2023-03-30 更新

Efficient Scale-Invariant Generator with Column-Row Entangled Pixel Synthesis

Authors:Thuan Hoang Nguyen, Thanh Van Le, Anh Tran

Any-scale image synthesis offers an efficient and scalable solution to synthesize photo-realistic images at any scale, even going beyond 2K resolution. However, existing GAN-based solutions depend excessively on convolutions and a hierarchical architecture, which introduce inconsistency and the $$$texture sticking$"$ issue when scaling the output resolution. From another perspective, INR-based generators are scale-equivariant by design, but their huge memory footprint and slow inference hinder these networks from being adopted in large-scale or real-time systems. In this work, we propose $\textbf{C}$olumn-$\textbf{R}$ow $\textbf{E}$ntangled $\textbf{P}$ixel $\textbf{S}$ynthesis ($\textbf{CREPS}$), a new generative model that is both efficient and scale-equivariant without using any spatial convolutions or coarse-to-fine design. To save memory footprint and make the system scalable, we employ a novel bi-line representation that decomposes layer-wise feature maps into separate $$$thick$”$ column and row encodings. Experiments on various datasets, including FFHQ, LSUN-Church, MetFaces, and Flickr-Scenery, confirm CREPS’ ability to synthesize scale-consistent and alias-free images at any arbitrary resolution with proper training and inference speed. Code is available at
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023; Project Page:


Unsupervised Domain Adaption with Pixel-level Discriminator for Image-aware Layout Generation

Authors:Chenchen Xu, Min Zhou, Tiezheng Ge, Yuning Jiang, Weiwei Xu

Layout is essential for graphic design and poster generation. Recently, applying deep learning models to generate layouts has attracted increasing attention. This paper focuses on using the GAN-based model conditioned on image contents to generate advertising poster graphic layouts, which requires an advertising poster layout dataset with paired product images and graphic layouts. However, the paired images and layouts in the existing dataset are collected by inpainting and annotating posters, respectively. There exists a domain gap between inpainted posters (source domain data) and clean product images (target domain data). Therefore, this paper combines unsupervised domain adaption techniques to design a GAN with a novel pixel-level discriminator (PD), called PDA-GAN, to generate graphic layouts according to image contents. The PD is connected to the shallow level feature map and computes the GAN loss for each input-image pixel. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that PDA-GAN can achieve state-of-the-art performances and generate high-quality image-aware graphic layouts for advertising posters.
PDF 8 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, accepted by CVPR2023


3D-Aware Multi-Class Image-to-Image Translation with NeRFs

Authors:Senmao Li, Joost van de Weijer, Yaxing Wang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Meiqin Liu, Jian Yang

Recent advances in 3D-aware generative models (3D-aware GANs) combined with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have achieved impressive results. However no prior works investigate 3D-aware GANs for 3D consistent multi-class image-to-image (3D-aware I2I) translation. Naively using 2D-I2I translation methods suffers from unrealistic shape/identity change. To perform 3D-aware multi-class I2I translation, we decouple this learning process into a multi-class 3D-aware GAN step and a 3D-aware I2I translation step. In the first step, we propose two novel techniques: a new conditional architecture and an effective training strategy. In the second step, based on the well-trained multi-class 3D-aware GAN architecture, that preserves view-consistency, we construct a 3D-aware I2I translation system. To further reduce the view-consistency problems, we propose several new techniques, including a U-net-like adaptor network design, a hierarchical representation constrain and a relative regularization loss. In extensive experiments on two datasets, quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that we successfully perform 3D-aware I2I translation with multi-view consistency.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


FaceLit: Neural 3D Relightable Faces

Authors:Anurag Ranjan, Kwang Moo Yi, Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Oncel Tuzel

We propose a generative framework, FaceLit, capable of generating a 3D face that can be rendered at various user-defined lighting conditions and views, learned purely from 2D images in-the-wild without any manual annotation. Unlike existing works that require careful capture setup or human labor, we rely on off-the-shelf pose and illumination estimators. With these estimates, we incorporate the Phong reflectance model in the neural volume rendering framework. Our model learns to generate shape and material properties of a face such that, when rendered according to the natural statistics of pose and illumination, produces photorealistic face images with multiview 3D and illumination consistency. Our method enables photorealistic generation of faces with explicit illumination and view controls on multiple datasets - FFHQ, MetFaces and CelebA-HQ. We show state-of-the-art photorealism among 3D aware GANs on FFHQ dataset achieving an FID score of 3.5.


Sequential training of GANs against GAN-classifiers reveals correlated “knowledge gaps” present among independently trained GAN instances

Authors:Arkanath Pathak, Nicholas Dufour

Modern Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) generate realistic images remarkably well. Previous work has demonstrated the feasibility of “GAN-classifiers” that are distinct from the co-trained discriminator, and operate on images generated from a frozen GAN. That such classifiers work at all affirms the existence of “knowledge gaps” (out-of-distribution artifacts across samples) present in GAN training. We iteratively train GAN-classifiers and train GANs that “fool” the classifiers (in an attempt to fill the knowledge gaps), and examine the effect on GAN training dynamics, output quality, and GAN-classifier generalization. We investigate two settings, a small DCGAN architecture trained on low dimensional images (MNIST), and StyleGAN2, a SOTA GAN architecture trained on high dimensional images (FFHQ). We find that the DCGAN is unable to effectively fool a held-out GAN-classifier without compromising the output quality. However, StyleGAN2 can fool held-out classifiers with no change in output quality, and this effect persists over multiple rounds of GAN/classifier training which appears to reveal an ordering over optima in the generator parameter space. Finally, we study different classifier architectures and show that the architecture of the GAN-classifier has a strong influence on the set of its learned artifacts.


OmniAvatar: Geometry-Guided Controllable 3D Head Synthesis

Authors:Hongyi Xu, Guoxian Song, Zihang Jiang, Jianfeng Zhang, Yichun Shi, Jing Liu, Wanchun Ma, Jiashi Feng, Linjie Luo

We present OmniAvatar, a novel geometry-guided 3D head synthesis model trained from in-the-wild unstructured images that is capable of synthesizing diverse identity-preserved 3D heads with compelling dynamic details under full disentangled control over camera poses, facial expressions, head shapes, articulated neck and jaw poses. To achieve such high level of disentangled control, we first explicitly define a novel semantic signed distance function (SDF) around a head geometry (FLAME) conditioned on the control parameters. This semantic SDF allows us to build a differentiable volumetric correspondence map from the observation space to a disentangled canonical space from all the control parameters. We then leverage the 3D-aware GAN framework (EG3D) to synthesize detailed shape and appearance of 3D full heads in the canonical space, followed by a volume rendering step guided by the volumetric correspondence map to output into the observation space. To ensure the control accuracy on the synthesized head shapes and expressions, we introduce a geometry prior loss to conform to head SDF and a control loss to conform to the expression code. Further, we enhance the temporal realism with dynamic details conditioned upon varying expressions and joint poses. Our model can synthesize more preferable identity-preserved 3D heads with compelling dynamic details compared to the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. We also provide an ablation study to justify many of our system design choices.


RobustSwap: A Simple yet Robust Face Swapping Model against Attribute Leakage

Authors:Jaeseong Lee, Taewoo Kim, Sunghyun Park, Younggun Lee, Jaegul Choo

Face swapping aims at injecting a source image’s identity (i.e., facial features) into a target image, while strictly preserving the target’s attributes, which are irrelevant to identity. However, we observed that previous approaches still suffer from source attribute leakage, where the source image’s attributes interfere with the target image’s. In this paper, we analyze the latent space of StyleGAN and find the adequate combination of the latents geared for face swapping task. Based on the findings, we develop a simple yet robust face swapping model, RobustSwap, which is resistant to the potential source attribute leakage. Moreover, we exploit the coordination of 3DMM’s implicit and explicit information as a guidance to incorporate the structure of the source image and the precise pose of the target image. Despite our method solely utilizing an image dataset without identity labels for training, our model has the capability to generate high-fidelity and temporally consistent videos. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations, we demonstrate that our method shows significant improvements compared with the previous face swapping models in synthesizing both images and videos. Project page is available at
PDF 21 pages


4K-HAZE: A Dehazing Benchmark with 4K Resolution Hazy and Haze-Free Images

Authors:Zhuoran Zheng, Xiuyi Jia

Currently, mobile and IoT devices are in dire need of a series of methods to enhance 4K images with limited resource expenditure. The absence of large-scale 4K benchmark datasets hampers progress in this area, especially for dehazing. The challenges in building ultra-high-definition (UHD) dehazing datasets are the absence of estimation methods for UHD depth maps, high-quality 4K depth estimation datasets, and migration strategies for UHD haze images from synthetic to real domains. To address these problems, we develop a novel synthetic method to simulate 4K hazy images (including nighttime and daytime scenes) from clear images, which first estimates the scene depth, simulates the light rays and object reflectance, then migrates the synthetic images to real domains by using a GAN, and finally yields the hazy effects on 4K resolution images. We wrap these synthesized images into a benchmark called the 4K-HAZE dataset. Specifically, we design the CS-Mixer (an MLP-based model that integrates \textbf{C}hannel domain and \textbf{S}patial domain) to estimate the depth map of 4K clear images, the GU-Net to migrate a 4K synthetic image to the real hazy domain. The most appealing aspect of our approach (depth estimation and domain migration) is the capability to run a 4K image on a single GPU with 24G RAM in real-time (33fps). Additionally, this work presents an objective assessment of several state-of-the-art single-image dehazing methods that are evaluated using the 4K-HAZE dataset. At the end of the paper, we discuss the limitations of the 4K-HAZE dataset and its social implications.


From Private to Public: Benchmarking GANs in the Context of Private Time Series Classification

Authors:Dominique Mercier, Andreas Dengel, Sheraz Ahmed

Deep learning has proven to be successful in various domains and for different tasks. However, when it comes to private data several restrictions are making it difficult to use deep learning approaches in these application fields. Recent approaches try to generate data privately instead of applying a privacy-preserving mechanism directly, on top of the classifier. The solution is to create public data from private data in a manner that preserves the privacy of the data. In this work, two very prominent GAN-based architectures were evaluated in the context of private time series classification. In contrast to previous work, mostly limited to the image domain, the scope of this benchmark was the time series domain. The experiments show that especially GSWGAN performs well across a variety of public datasets outperforming the competitor DPWGAN. An analysis of the generated datasets further validates the superiority of GSWGAN in the context of time series generation.
PDF 18 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables


PosterLayout: A New Benchmark and Approach for Content-aware Visual-Textual Presentation Layout

Authors:HsiaoYuan Hsu, Xiangteng He, Yuxin Peng, Hao Kong, Qing Zhang

Content-aware visual-textual presentation layout aims at arranging spatial space on the given canvas for pre-defined elements, including text, logo, and underlay, which is a key to automatic template-free creative graphic design. In practical applications, e.g., poster designs, the canvas is originally non-empty, and both inter-element relationships as well as inter-layer relationships should be concerned when generating a proper layout. A few recent works deal with them simultaneously, but they still suffer from poor graphic performance, such as a lack of layout variety or spatial non-alignment. Since content-aware visual-textual presentation layout is a novel task, we first construct a new dataset named PosterLayout, which consists of 9,974 poster-layout pairs and 905 images, i.e., non-empty canvases. It is more challenging and useful for greater layout variety, domain diversity, and content diversity. Then, we propose design sequence formation (DSF) that reorganizes elements in layouts to imitate the design processes of human designers, and a novel CNN-LSTM-based conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) is presented to generate proper layouts. Specifically, the discriminator is design-sequence-aware and will supervise the “design” process of the generator. Experimental results verify the usefulness of the new benchmark and the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which achieves the best performance by generating suitable layouts for diverse canvases.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023. Dataset and code are available at


Rethinking CycleGAN: Improving Quality of GANs for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Dmitrii Torbunov, Yi Huang, Huan-Hsin Tseng, Haiwang Yu, Jin Huang, Shinjae Yoo, Meifeng Lin, Brett Viren, Yihui Ren

An unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation technique seeks to find a mapping between two domains of data in a fully unsupervised manner. While the initial solutions to the I2I problem were provided by the generative adversarial neural networks (GANs), currently, diffusion models (DM) hold the state-of-the-art status on the I2I translation benchmarks in terms of FID. Yet, they suffer from some limitations, such as not using data from the source domain during the training, or maintaining consistency of the source and translated images only via simple pixel-wise errors. This work revisits the classic CycleGAN model and equips it with recent advancements in model architectures and model training procedures. The revised model is shown to significantly outperform other advanced GAN- and DM-based competitors on a variety of benchmarks. In the case of Male2Female translation of CelebA, the model achieves over 40% improvement in FID score compared to the state-of-the-art results. This work also demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the pixel-wise I2I translation faithfulness metrics and suggests their revision. The code and trained models are available at


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