.3% mAP and 74.7% NDS on nuScenes test set, respectively.
PDF 13 pages, 7 figures


Masked and Adaptive Transformer for Exemplar Based Image Translation

Authors:Chang Jiang, Fei Gao, Biao Ma, Yuhao Lin, Nannan Wang, Gang Xu

We present a novel framework for exemplar based image translation. Recent advanced methods for this task mainly focus on establishing cross-domain semantic correspondence, which sequentially dominates image generation in the manner of local style control. Unfortunately, cross-domain semantic matching is challenging; and matching errors ultimately degrade the quality of generated images. To overcome this challenge, we improve the accuracy of matching on the one hand, and diminish the role of matching in image generation on the other hand. To achieve the former, we propose a masked and adaptive transformer (MAT) for learning accurate cross-domain correspondence, and executing context-aware feature augmentation. To achieve the latter, we use source features of the input and global style codes of the exemplar, as supplementary information, for decoding an image. Besides, we devise a novel contrastive style learning method, for acquire quality-discriminative style representations, which in turn benefit high-quality image generation. Experimental results show that our method, dubbed MATEBIT, performs considerably better than state-of-the-art methods, in diverse image translation tasks. The codes are available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Framework for Efficient Source Free Domain Adaptation

Authors:Nazmul Karim, Niluthpol Chowdhury Mithun, Abhinav Rajvanshi, Han-pang Chiu, Supun Samarasekera, Nazanin Rahnavard

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) approaches focus on adapting models trained on a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. UDA methods have a strong assumption that the source data is accessible during adaptation, which may not be feasible in many real-world scenarios due to privacy concerns and resource constraints of devices. In this regard, source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) excels as access to source data is no longer required during adaptation. Recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on SFDA mostly focus on pseudo-label refinement based self-training which generally suffers from two issues: i) inevitable occurrence of noisy pseudo-labels that could lead to early training time memorization, ii) refinement process requires maintaining a memory bank which creates a significant burden in resource constraint scenarios. To address these concerns, we propose C-SFDA, a curriculum learning aided self-training framework for SFDA that adapts efficiently and reliably to changes across domains based on selective pseudo-labeling. Specifically, we employ a curriculum learning scheme to promote learning from a restricted amount of pseudo labels selected based on their reliabilities. This simple yet effective step successfully prevents label noise propagation during different stages of adaptation and eliminates the need for costly memory-bank based label refinement. Our extensive experimental evaluations on both image recognition and semantic segmentation tasks confirm the effectiveness of our method. C-SFDA is readily applicable to online test-time domain adaptation and also outperforms previous SOTA methods in this task.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


CAusal and collaborative proxy-tasKs lEarning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Wenqiao Zhang, Changshuo Liu, Can Cui, Beng Chin Ooi

Semi-supervised domain adaptation (SSDA) adapts a learner to a new domain by effectively utilizing source domain data and a few labeled target samples. It is a practical yet under-investigated research topic. In this paper, we analyze the SSDA problem from two perspectives that have previously been overlooked, and correspondingly decompose it into two \emph{key subproblems}: \emph{robust domain adaptation (DA) learning} and \emph{maximal cross-domain data utilization}. \textbf{(i)} From a causal theoretical view, a robust DA model should distinguish the invariant ``concept’’ (key clue to image label) from the nuisance of confounding factors across domains. To achieve this goal, we propose to generate \emph{concept-invariant samples} to enable the model to classify the samples through causal intervention, yielding improved generalization guarantees; \textbf{(ii)} Based on the robust DA theory, we aim to exploit the maximal utilization of rich source domain data and a few labeled target samples to boost SSDA further. Consequently, we propose a collaboratively debiasing learning framework that utilizes two complementary semi-supervised learning (SSL) classifiers to mutually exchange their unbiased knowledge, which helps unleash the potential of source and target domain training data, thereby producing more convincing pseudo-labels. Such obtained labels facilitate cross-domain feature alignment and duly improve the invariant concept learning. In our experimental study, we show that the proposed model significantly outperforms SOTA methods in terms of effectiveness and generalisability on SSDA datasets.


文章作者: 木子已
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