2022-11-25 更新

ONeRF: Unsupervised 3D Object Segmentation from Multiple Views

Authors:Shengnan Liang, Yichen Liu, Shangzhe Wu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

We present ONeRF, a method that automatically segments and reconstructs object instances in 3D from multi-view RGB images without any additional manual annotations. The segmented 3D objects are represented using separate Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) which allow for various 3D scene editing and novel view rendering. At the core of our method is an unsupervised approach using the iterative Expectation-Maximization algorithm, which effectively aggregates 2D visual features and the corresponding 3D cues from multi-views for joint 3D object segmentation and reconstruction. Unlike existing approaches that can only handle simple objects, our method produces segmented full 3D NeRFs of individual objects with complex shapes, topologies and appearance. The segmented ONeRfs enable a range of 3D scene editing, such as object transformation, insertion and deletion.


FLNeRF: 3D Facial Landmarks Estimation in Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Hao Zhang, Tianyuan Dai, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

This paper presents the first significant work on directly predicting 3D face landmarks on neural radiance fields (NeRFs), without using intermediate representations such as 2D images, depth maps, or point clouds. Our 3D coarse-to-fine Face Landmarks NeRF (FLNeRF) model efficiently samples from the NeRF on the whole face with individual facial features for accurate landmarks. To mitigate the limited number of facial expressions in the available data, local and non-linear NeRF warp is applied at facial features in fine scale to simulate large emotions range, including exaggerated facial expressions (e.g., cheek blowing, wide opening mouth, eye blinking), for training FLNeRF. With such expression augmentation, our model can predict 3D landmarks not limited to the 20 discrete expressions given in the data. Robust 3D NeRF facial landmarks contribute to many downstream tasks. As an example, we modify MoFaNeRF to enable high-quality face editing and swapping using face landmarks on NeRF, allowing more direct control and wider range of complex expressions. Experiments show that the improved model using landmarks achieves comparable to better results.
PDF Hao Zhang and Tianyuan Dai contributed equally. Project website:


SPIDR: SDF-based Neural Point Fields for Illumination and Deformation

Authors:Ruofan Liang, Jiahao Zhang, Haoda Li, Chen Yang, Yushi Guan, Nandita Vijaykumar

Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have recently emerged as a promising approach for 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis. However, NeRF-based methods encode shape, reflectance, and illumination implicitly and this makes it challenging for users to manipulate these properties in the rendered images explicitly. Existing approaches only enable limited editing of the scene and deformation of the geometry. Furthermore, no existing work enables accurate scene illumination after object deformation. In this work, we introduce SPIDR, a new hybrid neural SDF representation. SPIDR combines point cloud and neural implicit representations to enable the reconstruction of higher quality object surfaces for geometry deformation and lighting estimation. meshes and surfaces for object deformation and lighting estimation. To more accurately capture environment illumination for scene relighting, we propose a novel neural implicit model to learn environment light. To enable more accurate illumination updates after deformation, we use the shadow mapping technique to approximate the light visibility updates caused by geometry editing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SPIDR in enabling high quality geometry editing with more accurate updates to the illumination of the scene.
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Exact-NeRF: An Exploration of a Precise Volumetric Parameterization for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Brian K. S. Isaac-Medina, Chris G. Willcocks, Toby P. Breckon

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have attracted significant attention due to their ability to synthesize novel scene views with great accuracy. However, inherent to their underlying formulation, the sampling of points along a ray with zero width may result in ambiguous representations that lead to further rendering artifacts such as aliasing in the final scene. To address this issue, the recent variant mip-NeRF proposes an Integrated Positional Encoding (IPE) based on a conical view frustum. Although this is expressed with an integral formulation, mip-NeRF instead approximates this integral as the expected value of a multivariate Gaussian distribution. This approximation is reliable for short frustums but degrades with highly elongated regions, which arises when dealing with distant scene objects under a larger depth of field. In this paper, we explore the use of an exact approach for calculating the IPE by using a pyramid-based integral formulation instead of an approximated conical-based one. We denote this formulation as Exact-NeRF and contribute the first approach to offer a precise analytical solution to the IPE within the NeRF domain. Our exploratory work illustrates that such an exact formulation Exact-NeRF matches the accuracy of mip-NeRF and furthermore provides a natural extension to more challenging scenarios without further modification, such as in the case of unbounded scenes. Our contribution aims to both address the hitherto unexplored issues of frustum approximation in earlier NeRF work and additionally provide insight into the potential future consideration of analytical solutions in future NeRF extensions.
PDF 15 pages,10 figures


SegNeRF: 3D Part Segmentation with Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Jesus Zarzar, Sara Rojas, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem

Recent advances in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) boast impressive performances for generative tasks such as novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. Methods based on neural radiance fields are able to represent the 3D world implicitly by relying exclusively on posed images. Yet, they have seldom been explored in the realm of discriminative tasks such as 3D part segmentation. In this work, we attempt to bridge that gap by proposing SegNeRF: a neural field representation that integrates a semantic field along with the usual radiance field. SegNeRF inherits from previous works the ability to perform novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, and enables 3D part segmentation from a few images. Our extensive experiments on PartNet show that SegNeRF is capable of simultaneously predicting geometry, appearance, and semantic information from posed images, even for unseen objects. The predicted semantic fields allow SegNeRF to achieve an average mIoU of $\textbf{30.30%}$ for 2D novel view segmentation, and $\textbf{37.46%}$ for 3D part segmentation, boasting competitive performance against point-based methods by using only a few posed images. Additionally, SegNeRF is able to generate an explicit 3D model from a single image of an object taken in the wild, with its corresponding part segmentation.
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Depth-Supervised NeRF for Multi-View RGB-D Operating Room Images

Authors:Beerend G. A. Gerats, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Ivo A. M. J. Broeders

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a powerful novel technology for the reconstruction of 3D scenes from a set of images captured by static cameras. Renders of these reconstructions could play a role in virtual presence in the operating room (OR), e.g. for training purposes. In contrast to existing systems for virtual presence, NeRF can provide real instead of simulated surgeries. This work shows how NeRF can be used for view synthesis in the OR. A depth-supervised NeRF (DS-NeRF) is trained with three or five synchronised cameras that capture the surgical field in knee replacement surgery videos from the 4D-OR dataset. The algorithm is trained and evaluated for images in five distinct phases before and during the surgery. With qualitative analysis, we inspect views synthesised by a virtual camera that moves in 180 degrees around the surgical field. Additionally, we quantitatively inspect view synthesis from an unseen camera position in terms of PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS for the colour channels and in terms of MAE and error percentage for the estimated depth. DS-NeRF generates geometrically consistent views, also from interpolated camera positions. Views are generated from an unseen camera pose with an average PSNR of 17.8 and a depth estimation error of 2.10%. However, due to artefacts and missing of fine details, the synthesised views do not look photo-realistic. Our results show the potential of NeRF for view synthesis in the OR. Recent developments, such as NeRF for video synthesis and training speedups, require further exploration to reveal its full potential.
PDF 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions


Level-S$^2$fM: Structure from Motion on Neural Level Set of Implicit Surfaces

Authors:Yuxi Xiao, Nan Xue, Tianfu Wu, Gui-Song Xia

This paper presents a neural incremental Structure-from-Motion (SfM) approach, Level-S$^2$fM. In our formulation, we aim at simultaneously learning coordinate MLPs for the implicit surfaces and the radiance fields, and estimating the camera poses and scene geometry, which is mainly sourced from the established keypoint correspondences by SIFT. Our formulation would face some new challenges due to inevitable two-view and few-view configurations at the beginning of incremental SfM pipeline for the optimization of coordinate MLPs, but we found that the strong inductive biases conveying in the 2D correspondences are feasible and promising to avoid those challenges by exploiting the relationship between the ray sampling schemes used in volumetric rendering and the sphere tracing of finding the zero-level set of implicit surfaces. Based on this, we revisit the pipeline of incremental SfM and renew the key components of two-view geometry initialization, the camera pose registration, and the 3D points triangulation, as well as the Bundle Adjustment in a novel perspective of neural implicit surfaces. Because the coordinate MLPs unified the scene geometry in small MLP networks, our Level-S$^2$fM treats the zero-level set of the implicit surface as an informative top-down regularization to manage the reconstructed 3D points, reject the outlier of correspondences by querying SDF, adjust the estimated geometries by NBA (Neural BA), finally yielding promising results of 3D reconstruction. Furthermore, our Level-S$^2$fM alleviated the requirement of camera poses for neural 3D reconstruction.
PDF under review


Real-time Neural Radiance Talking Portrait Synthesis via Audio-spatial Decomposition

Authors:Jiaxiang Tang, Kaisiyuan Wang, Hang Zhou, Xiaokang Chen, Dongliang He, Tianshu Hu, Jingtuo Liu, Gang Zeng, Jingdong Wang

While dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown success in high-fidelity 3D modeling of talking portraits, the slow training and inference speed severely obstruct their potential usage. In this paper, we propose an efficient NeRF-based framework that enables real-time synthesizing of talking portraits and faster convergence by leveraging the recent success of grid-based NeRF. Our key insight is to decompose the inherently high-dimensional talking portrait representation into three low-dimensional feature grids. Specifically, a Decomposed Audio-spatial Encoding Module models the dynamic head with a 3D spatial grid and a 2D audio grid. The torso is handled with another 2D grid in a lightweight Pseudo-3D Deformable Module. Both modules focus on efficiency under the premise of good rendering quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate realistic and audio-lips synchronized talking portrait videos, while also being highly efficient compared to previous methods.
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BAD-NeRF: Bundle Adjusted Deblur Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Peng Wang, Lingzhe Zhao, Ruijie Ma, Peidong Liu

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have received considerable attention recently, due to its impressive capability in photo-realistic 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis, given a set of posed camera images. Earlier work usually assumes the input images are in good quality. However, image degradation (e.g. image motion blur in low-light conditions) can easily happen in real-world scenarios, which would further affect the rendering quality of NeRF. In this paper, we present a novel bundle adjusted deblur Neural Radiance Fields (BAD-NeRF), which can be robust to severe motion blurred images and inaccurate camera poses. Our approach models the physical image formation process of a motion blurred image, and jointly learns the parameters of NeRF and recovers the camera motion trajectories during exposure time. In experiments, we show that by directly modeling the real physical image formation process, BAD-NeRF achieves superior performance over prior works on both synthetic and real datasets.


2022-11-25 更新

ActiveRMAP: Radiance Field for Active Mapping And Planning

Authors:Huangying Zhan, Jiyang Zheng, Yi Xu, Ian Reid, Hamid Rezatofighi

A high-quality 3D reconstruction of a scene from a collection of 2D images can be achieved through offline/online mapping methods. In this paper, we explore active mapping from the perspective of implicit representations, which have recently produced compelling results in a variety of applications. One of the most popular implicit representations - Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), first demonstrated photorealistic rendering results using multi-layer perceptrons, with promising offline 3D reconstruction as a by-product of the radiance field. More recently, researchers also applied this implicit representation for online reconstruction and localization (i.e. implicit SLAM systems). However, the study on using implicit representation for active vision tasks is still very limited. In this paper, we are particularly interested in applying the neural radiance field for active mapping and planning problems, which are closely coupled tasks in an active system. We, for the first time, present an RGB-only active vision framework using radiance field representation for active 3D reconstruction and planning in an online manner. Specifically, we formulate this joint task as an iterative dual-stage optimization problem, where we alternatively optimize for the radiance field representation and path planning. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method achieves competitive results compared to other offline methods and outperforms active reconstruction methods using NeRFs.
PDF Under review


ClimateNeRF: Physically-based Neural Rendering for Extreme Climate Synthesis

Authors:Yuan Li, Zhi-Hao Lin, David Forsyth, Jia-Bin Huang, Shenlong Wang

Physical simulations produce excellent predictions of weather effects. Neural radiance fields produce SOTA scene models. We describe a novel NeRF-editing procedure that can fuse physical simulations with NeRF models of scenes, producing realistic movies of physical phenomena inthose scenes. Our application — Climate NeRF — allows people to visualize what climate change outcomes will do to them. ClimateNeRF allows us to render realistic weather effects, including smog, snow, and flood. Results can be controlled with physically meaningful variables like water level. Qualitative and quantitative studies show that our simulated results are significantly more realistic than those from state-of-the-art 2D image editing and 3D NeRF stylization.
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PANeRF: Pseudo-view Augmentation for Improved Neural Radiance Fields Based on Few-shot Inputs

Authors:Young Chun Ahn, Seokhwan Jang, Sungheon Park, Ji-Yeon Kim, Nahyup Kang

The method of neural radiance fields (NeRF) has been developed in recent years, and this technology has promising applications for synthesizing novel views of complex scenes. However, NeRF requires dense input views, typically numbering in the hundreds, for generating high-quality images. With a decrease in the number of input views, the rendering quality of NeRF for unseen viewpoints tends to degenerate drastically. To overcome this challenge, we propose pseudo-view augmentation of NeRF, a scheme that expands a sufficient amount of data by considering the geometry of few-shot inputs. We first initialized the NeRF network by leveraging the expanded pseudo-views, which efficiently minimizes uncertainty when rendering unseen views. Subsequently, we fine-tuned the network by utilizing sparse-view inputs containing precise geometry and color information. Through experiments under various settings, we verified that our model faithfully synthesizes novel-view images of superior quality and outperforms existing methods for multi-view datasets.


Zero NeRF: Registration with Zero Overlap

Authors:Casey Peat, Oliver Batchelor, Richard Green, James Atlas

We present Zero-NeRF, a projective surface registration method that, to the best of our knowledge, offers the first general solution capable of alignment between scene representations with minimal or zero visual correspondence. To do this, we enforce consistency between visible surfaces of partial and complete reconstructions, which allows us to constrain occluded geometry. We use a NeRF as our surface representation and the NeRF rendering pipeline to perform this alignment. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we register real-world scenes from opposite sides with infinitesimal overlaps that cannot be accurately registered using prior methods, and we compare these results against widely used registration methods.


Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors

Authors:Dogyoon Lee, Minhyeok Lee, Chajin Shin, Sangyoun Lee

Neural Radiance Field(NeRF) has exhibited outstanding three-dimensional(3D) reconstruction quality via the novel view synthesis from multi-view images and paired calibrated camera parameters. However, previous NeRF-based systems have been demonstrated under strictly controlled settings, with little attention paid to less ideal scenarios, including with the presence of noise such as exposure, illumination changes, and blur. In particular, though blur frequently occurs in real situations, NeRF that can handle blurred images has received little attention. The few studies that have investigated NeRF for blurred images have not considered geometric and appearance consistency in 3D space, which is one of the most important factors in 3D reconstruction. This leads to inconsistency and the degradation of the perceptual quality of the constructed scene. Hence, this paper proposes a DP-NeRF, a novel clean NeRF framework for blurred images, which is constrained with two physical priors. These priors are derived from the actual blurring process during image acquisition by the camera. DP-NeRF proposes rigid blurring kernel to impose 3D consistency utilizing the physical priors and adaptive weight proposal to refine the color composition error in consideration of the relationship between depth and blur. We present extensive experimental results for synthetic and real scenes with two types of blur: camera motion blur and defocus blur. The results demonstrate that DP-NeRF successfully improves the perceptual quality of the constructed NeRF ensuring 3D geometric and appearance consistency. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our model with comprehensive ablation analysis.


SPIn-NeRF: Multiview Segmentation and Perceptual Inpainting with Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Ashkan Mirzaei, Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Jonathan Kelly, Marcus A. Brubaker, Igor Gilitschenski, Alex Levinshtein

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have emerged as a popular approach for novel view synthesis. While NeRFs are quickly being adapted for a wider set of applications, intuitively editing NeRF scenes is still an open challenge. One important editing task is the removal of unwanted objects from a 3D scene, such that the replaced region is visually plausible and consistent with its context. We refer to this task as 3D inpainting. In 3D, solutions must be both consistent across multiple views and geometrically valid. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D inpainting method that addresses these challenges. Given a small set of posed images and sparse annotations in a single input image, our framework first rapidly obtains a 3D segmentation mask for a target object. Using the mask, a perceptual optimizationbased approach is then introduced that leverages learned 2D image inpainters, distilling their information into 3D space, while ensuring view consistency. We also address the lack of a diverse benchmark for evaluating 3D scene inpainting methods by introducing a dataset comprised of challenging real-world scenes. In particular, our dataset contains views of the same scene with and without a target object, enabling more principled benchmarking of the 3D inpainting task. We first demonstrate the superiority of our approach on multiview segmentation, comparing to NeRFbased methods and 2D segmentation approaches. We then evaluate on the task of 3D inpainting, establishing state-ofthe-art performance against other NeRF manipulation algorithms, as well as a strong 2D image inpainter baseline
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Instant Volumetric Head Avatars

Authors:Wojciech Zielonka, Timo Bolkart, Justus Thies

We present Instant Volumetric Head Avatars (INSTA), a novel approach for reconstructing photo-realistic digital avatars instantaneously. INSTA models a dynamic neural radiance field based on neural graphics primitives embedded around a parametric face model. Our pipeline is trained on a single monocular RGB portrait video that observes the subject under different expressions and views. While state-of-the-art methods take up to several days to train an avatar, our method can reconstruct a digital avatar in less than 10 minutes on modern GPU hardware, which is orders of magnitude faster than previous solutions. In addition, it allows for the interactive rendering of novel poses and expressions. By leveraging the geometry prior of the underlying parametric face model, we demonstrate that INSTA extrapolates to unseen poses. In quantitative and qualitative studies on various subjects, INSTA outperforms state-of-the-art methods regarding rendering quality and training time.
PDF Website: Video:


NeRF-RPN: A general framework for object detection in NeRFs

Authors:Benran Hu, Junkai Huang, Yichen Liu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

This paper presents the first significant object detection framework, NeRF-RPN, which directly operates on NeRF. Given a pre-trained NeRF model, NeRF-RPN aims to detect all bounding boxes of objects in a scene. By exploiting a novel voxel representation that incorporates multi-scale 3D neural volumetric features, we demonstrate it is possible to regress the 3D bounding boxes of objects in NeRF directly without rendering the NeRF at any viewpoint. NeRF-RPN is a general framework and can be applied to detect objects without class labels. We experimented the NeRF-RPN with various backbone architectures, RPN head designs and loss functions. All of them can be trained in an end-to-end manner to estimate high quality 3D bounding boxes. To facilitate future research in object detection for NeRF, we built a new benchmark dataset which consists of both synthetic and real-world data with careful labeling and clean up. Please click for visualizing the 3D region proposals by our NeRF-RPN. Code and dataset will be made available.


HashSDF: Accurate Implicit Surfaces with Fast Local Features on Permutohedral Lattices

Authors:Radu Alexandru Rosu, Sven Behnke

Neural radiance-density field methods have become increasingly popular for the task of novel-view rendering. Their recent extension to hash-based positional encoding ensures fast training and inference with state-of-the-art results. However, density-based methods struggle with recovering accurate surface geometry. Hybrid methods alleviate this issue by optimizing the density based on an underlying SDF. However, current SDF methods are overly smooth and miss fine geometric details. In this work, we combine the strengths of these two lines of work in a novel hash-based implicit surface representation. We propose improvements to the two areas by replacing the voxel hash encoding with a permutohedral lattice which optimizes faster in three and higher dimensions. We additionally propose a regularization scheme which is crucial for recovering high-frequency geometric detail. We evaluate our method on multiple datasets and show that we can recover geometric detail at the level of pores and wrinkles while using only RGB images for supervision. Furthermore, using sphere tracing we can render novel views at 30 fps on an RTX 3090.


Learning-based Inverse Rendering of Complex Indoor Scenes with Differentiable Monte Carlo Raytracing

Authors:Jingsen Zhu, Fujun Luan, Yuchi Huo, Zihao Lin, Zhihua Zhong, Dianbing Xi, Jiaxiang Zheng, Rui Tang, Hujun Bao, Rui Wang

Indoor scenes typically exhibit complex, spatially-varying appearance from global illumination, making inverse rendering a challenging ill-posed problem. This work presents an end-to-end, learning-based inverse rendering framework incorporating differentiable Monte Carlo raytracing with importance sampling. The framework takes a single image as input to jointly recover the underlying geometry, spatially-varying lighting, and photorealistic materials. Specifically, we introduce a physically-based differentiable rendering layer with screen-space ray tracing, resulting in more realistic specular reflections that match the input photo. In addition, we create a large-scale, photorealistic indoor scene dataset with significantly richer details like complex furniture and dedicated decorations. Further, we design a novel out-of-view lighting network with uncertainty-aware refinement leveraging hypernetwork-based neural radiance fields to predict lighting outside the view of the input photo. Through extensive evaluations on common benchmark datasets, we demonstrate superior inverse rendering quality of our method compared to state-of-the-art baselines, enabling various applications such as complex object insertion and material editing with high fidelity. Code and data will be made available at \url{}.


ManVatar : Fast 3D Head Avatar Reconstruction Using Motion-Aware Neural Voxels

Authors:Yuelang Xu, Lizhen Wang, Xiaochen Zhao, Hongwen Zhang, Yebin Liu

With NeRF widely used for facial reenactment, recent methods can recover photo-realistic 3D head avatar from just a monocular video. Unfortunately, the training process of the NeRF-based methods is quite time-consuming, as MLP used in the NeRF-based methods is inefficient and requires too many iterations to converge. To overcome this problem, we propose ManVatar, a fast 3D head avatar reconstruction method using Motion-Aware Neural Voxels. ManVatar is the first to decouple expression motion from canonical appearance for head avatar, and model the expression motion by neural voxels. In particular, the motion-aware neural voxels is generated from the weighted concatenation of multiple 4D tensors. The 4D tensors semantically correspond one-to-one with 3DMM expression bases and share the same weights as 3DMM expression coefficients. Benefiting from our novel representation, the proposed ManVatar can recover photo-realistic head avatars in just 5 minutes (implemented with pure PyTorch), which is significantly faster than the state-of-the-art facial reenactment methods.
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