Diffusion Models

2022-11-25 更新

SinFusion: Training Diffusion Models on a Single Image or Video

Authors:Yaniv Nikankin, Niv Haim, Michal Irani

Diffusion models exhibited tremendous progress in image and video generation, exceeding GANs in quality and diversity. However, they are usually trained on very large datasets and are not naturally adapted to manipulate a given input image or video. In this paper we show how this can be resolved by training a diffusion model on a single input image or video. Our image/video-specific diffusion model (SinFusion) learns the appearance and dynamics of the single image or video, while utilizing the conditioning capabilities of diffusion models. It can solve a wide array of image/video-specific manipulation tasks. In particular, our model can learn from few frames the motion and dynamics of a single input video. It can then generate diverse new video samples of the same dynamic scene, extrapolate short videos into long ones (both forward and backward in time) and perform video upsampling. When trained on a single image, our model shows comparable performance and capabilities to previous single-image models in various image manipulation tasks.
PDF Project Page: https://yanivnik.github.io/sinfusion


2022-11-25 更新

DiffDreamer: Consistent Single-view Perpetual View Generation with Conditional Diffusion Models

Authors:Shengqu Cai, Eric Ryan Chan, Songyou Peng, Mohamad Shahbazi, Anton Obukhov, Luc Van Gool, Gordon Wetzstein

Perpetual view generation — the task of generating long-range novel views by flying into a given image — has been a novel yet promising task. We introduce DiffDreamer, an unsupervised framework capable of synthesizing novel views depicting a long camera trajectory while training solely on internet-collected images of nature scenes. We demonstrate that image-conditioned diffusion models can effectively perform long-range scene extrapolation while preserving both local and global consistency significantly better than prior GAN-based methods. Project page: https://primecai.github.io/diffdreamer .


Latent Video Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Video Generation with Arbitrary Lengths

Authors:Yingqing He, Tianyu Yang, Yong Zhang, Ying Shan, Qifeng Chen

AI-generated content has attracted lots of attention recently, but photo-realistic video synthesis is still challenging. Although many attempts using GANs and autoregressive models have been made in this area, the visual quality and length of generated videos are far from satisfactory. Diffusion models (DMs) are another class of deep generative models and have recently achieved remarkable performance on various image synthesis tasks. However, training image diffusion models usually requires substantial computational resources to achieve a high performance, which makes expanding diffusion models to high-dimensional video synthesis tasks more computationally expensive. To ease this problem while leveraging its advantages, we introduce lightweight video diffusion models that synthesize high-fidelity and arbitrary-long videos from pure noise. Specifically, we propose to perform diffusion and denoising in a low-dimensional 3D latent space, which significantly outperforms previous methods on 3D pixel space when under a limited computational budget. In addition, though trained on tens of frames, our models can generate videos with arbitrary lengths, i.e., thousands of frames, in an autoregressive way. Finally, conditional latent perturbation is further introduced to reduce performance degradation during synthesizing long-duration videos. Extensive experiments on various datasets and generated lengths suggest that our framework is able to sample much more realistic and longer videos than previous approaches, including GAN-based, autoregressive-based, and diffusion-based methods.
PDF Project Page: https://yingqinghe.github.io/LVDM/ Github: https://github.com/YingqingHe/LVDM


Accelerating Diffusion Sampling with Classifier-based Feature Distillation

Authors:Wujie Sun, Defang Chen, Can Wang, Deshi Ye, Yan Feng, Chun Chen

Although diffusion model has shown great potential for generating higher quality images than GANs, slow sampling speed hinders its wide application in practice. Progressive distillation is thus proposed for fast sampling by progressively aligning output images of $N$-step teacher sampler with $N/2$-step student sampler. In this paper, we argue that this distillation-based accelerating method can be further improved, especially for few-step samplers, with our proposed \textbf{C}lassifier-based \textbf{F}eature \textbf{D}istillation (CFD). Instead of aligning output images, we distill teacher’s sharpened feature distribution into the student with a dataset-independent classifier, making the student focus on those important features to improve performance. We also introduce a dataset-oriented loss to further optimize the model. Experiments on CIFAR-10 show the superiority of our method in achieving high quality and fast sampling. Code will be released soon.


SinDiffusion: Learning a Diffusion Model from a Single Natural Image

Authors:Weilun Wang, Jianmin Bao, Wengang Zhou, Dongdong Chen, Dong Chen, Lu Yuan, Houqiang Li

We present SinDiffusion, leveraging denoising diffusion models to capture internal distribution of patches from a single natural image. SinDiffusion significantly improves the quality and diversity of generated samples compared with existing GAN-based approaches. It is based on two core designs. First, SinDiffusion is trained with a single model at a single scale instead of multiple models with progressive growing of scales which serves as the default setting in prior work. This avoids the accumulation of errors, which cause characteristic artifacts in generated results. Second, we identify that a patch-level receptive field of the diffusion network is crucial and effective for capturing the image’s patch statistics, therefore we redesign the network structure of the diffusion model. Coupling these two designs enables us to generate photorealistic and diverse images from a single image. Furthermore, SinDiffusion can be applied to various applications, i.e., text-guided image generation, and image outpainting, due to the inherent capability of diffusion models. Extensive experiments on a wide range of images demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method for modeling the patch distribution.


Semantic Image Synthesis via Diffusion Models

Authors:Weilun Wang, Jianmin Bao, Wengang Zhou, Dongdong Chen, Dong Chen, Lu Yuan, Houqiang Li

Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) have achieved remarkable success in various image generation tasks compared with Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs). Recent work on semantic image synthesis mainly follows the \emph{de facto} GAN-based approaches, which may lead to unsatisfactory quality or diversity of generated images. In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on DDPM for semantic image synthesis. Unlike previous conditional diffusion model directly feeds the semantic layout and noisy image as input to a U-Net structure, which may not fully leverage the information in the input semantic mask, our framework processes semantic layout and noisy image differently. It feeds noisy image to the encoder of the U-Net structure while the semantic layout to the decoder by multi-layer spatially-adaptive normalization operators. To further improve the generation quality and semantic interpretability in semantic image synthesis, we introduce the classifier-free guidance sampling strategy, which acknowledge the scores of an unconditional model for sampling process. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, achieving state-of-the-art performance in terms of fidelity (FID) and diversity (LPIPS).


文章作者: 木子已
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